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About XxDragonzLordxX

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  1. I think there should be a mod where you can press the 'wait' button even when in combat. I think of this mainly because I can't when there is an "Enemy around" even when I can't see the red marker.
  2. This is the sort of thing I was thinking. It sucks that I can't even go in to talk to them about anything without being attacked.
  3. Especially with the Dawnguard DLC. I've finished the Vampire Lord quests and it gets boring really fast. There's no way of becoming a Dawnguard now unless making a whole new Save which is annoying.
  4. I always think I had made the wrong choice, and I would have liked to give the crown to the opposing force, but I had already done the quest sadly.
  5. I would like some kind of Mod to be made in which you are allowed to go to the leader or someone in charge of the faction and be able to leave it. Then the opposing faction would be available to join. In this case, it would be handy for people who don't like Imperials to change to a Stormcloak. Or a Vampire who would like to change to a Dawnguard. Or, what are your suggestions and comment how you'd feel about this.
  6. With or without items on them, it doesn't make a difference for me. I can't drag them, get them off the ground or anything.
  7. I would like to request a Mod that allows you to be able to drag bodies. There is a game I like, called 'The Hidden'. I love the physics how you can drag bodies around and I think it should be implemented. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtxZOdyvS64 In this video at 1:00 is similar to how much of a ragdoll dead bodies should be. It would be fun tossing bodies around like they're nothing. If this is somehow impossible, normal weight would be fine. I'd just like some kind of implement to dragable bodies.
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