Hoping for some much needed help here (although it's nothing urgent, or even important... just an immersion thing) :smile: So I've recently downloaded another NCR replacement armour mod and since downloading it, the mod author has taken it down from the Nexus. What I'm trying to do is remove the balaclavas from the 1st Recon Squad so they will wear the shiny new berets that they've been given in this mod. Now the problem I'm having is that when I try to edit the NPC's inventory via GECK, removing the balaclavas, then saving again, making no other changes, it removes the texture from their armour, leaving it all black. The file is dependant on two other esp files, which I load up in GECK as well and make the actual replacer file the active one. So why does this then mess up their appearance? I am really enjoying my first playthrough as a NCR Trooper using this mod and one or two other that add to the immersion but having the whole of 1st Recon's faces covered in these balaclavas is a little annoying, especially as I'm reaching a point in my game where I'm RP'ing being assigned to 1st Recon at Camp Folorn Hope after helping them at Camp McLarren. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong - I'm sure it's something obvious but I'm missing whatever it is. Open my eyes for me please - can't be a sniper with my eyes shut lol.