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  1. Please allow us an option in the settings to activate the "old" format. The new one might well be more user friendly for phone users but it's just (imo) an awful looking mess on pc.
  2. Thank you for the reply and the suggestion, I'd actually already scanned through that very mod but as it seemed to indicate that it was another singing/instrumental performance I made the choice to continue looking elsewhere, although sadly, that search has still come up empty. Now if the activator for that "performance" could initiate a player dance or other animation instead of another song then it's certainly a step in the right direction.
  3. I've been wanting to play a bard style character for a while now and I'm just gathering a whole stack of mods that I think will compliment that sort of playthrough and the idea came to me that I'd really like it if my character would be able to entertain crowds in more ways than just by playing an instrument. I have already downloaded and installed the great looking Become a Bard (which is sadly still hidden on here but the author has reactivated it on Steam and linked the latest direct download in an add-on mod that is still on here) but whilst it offers all the music playing entertainment my character can offer, it still falls a little short of what I'd envisaged for my proposed character. What I'd really like to be able to do is to entertain the Inn crowds and the Jarls with not only my skill in playing instruments but in singing and dancing and perhaps juggling or knife throwing or any other number of lore friendly ways that would keep the npc's interested and captivated just as singing does and would have them applaud in the same way upon completion (assuming I didn't botch it up during ofc). With absolutely no experience in modding I can't say whether this would be an easy case of taking the npc triggers that tell them a bard is performing a song (so they would watch and react accordingly) and instead of having that character sing/play they would instead perform another action or whether it would be a lot more complex than that and require a huge amount of work to get it to work. I also discovered that there seemingly aren't any lore-friendly dance animations (or that the ones that could be argued that might be lore friendly come with modern music). I went through a whole bunch of the dance animations listed on here and on other sites and didn't really find anything that might fit, although any dance animation that could be set with a lore-friendly music tune playing would still be great. I even checked the romance mod to see if there was anything there, especially in regards to paired dancing but again, didn't find anything (although to be fair I only read through the features, checked the video and a few of the comments, I didn't actually install the mod to inspect it). On the subject of dance still, does anyone know how to quickly and easily replace the awful default Cicero dance with something better? I use the Lively Inns and Taverns mod and having several of the tavern folk all performing that dance at the same time is pretty jarring. So... is this something that would technically even be feasible or am I hoping for the impossible. Also, would anyone even be interested in such a thing? Thoughts and comments appreciated.
  4. Hi all, just a quick one this - I'm currently unable to alter the unarmed running forward animations for my female character. All of the other animations will change when I try out new animation mods but the running forward one refuses to change. I've tried toggling the gender specific animations in FNIS but regardless of what I do, I still end up with the Feminine Running animation from XP32 (which I uninstalled a long time ago).
  5. Hoping for some much needed help here (although it's nothing urgent, or even important... just an immersion thing) :smile: So I've recently downloaded another NCR replacement armour mod and since downloading it, the mod author has taken it down from the Nexus. What I'm trying to do is remove the balaclavas from the 1st Recon Squad so they will wear the shiny new berets that they've been given in this mod. Now the problem I'm having is that when I try to edit the NPC's inventory via GECK, removing the balaclavas, then saving again, making no other changes, it removes the texture from their armour, leaving it all black. The file is dependant on two other esp files, which I load up in GECK as well and make the actual replacer file the active one. So why does this then mess up their appearance? I am really enjoying my first playthrough as a NCR Trooper using this mod and one or two other that add to the immersion but having the whole of 1st Recon's faces covered in these balaclavas is a little annoying, especially as I'm reaching a point in my game where I'm RP'ing being assigned to 1st Recon at Camp Folorn Hope after helping them at Camp McLarren. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong - I'm sure it's something obvious but I'm missing whatever it is. Open my eyes for me please - can't be a sniper with my eyes shut lol.
  6. I apologise for the blatant thread necromancy here but it seemed a little pointless to create a brand new thread when one had already been started (yes, I used the search function). I'm having the exact same issue and from a few youtube vids and pics posted on the net, I can see that I'm not the only one suffering from this. I've run everything through Loot and used FNVedit and everything I have is playing nicely together but my pistol sits exactly as the OP describes it - something it definitely doesn't do in the vanilla game (I'm currently watching one of Gopher's let's play runs on FNV and noticed that his sits this way as well, although it doesn't seem to bother him lol). So, any ideas what's causing it and how I might get it back to where it should be? I'm using the T6Mf body replacer, the same weapon animation replacer as the OP and I'm also using the "A Familiar Friend" mod - the Pipboy 2500 (which is my best bet for what's causing this but as I only end up staring at my bare forearm when I uninstall it, I'm at a loss for how to get around that lol). Please, help me get this sorted so I can finally use pistols again - I'm avoiding them as much as possible right now as I hate how it looks when "holstered". I've included my current load order below just incase someone is able to spot any obvious glaringly wrong mistakes that might be causing this annoying bug:
  7. Just a quick update... it's work brilliantly for the males but both females now have a brown forehead but the rest of the face matches the body colour. I've tried to play around with the face tint in CK but I can't get it to stop being a shade of brown. Any ideas? Thanks again though for sorting the guys out :)
  8. Hoping for solution to the issue where all npc's added by this mod have caucasian faces with typical Orc coloured bodies. Is there a way to fix this through the console or is it going to need a more in-depth fix? Loving the mod, just don't like the mis-matched head/body colours.
  9. Sorry if this is a really stupid question, or if it's being posted in the wrong place (it seems as if it should be here but I've been wrong before lol) but is there a way to have the above mods in-game and not have the awful looking vanilla NPC's? I love the idea of having a completely unique character that moves, lounges around and looks completely different to everyone else but having all that at the cost of every person I meet being covered in dirt and being ugly as sin really isn't appealing. I've actually disabled both mods atm until I find a workaround. One of the mods came with a warning that altering NPC appearance would result in their head being a much darker shade than their body, so I've not actually played about much with it. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Oh and uh, the simpler the instructions, the better lol :)
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