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Posts posted by XunAmarox

  1. I think some people just need to pay more attention.


    Pack zip, 7z, rar from here -> [My Mod Folder] / [Data/Meshes/Textures/Etc] / [Modded File]


    ^ is standard


    Generally it'll be like...


    [My Mod Folder] [Read Me] [+ Image(s)] [+ Optional Files] / [Data/Meshes/Textures/Etc] / [Modded File]

  2. Nope... Only thing I had any measure of difficulty with were dragons, and that's just cause they're damn near impossible to hit with my bow and they don't land nearly enough.


    Nothing else, really. Except maybe some of those really insane drauger early on, if I didn't get the drop on them. I'd still win though.


    But for me, I'd quick save often and if a sneak attack failed I would always reload. Why? I wanted each of my kills to be perfect and flawless, completely undetected. I redid some things over and over even 10+ times just to get it perfect stealth kills. I could have passed them easily on the first try even without perfection, but I still went for being perfect just for my own satisfaction.


    With a bow and a dagger, you can kill just about any number of npc's without them ever reaching you.

  3. I do not love them, no. I don't even like them, dare I say my feelings towards them are quite the opposite.


    They banned the worship of Talos. Talos is a divine. They are jealous because a human could become a divine, and they believe that privilege should only belong to the Altmer. If Talos was not truly a god, you would not receive his blessing at his shrine. It is proof in itself that the Thalmor are wrong.


    What's more, they abduct and torture random people all throughout the land. That doesn't exactly scream some entity I should love.


    The only thing I like are their fancy robes and elven armor.


    I was quite disappointed, too, that during my trip to the Embassy on my High Elf I created exclusively to do this, couldn't put on the Thalmor outfit in the back room and pass off as one of the Thalmor in front of those two guards. It didn't work on any of my other characters, but I figured maybe a High Elf, since they're at least the right race, but no... They even talked about getting a bunch of new mages, so they wouldn't know everyone's faces. But they still attacked me on sight, while in Thalmor disguise.... That's just bad design on Bethesda's part.


    I was also disappointed when dressing as an Imperial soldier (in every sort of Imperial armor possible) couldn't persuade them to allow me to pass at a certain fort attempting to rescue a certain npc. I wasn't just dressed as an Imperial soldier either... I was a Legate in the Imperial Legion. An officer! Ugh... such disappointing things revolving around the Thalmor...

  4. You can simply add wanted perks with console, no need for points...


    yeah but it takes ages to find the perks you want and if you try a tiered perk (ie ones that use more than one point) then you have to do it in a very specific order or you can seriously f*** your game up!


    Not really.


    help "perk name" 0


    It'll list all of them with that name, and it doesn't need to be in the right order, as long as you add all of them of that particular perk in one go.


    I've done it at least 30+ times. :/

  5. i think you should be able to work your way up to high king/queen eventualy


    I don't think a newborn, even dragonborn should be able to be the ruler of an entire region of vampires like that. I mean, they must be thousands and thousands of years old. Though, I do think being the equivalent of a vampire jarl would be somewhat appropriate.


    It would still be unprecedented for a newborn. But, it could be something about being dragonborn. Maybe the vampirism at high enough levels somehow awakens your inner dragon. Maybe that would be how you could get wings at some point. And maybe, just maybe... at the very end, get a dragon transformation to actually become a dragon. Yeah... I think that would be awesome.

  6. I wonder.... What would happen if you killed them, remarried, THEN you resurrected them!


    ...married to both?


    Unmarried to first?


    No longer married to second?


    Oh the possibilities...

  7. If you have the PC version, open the console with ~ key and type tgm

    It will enable god mode and you can carry all the items in the world if you want to. Type tgm again and you're back to normal.:thumbsup:


    You still can't travel with a carriage.


    player.modav carryweight #




    player.modav carryweight 2000


    That's the command to use.

  8. They just said the "week" after Thanksgiving. Not particularly at the beginning of the week. It could be Friday at Midnight for all we know.


    And keep in mind, this is just a rumor.


    And while I wish for the CS, I doubt it'll come with the patch.

  9. Unfortunately, I didn't level up unintentionally for what would have been like 50 levels, but.... I actually wanted to level up. xD...


    And... the Daedric Artifacts require certain levels, I know that much.

  10. What about wings for gliding or not possible? Just imaginig jumping off a cliff face in the dark of night landing on some poor unsuspecting npc muhaha bit like van helsing or something?


    That's definitely out of the realm of my abilities, but if someone else could do it, then sure. Having wings and horns as some kind of second transformation or something for vampires, where you could fly, could be really cool.

  11. Just a thought, Templars of Stendarr could hunt you. Or maybe some new faction.


    Possibly. But being hunted isn't too fun. Maybe if they say that they're hunting them, but in play it's the vampires that do the hunting of the templars in retaliation and what have you...


    Also, in stead of a "we know." letter like the DB, maybe something that seems harmless, like a party invite?


    Well, I guess that's an idea... But according to lore, the Volkihar don't leave their dens (beneath frozen haunted lakes) except to feed. Not quite the type to have parties, I'm afraid... I actually envision them a lot like the Dark Brotherhood... you probably noticed a lot of similarities.

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