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Everything posted by Campaigner

  1. I'm having problems combining 3 mods. One mod has weapons, spells, and items. One mod has head parts (eyes only). One mod adds a cell. In hindsight, I should've just built it all into the one mod with the items, but I didn't do it because of bad foresight. I don't get any errors in TES5Edit at first, but when I open the combined mod, it stops loading and tells me the following line; "[00:49] Background Loader: Fatal: <EAssertionFailed: Assertion failure (D:\Projects\TES5Edit\wbImplementation.pas, line 10859)>" Opening the mod in the construction kit says a dozen errors about duplicate IDs, and just stops loading after a short time. My D:\ drive isn't in use (not to mention that it's a CD drive with nothing in it), so I can't go check that. I can easily throw the eye edits into the big file, but remaking that cell will be a pain. What happened, and why is it doing this?
  2. My request is for a backpack fit for a hunter/trader, yet also made for a beast to carry. I had a crazy dream that involved a man who had a caravan of bears that he tamed, and they all carried his hunting trophies; tusks, pelts, wine and ale, and so on. I also butchered him and killed the bears for his loot, but that's a different story; the fact that he had BEARS as pack mules was awesome. So, I come bearing a request; a "Pack Mule" Bear model. The bear in my dream was a cave bear, having dark brown fur and being big. It carried a hefty backpack that pretty much looked like a Trojan tank made from various hunter and trader things. The bear itself never tried to rear up and smack me, so preferably an animation set for a bear without the attack where it stands on its hind legs would be fitting for this. That's optional though, if editing an animation set is too much work. The backpack consists of the following objects; - Square shaped East Empire Company crate as the "backpack" - Cow hide covering the bottom of the crate (because a big box obviously would hurt) - Large Antlers held on top of the crate by rope (The ingredient) - One mammoth Tusk on both sides, facing forward. Held by the same ropes as the antlers - a rolled Horse Hide on the front, next to the tusks, and held on by rope - Firebrand Wine Case on the back, with a few bottles of wine, and held on by the same ropes as the Horse Hide - A quiver full of steel arrows on the right side, under the antlers - Imperial Bow resting on top of the quiver - A Bear Pelt on the left, under the antlers - Three Steel Daggers sheathed and facing up, on the right side under the tusk All of this, combined into a nifty "pack mule" appearance, and worn by a bear. If someone would be so kind as to make this, that would be amazing.
  3. There is a keyword "magicnoreanimate" which prevents reanimate spells from being applied to certain actors. Naturally, this keyword is used on things like mechanical NPCs or Dragons which cannot be reanimated. It is used by several NPC's, Races, and Magic Effects which cause the reanimation. I figured it was most likely that the culprit would be on a magic effect or quest, where the actor that is decapitated either fills an alias with the keyword or a magic effect is applied with the keyword when it is decapitated, thus preventing reanimation. I could not find any magic effects that looked suspicious, but I did notice a quest in there. DA02 is the name of the quest. Try taking a look at that. Though it seems unlikely. The other place to look is in perks. There might be some conditionals or wonky stuff that is doing what you say. Sadly, I've already been fiddling with the "MagicNoReanimate", as the mod I'm making takes that off of certain NPCs like Kodlak and Vigilant Adalvald, and it's not applied to player races unfortunately. For the quest, that's Boethiah's quest, and it's only there because headless NPCs don't get revived by Boethiah. Can't see anything else in that. Looking through all the perks now. Chances are I might have to do a hack-job and just put conditions saying "GetisRace (blahblah) == 0" for every race that shouldn't be reanimated, but that'd be sloppy. Hopefully I don't have to do that. EDIT: Sadly, there were no perks that had any notice of changing the head to the severed one. I also tried to remove the keyword "MagicNoReanimate" from all of the reanimate spells, but that still didn't work.
  4. Simple question this time, but the answer just keeps eluding me: How do I set it so that decapitation does not prevent reviving the decapitated NPC? A while ago, I did this for a personal mod, and subsequently deleted it because of bugs. Now that I know how to properly edit things in the CK (other than scripts), I can't find whatever it is that controls this. It's not the Actor Value for Decapitation (there isn't one, either), it's not in the armor "DecapitatedHead" or "DecapitatedNeck", and looking through each playable race yields no results. I really want to raise the headless dead again, but no mod does it for some reason. Could someone help me find this value, keyword, or whatever controls it?
  5. I've been trying to follow a guide on youtube for making a quest. So far, I have everything working, except for two aspects; - NPC doesn't talk - Note given to the player is blank The tutorial I've followed; What's causing this? I've followed the guide, and there's a few comments asking, but it's been over a month since they asked with no comment fixing the issue or explaining what happened. I have a custom sound file for my NPC, and the note does have text when I edit it in the creation kit.
  6. Hello all, I'm hoping someone can help me find the problem I'm currently facing in my Werebeast Transformations Plus mod. Everything that was already in place worked just fine for me two days ago. Also two days ago, I had an issue with several things that made me reinstall the game. Now, I had the most up-to-date version of my mod uploaded, and that was the one that worked in every way except reaching the perk tree. This problem isn't about the perk tree however; my Werebear form cannot feed for some reason. Rather than feed, it brings up the Search option. I can do everything else properly as a Werebear, including benefiting from the perks, but feeding isn't working properly. Scripting isn't exactly my thing, so I might've screwed up with a script. Would anyone be willing to rip my mod apart and help me find this problem? I've spent about four hours trying to figure out what's wrong, and everything is in order as far as I can see, and nobody else is reporting this problem, so it's something on my end.
  7. The console code you provided doesn't work, sadly. "PlayerisWerewolf" not found, and whatnot.
  8. <p>EDIT: Forget about it, I'll just reinstall. This issue is slowing me down, and I don't want to bother people over it. If it ain't on google, a good reinstall should be enough to fix it. I have a ton of junk from other mods I deleted anyway, so that might be the problem. DOUBLE EDIT: Nexus, why did you give me so many paragraph lines? Great job. </p> <p> </p> <p>Hello Nexus, I seem to be having an odd problem that just happened to occur out of nowhere; Beast Form (provided by the Companions questline) does absolutely nothing. I've done the following in an attempt to fix it:</p> <p> </p> <p>- Disabled all mods</p> <p>- Made a fresh save without any mods active, including the official DLC</p> <p>- Tried removing and adding the spell manually</p> <p>- Tried using the Ring of Hircine</p> <p>- Tried using BSA Browser, taking every script, and placing them in the folder while overwriting any scripts I already had</p> <p>- Searched Google to no avail</p> <p>- Tried favoriting and unfavoriting the Beast Form Spell</p> <p>- Changing my shout button configuration</p> <p> </p> <p>I'm at a loss here. The only thing I haven't done is reinstall, but I don't want to resort to that seeing as how my internet connection is incredibly weak due to throttling by my ISP, and bad internet means horrible steam download speed. What could be causing this, and how do I fix it?</p> <p> </p> <p>It's incredibly hard to test and fix my current Werebear mod when I can't even access Werewolf form.</p>
  9. That's right, cutting to the chase. I'm looking for a bunnysuit that is any color, and is for the UNP body. I swear I saw one a while ago, but I cannot find it for the life of me as every site I go to has dead rapidshare or mediafire links, and the only one on the Nexus is a remodel of some normal armor. There's a version of this on the Fallout 3 nexus for reference here: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/5052 Only things I ask for in the suit are as follows; - Fits the UNP body and UNP Slim body - any breast size between the generic A cup to the D cup. - any dull colors that fit in Skyrim's color scheme. Nothing bright. Red, blue, purple, black, white, whatever; any color is fine. - Not shiny. I like my clothes made out of cloth, not rubber! - Covers the body properly. As much of a pervert as I am asking this request, I'd like it if the nippes were not visible from random angles. Gotta have SOME decency, after all. I would be very grateful if someone did this. I could do the texturing if you had a UV map and didn't want to texture it.
  10. <p>Awesome, I didn't think it was that easy. Truth be told, I didn't even think I could right click in that part of the spell page.<br /> <br /> Thanks for the help! Hopefully this will make up for the CK being a royal jerk and not letting me access the perk tree directly.<br /> <br /> EDIT: I realize that adding 5 damage each perk level isn't going to exactly work the way percentages would. How could I emulate a percentage in a spell?</p> <p> </p> <p>EDIT 2: I just mixed using perks and abilities. This should be a good temporary fix until I finally figure out how to access the perk tree. Again, thanks for the help!</p>
  11. I've been actively working my butt off on trying to get the Werebear in my mod "Werebeast Transformation Plus" to have access to the Dawnguard perk tree, but to absolutely no avail. Just a bit ago, I came up with some wacky idea that most likely won't work, but it's worth a try. Say I have a fresh save, just completed the quest to become a Werewolf, and I've just killed and eaten every Silver Hand member in the castle where Aela helps. I have enough points to unlock one Werewolf Perk (probably more, but for example's sake, only one), and I activate Bestial Strength Rank 1 (25% extra unarmed damage as a Werewolf, or +5 damage as 20 is base damage). My character now has this perk active, and my Werewolf does more damage. Now, as my Werebear currently does not have compatibility with the perks (which requires a lot of perk editing), it does not benefit from the extra 5 points of unarmed damage. My theory goes here. Say I were to create a spell that duplicates the extra 20% unarmed damage, and apply it to the Werebear. Right there, the Werebear would have 25 base damage due to an active spell giving extra damage. I want this spell to only be active when the player has the perk that gives the Werewolf the extra damage. How would I go about setting up a spell/ability that is only active if a perk is active?
  12. My most recent mod, Werebear Transformation Plus, is currently plagued by a single issue; I cannot access the Werewolf Perk Tree. Among all the bugs it has, I've fixed all but this simple bug. I've found a cause, but cannot apply a fix. Here's what I've found so far; The actor value "WerewolfPerks" is what controls the perk tree for the werewolf. Checking its Use Info does not show that it's used by anything, including scripts. Editing the perks themselves allows me to make them work for any race, including my custom transformation races, but the Character Menu is not avaialble. Sadly, that's as far as I can get. I've looked through all the scripts related to werewolves, and not one lets me edit how to access the perk tree. There's got to be something I'm missing. Please help me figure this out, as it's the last remaining bug that's causing me trouble with this mod. Some simple script or something to apply the actor value should do it, but I can't figure that out either.
  13. First off, let's take a look at the Briarheart Forsworn. These lunatics run around with their heart carved out and replaced by a bloody head of lettuce. I thought this was the coolest thing, and so I tried to make the Briarheart item something I could equip. Turns out the chest is...really low quality, and no matter how much texture editing I do, it's always got a horrible neck seam. So, my request is for a remake of the Forsworn Briarheart's chest, and matched to the Ragged Trousers. Preferably two variants; one with an empty cavity, and one with the briarheart in it. Lastly, two items in the DLC have a harness, which for the NPC houses a Heartstone in their chest. These two armors are General Carius' Armor (Unplayable, male only) and Telvanni Robes (Female only). When I fiddled in the CK, I found that the heartstone itself was a necklace, and the armor just had an indent in it to allow for the necklace to appear through it. So, I'd like to request two armors and one clothing item to get the heartstone treatment (harness and indented area for BOTH genders; Carved Nordic Armor, Chitin Armor (Light), Ragged Trousers I'd be grateful if someone could do these!
  14. Hello Nexus, I'm having a very tedious issue. I made a new eye texture that looks decent on its own, but I intend for it to glow yellow. Thing is, when I apply my glow map, it does not work. Following this guide: http://mdaggerhartskyrimscrolls.blogspot.com/2012/07/skyrim-modding-custom-eyes.html When I open the texture set, there's options for the diffuse, normal, environment, glow, height, another environment, multilayer, and backlight mask. When I apply my dds file for the eye texture, which is saved as "DXT1 RGB 4 bpp | No Alpha", nothing changes. When I check other eye mods that have a nice glow, they show no glowmaps, which really confuses me. How do I get a glow map for an eye texture? There's no mesh involved, so using nifskope seems illogical.
  15. My request is for a simple weapon that humorously doesn't have any evidence of existing outside of implications from priests. In Japan, there's a weapon called "Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi", which translates to "Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven". It is one of the three Imperial Regalia of Japan, with the other two being a shield called "Yata no Kagami" and a jewel called "Yasakani no Magatama". Doing a bit of quick research, the Blades Shield in the game resembles the Yata no Kagami almost spot on; this blew my mind when I realized this. I looked for any other resemblances with the Blades and the other two treasures, but none are to be found. So, seeing as how the jewel looks like a curled up turd, I'd like to see the sword brought into the game. While its real appearance isn't known, and it's been rendered thousands of times in various media as different types of swords, the most notable and reasonable one is an artist's rendition found at the first reference link below. It is not a "katana" in the sense of what westerners see in Japanese swords, but more of an iron longsword. While many forms of media depict it as a katana, such as Naruto and Final Fantasy, they tend to go overboard with the design and make it seem more like a joke weapon. Legendary weapons don't need to be highly ornate, or even slender and exotic. The reference shows a very simple wave shape, almost like a very wide serrated edge. The hilt is practically the same as the Iron Sword in Skyrim, while the blade is similar to the Orcish swords. My second image, quickly rendered in photoshop, shows how large it should be; just a smidge bigger than an Iron Sword, and equally wide. Color would preferably be an ebony black, but on a not-so-shiny surface. Rusted preferred, but a clean model would be nice as well. There are plenty of free-to-use rusted metal textures across the internet, and I'd greatly suggest one of the two listed under the references. It'd make the texturing much quicker and easier in the long run to use the free textures! If you do use the textures, make sure to give credit to the artists who provided them. After all, the quality is amazing! Thank you for reading my request, and I hope someone is interested in the idea! Reference 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusanagi Reference 2: http://imgur.com/rdZtb (I can't post attachments for some reason) Textures 1: http://www.mayang.com/textures/Metal/html/Flat%20Metal%20Textures/index.html Textures 2: http://nighty-stock.deviantart.com/gallery/ EDIT: Apparently I can't link images outside of the nexus. Oh well, everything is in the reference and texture pages.
  16. I've tried and tried, but I can't figure it out. So, I come bearing a request for someone who's not an idiot with the CK like me. I'd like to request the following random events be more common; - Hired Thugs for theft - Hired Thugs for murder - Random Bandit Encounters - Fugitive giving you an item and running from someone - Noble traveling with bodyguard - Skooma Dealer - Old Orc fight ("I want to die in my prime" or whatever he says) - Taunting Adventurer - Witch fighting Atronach - Werewolf Kills Loved One - Namira Cultist Offers the First Bite I'm constantly found making people angry in the game, and it feels wrong that they don't do anything and the thugs are very rare. I love being attacked, finding the contractor, and going to them for some fist-to-face justice, but I never get it to happen. The same situations happen with all of the ones I listed. Could someone make these happen on a more common basis? I don't care if it's just twice as often or 100x as often, a boost in seeing the listed events would be awesome. Also, please remove the level requirements. Requirements that are quests, like Proving Honor for the werewolf one, are fine as they are, but the level minimum is annoying.
  17. While I can't agree that it was a good show, it did have some spectacular designs. Asuna and the knights from the first game had nice aesthetics, and looked like paladins, so it was a nice appearance to see in a fantasy realm. Kirito's coat was a bit meh, seeing as it was just a trenchcoat with less buckles. Asuna's Rapier and Kirito's second sword would certainly be nice additions to the game, seeing as how the only fantasy swords we have outside of LOTR and Jaysus' work are from other games, yet barely any from non-playable visual media. I would certainly love seeing both male and female variants of the outfits, seeing as how the knight outfit was different for men, and Kirito's coat is...well, a coat, so that could easily be fit for females. Personally, that Dark Repulser is the most interesting design out of the images you've provided. It's not over the top, and it would fit well as a glass weapon due to the green tint it has. Here's hoping your request sees the light of day on the released list!
  18. I certainly will. Again, thank you for your assistance. EDIT: Apparently I goofed and didn't get the altered run speed right. I changed the acceleration rate in the beast's race data, but that obviously wasn't right. How can I edit run speed for a race? EDIT2: Nevermind, found it. Had to make a detrimental ability. EDIT3: New "problem" appeared. not really a big thing, but silly; The end of the feeding animation covers the body with a black coat, kind of like the Ebony Mail's crouch ability. This only lasts for a second, and disappears right after. Doesn't affect gameplay or have any lasting effects, but it's a silly visual bug. Kind of want to remove it, but I can think of a "lore" reason it happens if it can't be fixed. Otherwise, can't access the Werewolf perks, yet it benefits from them. This is a minor inconvenience, but that's fine. Not like the perks really help all that much anyway.
  19. Alright, looking at what yours had that mine didn't, I noticed the following: - WerewolfFeedperk is applied to the player by default. Just takes the right conditions for you to use it (read; be a werewolf) - There's a spell for WerewolfFeed, and it's used in the Feed Boost property of a script in PlayerWerewolfQuest - Your mod adds something related to Venison. That sounds pretty darn cool. This seems like all I was missing that yours has. Time to test it and be disappointed because I probably missed something again! Can't always get it right the first time, after all. EDIT: You will not believe the absurdly painful smile on my face right now. I got it to work by just changing this little bit. Feeding adds to Werewolf perks, but until there's a way to add an entirely new perk tree, I'm totally fine with this. Thank you kindly for your continued assistance in helping a novice modder learn to create something complex! When I publish this mod, you will be given quite a bit of credit for all the help you've provided. I couldn't have done this without your help, thank you. I'm probably being too grateful, but I'm truly quite happy with this as it's the most complex thing I've dealt with since a college class I flunked twice that I dare not name.
  20. Quick question, hopefully with an answer. I'm trying to mix three helmets together in one nif, as in moving each separate helmet into one nif, having the helmets link to the same nodes as the first helmet, and having it worn as one simple helm. Thing is, only one of these three helms show at any time, and generally just the last helmet I add to the list. Is this something that requires a 3d program, or am I just being dumb and missing something in nifskope? EDIT: I got it partly working by doing this; Open Nif 1 Open Nif 2 Copy NiNode of Nif 2 Paste Branch the NiNode in Nif 1 Right Click > Branch > Flatten Branch on the pasted NiNode This works almost completely. The helms I am using are Jagged Crown (BoneCrown.nif), Ancient Nord Helmet (Male version, DraugrHelmetMale_1), and Yngol's Helm (Male version, YngolsHelm_1). Jagged Crown mixed with Yngol works, Jagged Crown with Ancient Nord works, but any combination of Yngol and Ancient Nord causes either helm to move awkwardly in odd directions. Don't quite know why it does that. Some help on the matter would be nice. EDIT 2: The following combinations won't work, and I can't figure out why. Yngol to Jagged Crown Yngol to Ancient Nord Ancient Nord to Yngol Yet Jagged Crown to Yngol works. As in, Open Yngol, paste Jagged Crown on. Opening Jagged Crown and pasting Yngol makes Yngol's helm rotate oddly and improperly. EDIT 3: Jagged Crown + Ancient Nord Helmet works. Jagged Crown + Yngol's Helmet works. Ancient Nord Helmet + Yngol Helmet does not work. All three at once does not work. Any combination for Argonians, Khajiit, and Orc crashes the CK. I don't understand this nonsense. EDIT 4: They don't even show ingame. They work just fine in the CK, but ingame, it's just one helmet, no visibility of the other parts. Does this REQUIRE a 3d program?
  21. Good day Nexus, I have spectacular news! I got the scripts working. My beast (currently a really ugly recolored skin) works, but only partially. I can: - Transform - Howl - Attack and Sprint - Loot bodies (dunno why) - Pick up stuff and I can't: - Feed - Access the Perks menu I consider this a huge success as is, but I want to fix the unusual features. How do I make it so the custom werewolf can feed and access perks, but can't loot?
  22. Graphically, I'm in luck because the Werebear, which I aim to make when we get Dragonborn, literally is a Werewolf with a bear appearance, so that "work" is already done in the future. Seeing as it's 5 am here, I won't do it right now. I will try this tomorrow, and will report any bugs I find in hopes that you can assist me in fixing them! Thanks for assisting me thus far.
  23. I did indeed extract them incorrectly. Good call there. Off an on, I've been doing this all day. I'm still so very lost on where to start. Looking at what I wrote down, some things don't add up or show later than I pointed out. Gonna have to rewrite a chunk of this, bleh. EDIT: Finished writing it all down. That was...oddly less than I expected. I copied down what changes I saw for your Alpha Werewolf, and below is what I saw as the heirarchy: 1. Duplicate WerewolfBeastRace 2. Open the duplicated race 3. Under General Data, choose the Specials (Abilities), and change Copied Data to WerewolfBeastRace 4. Close the window, save progress. 5. Search for SkinNakedWerewolfBeast, and duplicate it 6. Search for NakedTorsoWerewolfBeast, and duplicate it 7. Open NakedTorsoWerewolfBeastDUPLICATE, and select your biped model for both genders. 8. Select your custom race under Additional Races. Leave the Race alone at the top. Close. 9. Open SkinNakedWerewolfBeastDUPLICATE, and add your NakedTorsoWerewolfBeastDUPLICATE. Delete the original. 10. Go back to your new race, and select Body Data. Change Skin to your new skin. 11. Close the window, and save. 12. Search for PlayerWerewolfQuest, and duplicate it. 13. Open PlayerWerewolfQuestDUPLICATE, go to Quest Aliases tab, double click the Player alias, right click PlayerWerewolfScript, and edit source. 14. Copy it all, and create a new script of the same effect and properties, but with your own name. Delete the previous installment of PlayerWerewolfScript, and keep yours. 15. Close window, and save. 16. Search for WerewolfChangeEffect, and open it. 17. Create a new script that extends ActiveMagicEffect. 18. Use the following script: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ;======================================================================================; ; PROPERTIES / ;=============/ Quest Property PlayerWerewolfQuest auto Spell Property VFXSpell auto Race Property Werewolf Auto GlobalVariable Property PlayerWerewolfShiftBackTime Auto Actor Property Player Auto ;======================================================================================; ; EVENTS / ;=============/ Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) if Player.GetRace() != Werewolf PlayerWerewolfQuest.Start() VFXSpell.Cast(Target) else PlayerWerewolfShiftBackTime.SetValue(1.0) endif EndEvent ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 19. Replace both instances of PlayerWerewolfQuest with your quest. 20. Change the properties of your script to match the old script. Replace any Werewolf properties with your edits of the same name. Ignore VFXSpell for now. 21. Close the window, and save. 22. Search for WerewolfChangeFXEffect, and duplicate it. 23. Open the duplicate, and create a new script. It extends ActiveMagicEffect 24. Right click WerewolfTransformVisual, and edit source. Copy EVERYTHING to notepad. Close the open script. 25. In Notepad, find the line "CompanionsHousekeepingScript chs = (PlayerWerewolfQuest as PlayerWerewolfChangeScript)" 26. Change PlayerWerewolfQuest and PlayerWerewolfChangeScript to match your quest and script from earlier. 27. Find the line "PlayerWerewolfQuest.SetStage(1)" and change the quest to your quest. 28. Right click your new script, and edit source. Paste the altered script into the script editor, compile, and save. 29. Edit the properties. Change PlayerWerewolfQuest to your quest, and WerewolfRace to your race. 30. Close the properties window, and save your magic effect. Save the file. 31. Search for WerewolfChangeEffect, and duplicate it. 32. Open WerewolfChangeEffectDUPLICATE, and create a new script. 33. Use the following script: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Scriptname &YOURSCRIPTNAMEHERE& extends activemagiceffect {Scripted effect for the werewolf change} ;======================================================================================; ; PROPERTIES / ;=============/ Quest Property &YOURQUESTHERE& auto Spell Property VFXSpell auto Race Property Werewolf Auto GlobalVariable Property PlayerWerewolfShiftBackTime Auto Actor Property Player Auto ;======================================================================================; ; EVENTS / ;=============/ Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) if Player.GetRace() != Werewolf &YOURQUESTHERE&.Start() VFXSpell.Cast(Target) else PlayerWerewolfShiftBackTime.SetValue(1.0) endif EndEvent ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 34. Replace &YOURQUESTHERE& with the exact id of your quest. Change &YOURSCRIPTNAMEHERE& to whatever your script's ID is. 35. Open WerewolfChangeFXEffect, and edit source of the werewolftransformvisual script. 36. Find the following lines and edit accordingly: "Quest Property PlayerWerewolfQuest auto" - Change PlayerWerewolfQuest to your quest from step 13. "CompanionsHousekeepingScript chs = (PlayerWerewolfQuest as PlayerWerewolfChangeScript).CompanionsTrackingQuest as CompanionsHousekeepingScript" - Change PlayerWerewolfQuest to your quest from step 13. - Change PlayerWerewolfChangeScript to your script from step 18. 37. Compile and save the script. 38. Change the script's properties to match the original script, replacing Werewolf properties with yours of the same name. 39. Search for the perk PlayerWerewolfFeed, and duplicate it. 40. Each of the perk entries will shift order every time they are edited, with three having the same name. Edit them to replace Werewolf-related objects with your objects, such as WerewolfRace with your race. 41. Go back to your edited WerewolfChangeEffect MGEF. Edit the VFXSpell to match your WerewolfChangeFXEffect MGEF. 42. Close the window, and save. 43. Search for WerewolfChange, and duplicate the Spell. 44. Open the duplicate, and change the name and ID. 45. Double Click Beast Form in the Effects window, and change the Effect to your WerewolfChangeEffect MGEF. 46. Close the window, and save. Did I get any of this wrong, or did I miss anything? I'm simply going for a duplicate Werewolf form with custom racials, not something as grand as your Green Bane, so if I missed something, I'd greatly appreciate it being pointed out. It's 2 am and I probably shouldn't be trying this, but I'm determined to get this working. I do greatly appreciate your help, and I greatly appreciate that you let me sift through the scripts you made to work on this.
  24. Sorry for the late reply. Buggy bethesda programs keep crashing without any error. Redid the script completely from scratch and tested it in a new mod. Made both perks, then both books, then both recipes, then linked them. It suddenly worked. Went back to the original mod, deleted EVERYTHING related to the perks and script, and did exactly the same as the other mod. This time, neither worked. This is the order I took for both the test mod and my real mod: Made Perk 1 Made Perk 2 Made Book 1 Made Book 2 Made Duplicate of Crafted Item 1 Made Duplicate of Crafted Item 2 Made Recipe 1 for Crafted Item 1 Made Recipe 2 for Crafted Item 2 Attached Script to Book 1 Attached Perk 1 to Book 1's script Saved, Reopened Book 1 to verify that Perk 1 was in use Attached Script to Book 2 Attached Perk 2 to Book 2's script Saved, Reopened Book 2 to verify that Perk 2 was in use Placed recipes in a container Placed container somewhere in game Looted both recipes, read both recipes Went to Cooking Spit Test Mod: Both crafted items appeared. Real Mod: No crafted items appeared. In that exact order. My mod does not conflict with any other mods, as it's nothing but new stuff that is not used by any other mod. I'm confused.
  25. I've got perk1 on book1, and perk1 attached to Spiced Wine's recipe. I've got perk2 on book 2, and perk 2 attached to Black Briar's recipe. The properties on the script, attached to each book, match up correctly with the wanted perk and recipe. I've triple checked this, and it still isn't working. Here's how it is in my progress; Recipe 1 makes Spiced Wine. Recipe 2 makes Black Briar Private Reserve. Recipe 1 requires 1 mead, Recipe 2 requires 1 black briar mead. Recipe 1 has a condition that requires Perk01. Recipe 2 has a condition that requires Perk02. Both require a cooking pot. Book 1 has the aforementioned script pointing to Perk01. Book 2 has the aforementioned script pointing to Perk02. I've built them together from scratch again, and the same result occurs; Recipe 1 works, but not Recipe 2. EDIT: Adding in the notification tells me why it isn't working; the second recipe's script isn't even working. There's nothing I can change to make it work, since it's literally an exact copy with a different ID. What is causing this?
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