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About ZodiarkeTheFirstBorn

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  1. Big new worldspace? I want it, with or without the copyright textures. Give me secret download link. I test for u, u get nothing in return. deel? EDIT: kidding, but the nexus loves new worldspaces. also that thing about political context getting removed is bunk, tell that to fusion city and obscurum lol
  2. So, just so we have this all documented, and so Todd can see it- after using the CK to unzip the scripts.zip file, TWICE, I had to manually unzip it to my desktop to find that there were like 4000 scripts that just weren't present in my game directory. Where did CK put them? who knows. Whose f***ing idea was it to make a game that can run without 50% of its scripts present in the "scripts" folder?! The more I learn about the structure of this engine, the more I despise it. I can open the game, I can play with 500 mods and 0 crashes, but f***in' TRY TO WRITE A 10 LINE SCRIPT AND THE CREATION KIT LIGHTS ON FIRE. Because the game runs fine, it just... it like, uses a different place for the scripts than the thing THAT WE USED TO MAKE IT. 0 sense out of 100. Okay. good thing it just works.
  3. Oh, okay, so it's bethesda's fault. That makes me feel better. Also makes a bunch of sense. Of course the bethesda launcher borked something. What else would it do?
  4. ...Yes. OP - "I found out that it comes from not having the Base scripts unzipped. but I do. I even reinstalled the CK to have it unzip the base scripts again, and still i get the Script Reload Error."
  5. Hey, so I just started writing scripts, right? watched all the tutorials on youtube, wrote a custom object reference enable script, which may or may not work. I don't know, because everytime I load a script in the CK, it says Script Reload: Errors encountered while attempting to reload the script. Okay. Google it. read everything you can find. So I did. I found out that it comes from not having the Base scripts unzipped. but I do. I even reinstalled the CK to have it unzip the base scripts again, and still i get the Script Reload Error. Driving me up a wall here. Can't select references to define properties because the CK won't load the script in the property window. I'll include my script here, but again, it is EVERY SINGLE script in the CK that refuses to load. not just my custom one that may or may not work. Please help.
  6. Hey, trying to make a mod here, need some help. I need to create an enemy that is only vulnerable to one weapon. Not very complex, just trying to make a boss and a grenade that specifically hurts him. I'm new to the ck, but not totally inept, so I'm sure there's just something I'm missing. Some way of linking the boss's damage resistance to the weapon in question, perhaps? Please help, it's like, the one thing standing between me and a finished mod at this point.
  7. depends on the method and the mod organizer. if you're using MP and clobbering armors, items, etc., leave the mods on but disable the esps. But in my experience, MP is trash from a byegone era of modding. Use Zedit. I've got 927 mods loaded and I can play for hours with no crashes.
  8. Just, to clarify here, I've found the entry for 'value', and I've played around with it. for a healing potion for instance, you can change it to add 500 health, and have a value of 1, but when you load in, merchants will be selling that potion for around 5000 smackeroos. Which is... too much. Potions that give 9999 health are unfathomably expensive. like bankrupt everyone expensive.
  9. Hey. I made edits to potions like fire resist to make them useful during prolonged combat. I'm talking like, 90% fire resist for 1200 seconds. I'm playing a heavily modded setup here with damage values in the hundreds and enemies with thousands of hit points. Don't ask why. Problem is, that makes my potions cost, like 90k each, even with maxed out speech and all the perks. I need to make potions cost less, without nerfing them. Any ideas? economy mods don't work, I'm thinking there's something I can do modify with SSEdit.
  10. Is it possible to make one-use keys for chests that break after use? Lots of people have mods that make lockpicking harder, would be nice to have 'small keys' or 'silver keys' which can be found or purchased. I'll make it myself if it's possible to make. Just wondering if it can be done.
  11. This is absolutely outrageous. The moderator actually claimed that there is no way to restore the OP's guide, then a STEP nazi came through to tell us all we're ignorant plebs who can't read. Slow clap. trying cleanmem now. wish me luck, because that's the only thing the moderators will let you do in order to help me.
  12. This is truly a fantastic idea. I really hope that you manage to pull this off, my skyrim would thank you for it.
  13. I cannot believe how immature and redundant this thread became. Not to wag my finger or anything, but you people should be ashamed. This is a place where we answer questions. Not one where we spew toxins. Thanks for wasting all of our time guys. GETTING BACK TO THE MATTER AT HAND.... I'm also having this issue, I HAVE NEVER USED DCMS, and I (and surely, many others) still have this issue, despite several new games. Any genuine help would be appreciated. I don't need your "inside info" on how mods I've never installed permanently break the game. I need to know how I can fix this.
  14. Hey, I second this. Was about to do my own request under a similar title. Wouldn't need new animations. There is already a slide animation in the game.
  15. Okay, so this is the part of my day where Nvidia makes me feel really stoopid. You guys know that program that automatically installs your driver updates? GeForce Experience? Yeah, I didn't have that. Just updated my Graphics driver (I know, I know, let the tomatoes fly,) and now I'm running around in Boston with a big gun, just like all good Red Socks fans.
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