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About drithius

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  1. I was thinking of playing through this game a second time, if only to go through the DLC. For people familiar with his work, are there any quality quest mods comparable to those released for FO3/FNV by Puce Moose? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/users/137055?tab=user+files I'm seeking well-told stories, possibly involving puzzle-solving, and not necessarily much combat focus. And immersive to the point that they feel like part of the game's world and lore.
  2. All my helpful file download descriptions... POOF! Unless users specifically expand the download tabs for more info, you have people downloading the wrong files. Which will happen. A lot. My last straw really; So long, Nexus. You were great while you lasted. I have no interest in adding content for a site that is so horrendously dysfunctional.
  3. I honestly got a headache while looking over my mod pages to see how they'd been changed. Thinking of just deleting it all.
  4. Approximately three months back (possibly longer), there was a popular mod with 'chrome' in its name. It fixed the random ugliness on some wet textures such as hanging slabs of meat. I can't seem to locate it; does anyone know what happened? If it changed names?
  5. Thank you! They work now! Please can you try now ?
  6. Still bugged http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/130/1000028084/New%20Vegas%20Redesigned%202%20Compatibility-54398-1-1.7z?ttl=1477502297&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=463f84a12f7068a36b96a9ae313d5d41 http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/130/1000018025/WMX-Modern%20Weapons%20Compatibility%20Patch-54398-1-31.7z?ttl=1477502300&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=43550896676de69c377c7253447fc55b http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/130/1000028598/Zed%27s%20Knick-Knacks-54398-1.7z?ttl=1477502303&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=dd440d795707e4b90808964e879031d2
  7. The below files are still not functioning. Do I need to reupload them?
  8. http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/130/1000028084/New%20Vegas%20Redesigned%202%20Compatibility-54398-1-1.7z?ttl=1477360235&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=de382a7633061a6c664efc43698d20b4 (403 error now) http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/130/1000028084/New%20Vegas%20Redesigned%202%20Compatibility-54398-1-1.7z?ttl=1477366972&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=dcba978bcb04b38cea0c2b241e05487f http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/130/1000028598/Zed%27s%20Knick-Knacks-54398-1.7z?ttl=1477360285&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=83e596d89da4501ce5192c52e9f82dae (403 error now) http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/130/1000028598/Zed%27s%20Knick-Knacks-54398-1.7z?ttl=1477366842&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=462d1717f31cf3e459ec0e5f7a7be164 http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/130/1000018025/WMX-Modern%20Weapons%20Compatibility%20Patch-54398-1-31.7z?ttl=1477360299&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=716319a679fd38fe93510a833515e740 (403 error now) http://filedelivery.nexusmods.com/130/1000018025/WMX-Modern%20Weapons%20Compatibility%20Patch-54398-1-31.7z?ttl=1477366950&ri=8192&rs=8192&setec=a937a78f214177e1a912a0422f2d0a53
  9. It's a gamebryo ver17.0 bug - happens plenty in the base game as well (like outside the Prospector Saloon). I think it's due to cell borders; type TB in the console to confirm
  10. If you wish to use your current methodology, you could try GeHealthPercentage. Not sure how your character is being "knocked out" so hard to offer up specific answers rather than general ideas such as possibly using GetUnconscious/SetUnconscious commands for greater control.
  11. Maria doesn't have a scope. So... analyze what mods you are using and make sure they are compatible with one another.
  12. True Wasteland Economy, everything you could ever want and more, completely customizeable.
  13. Ended up just directly editing the basespeed gamesetting... which might be bad... might not... we'll see. Still annoyed that fMoveEncumEffect doesn't seem to exist in Gamebryo Ver.17.2
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