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Everything posted by quicktriger

  1. Hey soo what did happend i was having this yellow exclamation marks problem at some places, did some research and found that i had to move the meshes and texture files into the meshes and texture foldes, all the .dds, and .nif files. But i coudnt find anny in the data folder, so i searched in the search tool of windows( the f3 shortcut inside a folder to look for files names and stuf...) and i found a bunch of those, soo i moved them to theyr respective locations (or that was what i tought) and well, i messed up with a bunch of textures ingame, like some char where all black, otheres where pink skin, othere i coud only see the teeth and eyes floating around, total mess, tryed to undo, but i coudnt.... only thing that kinda worked was to perform a FULL install of the game, deleting the old game folder and reinstalling again, allong with all of my mods. Now it work if its a new save, but the old saves that i had it backup, it just gets stuck at load screen when i try to load'em, I payd atention to the load order of mods and rebuilt my bashed patch to try it out, but still not working, i payd atention when reinstalling the mods, and i dont think there is anny missing, (exept for the ones that i coundt get to work soo i used to play with those uncheckd at game files list). I have obse, boss, omm, and wrye bash, installed, like they teach in basics for mods videos, im on a win 10, using a gog version of the oblivion, my saves are in the right document location, as well as the oblivion not being in program files, like its recomended, ill add anny other information required. Actually the maskars oov was missing (sorry for that) but annyone knows how do we make blockhead work with the char overhall v2 ?!
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