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Posts posted by Nagasekofmi2


    But Tenpenny Radio has only 2 songs empty. I have 8 songs to add there's not enough space to add them as the filename will conflict. And there is a mod already that does it by adding 30+ music by DarkanX. (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/7236) How can i do this myself?

    ok. you're not making any sense? "space" ?


    That there are only two songs in the game. If I extract those two i can rename mine to those two to fool the game. Were am I gonna add the other 6 (I have 8 to add) There are no other ones to extract to rename those 6 left

  2. Purr, I have found a genuine problem. The geck does not allow me to select a song for a radio station despite having all set already. I followed the radio tutorial here in the forums, on youtube and opened the Radio quests of the vanilla game to compare and I have all steps as all these sources have but the geck is buging I think. I'm fixing the Tenpenny Tower Radio but the geck does not allow me to select the song as I said. The talking activator is set and I have the radio signal registered ingame and it plays Tenpenny's hello's truisms and the like however we all know the station has no music. I se the speaker as well as the topic links that are needed for the song dialogue with proper goodbye random and run immediately flags. All that is correct as I said. The problem is when I open the text to edit the response and select the sound (Which as I said I have all the steps, yes they are added in the sound in the geck and my game folder has a Sound folder were the music are and they are in wav file too) When I select the sound The "edit response" box when I press ok simply ignores the ok button to confirm and close and does nothing. Forcing me to either select cancel or close via the x at the top right of the window. So essentially the geck does not let me complete the very last step to select the song. I'm 99.99% almost there! Why is this? is this a bug?

  3. Oh yes. I know of that. In the next playthrough I will use rather not a mod but in the fallout 3 text file (I've seen there is one people made) i think in the ini file or simply another ini can't remember to set all 4 caravan merchants essentials. I maxed them out on this playthrough but it seems Doctor Hoff was killed at Jury street Metro Station. Found the corpse and the Brahmin but not the Caravan guard's corpse. resurrecting, disabling and enabling them as other people mentioned does not fix their death unless you mess with the main file to reset their death counter but that only fixed the Uncle Roe's text about "I'm afraid the good doctor hasn't reported in quite a while" I'll just use that ini to set them essentials on the next playthrough. But yes I made a merchant and she's armed. She mirrors me in design using the same clothes, shades and fave weapons with ammo and stimpaks plus she is set at pc level so she's already at level 30 with good health I made for her too in her stats and she also has 100 in skills in a few departments like medicine repair, small guns energy weapons science and she has not max but moderately well SPECIAL stats. She's my test merchant. When i modify armor items weapons consumables and generic items. She gets them in her Merchant container and sells them to me so I can test them quickly. she puts a good fight she resists my attacks well and she has at times killed me tho she's caught me with lower health :laugh: when I accidentally test the grenade launcher or cryolator on her.

  4. I have heard an seen mods that add extra companions while searching for clues to mods on the nexus mods section. Popular ones are to add Sydney as one, others add Sarah, Lucy and Cherry. Others of course add custom ones. I saw on youtube a person who makes fallout videos using an Eyebot as a companion along others.

    But sorry to confuse you I think. I don't mean Beth as a companion. She's just a regular cut npc like Little toe, Twigbag, Clancy etc. I'm just adding her as such since it's the last *The Pitt* content leftover to add to close the Pitt as complete for me and move on to Mothership Zeta. I did add her, she's a rioter with the slaves. I removed the baby packages and she spawned normally. Tho I didn't make it in time. the raiders got to her by the time I reached her location she was dead (because that's obligatory by the game's script of the Pitt since the slaves are rioting and the raiders kill them all on sight.) She has health so it's not a bug she spawned dead as I didn't modify her stats. To verify, I resurrected her and immediately I exited console mode the raiders in the area (3 of them; Bingo & two generic pitt raiders (one male and one female)) Chased her and gunned her down. Which means she is working as intended as a regular riot faction slave. With that I call the Pitt clear and move to Mothership Zeta then the main game.

  5. I see that's alright. I see you are in all of the games. That's some love and dedication there. You test other's works when they need a bug report. That's rather nice. You have your hands full at many times, impressive.

    Yes I do feel some dlcs are like mods. Broken steel is essentially a mod. The other 4 are mods on a different scale. As in they have their own mini worlds I kinda like that it's like that. I'll keep in mind about the dlcs not taking kindly to alterations. So farm Anchorage, Pitt, Lookout and Broken Steel seem to work fine with what I added. however i'll need to start a full new file to test some stuff after I mod the main game and Zeta. I need to test the implications of going inside the chimera depot building while the quest is active as the strike team and Monty wait outside the Listening posts when you go inside the listening post to fight the chinese dragoons and technicians but in the outside of the chimera depot they follow you as you plant the bombs on the service stations to blow up the chimera tanks. In the pitt I need to test how the cut slave guard behave during the slave riot and I need to see if the cut pitt raider fighters indeed do spawn at the side of Grubber in the 3rd and last match of The hole, and not spawn in the hole during the first or second match. Point lookout is fine, no conflicts. Broken steel also seems to work fine. I left that last quest to enter the Adams AFB for last so I'll check the changes I made to the Enclave sigma Squad and the armory master. Zeta will not conflict as it's just placing some of the items cut into the areas. (Which aren't many) I just plan to add the Katana, the spanner and the astronaut helmet and maybe the portable cover. May re-purpose those cloned weapons they planned on making alternate versions of but that's on the low end of Zeta's modifications I will do as every weapon in the dlc already as an unique variant. Don't think it's necessary to add two more and have the default weapons and 3 variants. I don't have mind to create so many different weapons based off the same ones. My job is to add leftover content and create only when the content seems to fit in well in a new way. Like the quest i made in Point lookout with everything new and adding and rebuilding the interior chimera depot building. I did that to make the House of LOD book and the missing Anchorage unused assets more at home and with sense respectively. Or else I would have just added a container near my megaton house with every single cut item/armor/weapon and use the console to add perks and note and be done with it. That would have been the supreme easy way. But I wanted to expand my fallout 3 experience in a way I feel Bethesda would, not just spawn leftovers and call it a day.

    I'll be working on the pitt after I post this. Beth seems to be not spawning properly unless I delete her travel and dialogue baby packages. Just turned her into a normal pit slave with the combat faction. Guess she's one of the rioters now. Best I can do for sweet cut Beth :laugh: Planned to have her live with Midea but she likes to steal Midea's bed and chair always and planned to make her live in a train car outside the city but it doesn't make much sense she'd survive out there sane specially with anyone outside the downtown and market area being insane Wildmen. Also, would have put her away from the radiation near the beginning were the raiders meet up with Wherner (inside the dlc not in the area outside the train tunnel were Ramsey is) But those raiders would have found her living there (lore and story purposes) so It would not make any sense. Wanted to relocate her in the market place but seems odd she would get a pass to live there close to Midea's hut while the other slaves are forced to work their butts out. I get Midea since she is part of the quest and is the Matriarch of the slaves. Also planned to relocate her in the abandoned apartments but it makes little sense she'd take shelter with a plethora of trogs in there nor will she inside the power plant nor the supply plant. Gosh she's a tough cookie to relocate. :laugh:

    Text wall again. I have no saving grace... :sweat:

  6. 25 gigs! That's so big. That' like 3 game sin one. That's a very high feat there, congrats :cool: . You have modded everything, impressive. Never tried modding F4? What game are you currently playing?

    I also made some touch ups since our last talk to the dlcs I modded. Just gonna deal adding Beth to the Pitt and move to Mothership Zeta. I revised a few oddities I left while modding the other dlcs.

  7. Ah no worries. o/ Wow You have practically like Project Purity, a whole lab of data for your needs. And terabytes not gigabytes that's so insane. I remember my old pc who died 3 months ago, it's hard drive was a total of 76 Gigabytes. RIP my dear companions. 16 years of service, essentially she was with me half my life. She died by hard drive corruption. It started to fail. Managed to backup all data, around 35 gigs before she kicked in. Best pc in the world but now she is resting in Tech Heaven, my beloved Windows XP. I'm on a new one now of course Windows 10. But shush that story already ^^

    Thank you for your services you have a kind heart for help. Yes sometimes you have to make people help themselves. I don't want to get religious now but it fits there a quote from the bible that says "Help yourself for I shall help you" Or wording quite accurate to that i just wrote. Alright leaving religious topics off now, just wanted to add that quote there. I shall procure your help as I said when I need it in the case I find myself cornered. I can see you will lend me aid when needed.

    I saw links on your profile to pictures. It's about your character one of them. I wouldn't doubt with your experience and years that you are a professional mod builder. How nice. How big of a project have you made? I'm slow in mine because i never modded before with the geck. I just have around 3 weeks of tinkering with the geck. I have Fallout 3 for X360 but the power brick died around a year ago so I decided to get the pc version to replay it since I love it but could not on the console anymore. Then I remembered the pc versions have the geck and console commands. With tcl command I have explored a lot of areas I was always curious what was beyond inaccessible or barricaded walls I could only dream in the console version. I never thought using the geck would be so much fun. Not to mess, I primarily using it as you see to expand my Fallout 3 experience with much more content. Mostly proper game content leftover. I might try in the future other mods. That change graphics and models and adds extra non game'dlc content. I'm already using a mod. It's the Vault girl mod to replace vaultboy in the pipboy, world billboards and posters and anywhere else to vault girl. I love it. Beth should make it possible on Fallout 5 for when female identified people want a female vault character representation. (I say female identified since the notion of two genders nowadays is antiquated.) That's just to explain let's not fiddle with those details hehe.

    Geez I end up writing books of text every time I talk. The passion, blame it on it. I shall keep in touch for any need or any talk you want to discuss. See you when you reply. have a nice day Purr :laugh:

  8. there is an old video of Todd Howard in the beginning of fo3 production that fully explains the birth of Bethesda's up coming.

    It started out small, and they just kept piling on more and more. It grew so big that expansionists were added.


    Fallout 3 contains over 200 + possible out comes as it sits right now, then add on the DLC's ?

    yeah. What the issues are, were their lack of perfections.


    ya see all those unknown errors? those are spots reserved for scenarios that get generated. They are not real errors. They are supposed to be there.


    If rumors are to be believed? Unreal Engine is coming soon. That's what I think of Bethesda.

    Oh gosh I think I confused you. I meant Beth as the cud dlc Pitt character ^^ Sorry. But I'll take your take on Beth which is also the short of Bethesda. Some leftover stuff it takes minutes to add or fix. Not that hard. I think what you say is right. They pilled up a lot of stuff. I'm sure the release date is what caused many of the cut stuff to not be implemented. Fallout 3 is quite a big game. UE is coming indeed. Beth needs to spice up straight for Fallout 5. Fallout 76 is quite a bag of disappointment. The way they code, Fallout is not designed for multiplayer. At least if they can separate the modes properly it would work. People stealing other's inventories? NPCs looting the player on death? People spawning The Pridwin and other F4 stuff in 76? Nah those aren't bugs. You don't see people spawning single player game stuff or looting other peoples characters in other games that are single and multiplayer combined like COD and the like. Beth needs to close the chapter on 76 and focus on a well done product. Look at Outer Worlds, from the minds of Obsidian who created New Vegas.

  9. Hello all around! o/ I saw a lot of new replies. What is that information for? And out of topic but I see you use in the taskbar a lot of programs I use and like, pretty nifty. I think i'm complete in the OA dlc in modding it to add lost content. I tackled some of other dlcs too I'm also done with PL dlc. That's were the quest is and implemented and fixed the cut perks the Pa's fishing aid, keys and other stuff. I believe I'm also done with BS dlc too. The only thing left in anchorage is I will put 2 of the 3 trench knife schematics in simulation and the final as the last VSS armory reward. BS only missing the implementation of the surgical mask. For that i need a GO world drop model. I'll figure out that in a while. I'm almost done with TP dlc (Pitt) The only thing left is if I do add Beth or not. I want to but idk how the player feels about her forcibly taking the baby to Midea. Not sure if she does work too I'll need to test her. She has the packages by default but i don't see her in a quest or with a script. She might be incomplete? Well that's my point of view, I can't write in stone without experiencing it first. Then I'll move for the unused content in my fave dlc. MZ! Then i'll begin adding all the base dlc-less content of Fallout 3. So I can start a whole new game an test all added npcs, armors, weapons, items, maps, note, terminals, keys, lore and fixing bugs and missed lore opportunity like for example in the National Guard Depot, I fixed that lone glowing ghoul in the bunker and he is now properly named Mr. Keller. That's a fact anyway based on the lore, the cut (now also restored in the bunker) Diary of Candace Keller and the fact the ghoul is named MrKeller in the geck id. I did the same for the Pitt's generic Trog mini lore at the start of the steelyard so I properly named him: Billy the Trog. Stuff like this I want to fix to bring the game more complete and believable. This is only the beginning for me :sweat:

    What do you think? What's also your take on Beth?

  10. Sleep. That confirms you are not a Sentry bot in disguise. Girl crazies at home? Sounds like a lively party. It's interesting to have a bustling house if it's organized ^^. I've been trying some more. I made the 3 terminals of OA that were cut and two that i put there inside the chimera depot, now to glow red like other terminals do in the simulation which the health and ammo dispenser do too. I also fixed "The Peepers" Looks good at night. At least outside away from direct lamps and fire sources. But I toned down the intensity by testing the numbers. The result is a fine good green that makes night look like day very clear. Best use in game time outside between 8pm and 5am. If you push it you can do as early as 7:30pm and as late as 5:30pm with some lightning taking over at those times. Anything before 7:30pm or after 5:30 pm and you'll be seeing a blinding white screen since the game sun is at it's finest between those hours. The blinking red terminals was a script I gave the terminals. They also make the *weeeeennnn" sound. But that was me again opening the ammo dispenser script and meddling the spoon in the pot to slurp only the code I needed. Didn't want the terminal refilling your ammo :cool:

    But yes. I will tackle more scripting as I learn what terms to use.

  11. Big wall of text ,it's not problem ,it is after all why I am here. You read my profile, it's real. that's what I do, this is my hobby.

    I'm online just about 24/7


    Aggression is another option for full out war. Now there are mods already built that do all of this but I do not want to spoil your fun and learning time Hands on is trial and error ,none of this is easy at the beginning.


    I wish you all the luck in the world as long as you're happy I'm fine.


    Kitty Black

    I found you offline while writing this. 23/7 :laugh: JK You dedicate to helping forums users all around I see. It's like you are the nurse of the hospital, ever ready when a doctor needs assistance. Thank you. I see your country of origin. I also speak your native language or the main language of said country. You could have been born there but moved and lived ever since in another country. Good to know. I prefer English tho so it's cool in either language.


    Yes I want to learn as much as possible on my own. I don't see myself as a mod creator for the public. Not in this early state were a simple mistake like the wrong version of the ammo or a simple option at the top bar menu evaded me. I need experience first before putting half-a~~ stuff or buggy things that will make others playing experiences a problem. I'm also not knowledgeable about scripting. For now I'm at a basic level mostly seeing the vanilla scripts and interpreting what they do so I take part of a script or modify existing ones to suit my needs. Idk how to create a proper script as idk all the "functions the game engine has" I managed to create cryolator and trench knife schematics too and add them to the workbench. The workbench can now create both weapons. But that was just by looking at the script an taking parts and modifying it. I have a talent for reverse engineering and altering already existing stuff but I have no talent at creation new things really. Like I know the Mr gutsies and protectrons have unused models and decals so are the recon armors having army and lyons ones. I added those armors already and will add the creatures alternate forms. However as I say I don't have talent creating new stuff. I know the eyebots have designs for army, outcast and others factions but those models have no textures unused in game. There I hit a wall I cannot climb and must pass on that one. It's not unused content, it just not there in the game therefore I cannot add it since I cannot create it.


    Well that's it already my habit of talking too much. Thanks again for you dedication. I'l pop back again in the future when I actually need help unlike these two embarrassing moments :facepalm: Take care o/

  12. I've returned Purr4me. My endeavor: I did modify the chinese faction to add player faction as enemy -100 in reputation. No dice. So I sat for a while watching the monitor; factions work. script to attack works. changing faction ally enemy in the game or via script works. What else could it be? The result~ (Honestly I made a thread some time ago for an option that was in the menu at the top. It made me look stupid. and now you won't believe how stupid I was again. I should stop coming to bother you guys with things that are easy noob mistakes.) To the result then. How else can a creature cannot attack that has no melee options? Npcs have unarmed and melee deatch claws yaoguays have melee moves. But what happens with robots and turrets when they have no ammo or npc without ammo? They can't. npc relly then on unarmed melee combat. Do sentry bots and robobrains have unnarmed options? NO. The problem was not that i left them ammoless its i put them the wrong ammo. Sentry bots use Electron Charge Packs for their gatling lasers. I put the ammo type "ElectronChargePackRobot" ROBOT! Grave mistake. No wonder they would not attack. I put them the wrong ammo under the possible correct ammo. They are now working. I put the correct non ROBOT ammo type and now they wage full war on me. I also found out how to make them dematerialize like the npcs in the blue light so the player does not loot them. I guess I found that new thing I hadn't figured out while correcting that noob mistake. I just thought ROBOT at the end of the ammo name meant the non playable ammo the creatures use that the player can't loot drop on death or pickpocket. I'm sorry to have occupied your mind for this nonsense and thank you for your assistance. I'm also sorry to have made another thread for something so dumb as that that was clearly my mistake. Thanks for your attention to this. It's 1:38am now and I should sleep now at peace I figured this out. Not sure your timezone but hope you can also sleep well knowing this has resolved and you need think no more of a possible solution. Again thanks and sorry for this embarrassment. Being proud of making a functional quest falls short if I climbed that big rock but tripped on the tiniest of pebbles.

  13. then you duplicate one that is vanilla and rename it aka create what you want .


    you wanted help ?


    you can't alter existing factions, your creating a mod ,you "add content" don't alter existing content.

    keep going let me know.


    EDIT: send me your test saved game file so I can see the spot, then I'll see about making your request if it is a request?


    I'm really good at requests.


    Kitty Black

    I'll go for that now. Yes That is essentially the bread and butter of a mod That's how dlcs and updates work. Game data is already burned into read only so all you can is modify. What was created is there. The principle of deleting mods and game updates and the base games return to their unpatched or in most cases nowadays half complete rushed buggy release forms. Well it's not a request for it. I might take that in consideration with a bulky big thing i would have trouble with. For now it's little finicky things. My mod is essentially adding as much cut and forgotten content as possible with some stuff getting a full lore or stuff done for them. Like the house of lod book which is short for the "level of detail" but i decided to make a whole quest about it in the point lookout dlc. It's really fun I was proud. I learned via trial and error and youtube tutorials. I'm proud of that one. It has all, an esterior shack. Interior fully customized (items furniture markers lights etc) the quest npc with my voice used for the dialogue, expresions fetch quests objectives map markers, references enable disable objects and actors. scripts, new items old items, proper ending and completion with new lore, notes, working terminal with also ownerships, keys, holotapes, weapons and pretty much a full fledged quest. I'll try a new faction and let you know. Sorry I talk a lot. It's a real mistake habit of mine. I'm just passionate about the stuff I do. I'll get back to you and tell you the results.

  14. Faction (A) is friends with Faction (B)

    Faction B is friends with Faction (A)


    all settings need to match both directions and supersede default vanilla settings.


    Each must have their opposing groups listed in each others faction settings. they must match.

    They are using the same faction as the chinese which is the one against americans and the player. This same faction is the one the chinese ice camp guard dogs also use. I went to see that in case the chinese faction did not match a creature as it was an npc faction however the dogs use the npcs faction. It's were I based myself to use the faction on the robot as they are creatures just like the dogs. So the faction is the set one in the vanilla game wich is hostile as I said to the player and americans. Nothing modified and no conflict since again its the one the dogs use in the simulation with no conflict either. Your best bet should be for me to create an entirely new faction despite the normal faction intended to work as is but for some reason not?

  15. Hello there again. Since my last time I've learned quite a bit including making a fully working quest with basic stuff not like complex quests such as Moira's. Today there's something rather odd. I modified a Sentry bot and Mister Gutsy in the faction and script departments but they seem to ignore both areas. So there's this Chimera Depot interior cell cut from the OA dlc and I made it available I cut a little area which does not match with the outside of the building. everything else is mostly normal with touches like removing doors that no longer match the layout and adding furniture and two cut terminals as well as static objects (after all you can't loot simulation stuff ;)) ammo/health dispensers etc. Anyway the place was finished with triggers and lightning and chinese enemies made before being cut likely due to the interior not matching the outside. So I made it to be a hacking area since the chinese modified the chimeras here there is a new technician named "Chinese Hacker Technician" and works just like the ones in the Listening post. There is also an unused sentrybot that uses the gatling laser along one with machinegun and the mister gusty. I added two, the GL sentry bot and the mister gutsy. They were hacked by the technician (backstory to make it more familiar to the game) Both robots are called "Winterized Hacked Sentry Bot" ditto for Mr. gutsy. Did not add the MG bot because you get that in the strike team acquisitions and the place has already it's 9 I believe default soldiers plus the technician tho it flees like it should and the two robots I mentioned. Door are coded well and lead to and from were they must. But enough about the cell description. The thing is I place the robot there and changed their factions to the dlc02Chinesecombatfaction or simply the one they use to attack the player and americans, its the same faction the guard dogs use but not the sentry mines hence the weird interactions between them and the chinese in the vanilla game/dlc. So despite this the robots appear in the radar as red but do not attack the player or help the chinese. I also gave them both a script that says Begin onload - startcombat player - end. It's written as a script don't worry, saved and compiled no errors. The creatures also have the setting "Helps allies and friends" "Aggressive" "Foolhardy" Even with all these factions/settings and scripts they refuse to attack the player or even do anything! The Mister Gutsy at least patrols and uses the voice and responds to the player in sneak or that it spotted the player but does not engage in combat with anyone not even the chinese (duh) At least it does something. The Sentry bot just stands there and does not even move or use any of it's robot lines of speech like "hostile detected, engaging blah blah..." What is the thing i'm doing wrong? They do not honor the faction and disregard a direct script order! Much help appreciated please.

  16. I recently started modding using the Geck. I'm still inexperienced but i've managed to extract textures, meshes and modifying stats armors weapons and editing/creating object effects, lists, perks, npcs, armors items etc. My goal is mainly personal use and is to add all if possible cut content to the best possible. I know a little bit as I managed to assemble the famous Cryolator into the game. (Not pefect some data is missing like a unique weapon sound and projectile attack.)

    My current problem that I for the higher beings cannot get to find help and cannot edit in the geck is variables or (var). My conundrum is that I modified the workbench (scripts messages item counts removal etc). TLDR I made schematics for the Cryolator and finished the ThestPhil Trench Knife Schematics and they are now regular valid ones like the other craftable weapons. The workbench lets you create them and works just like the normal original one checking schematics weapion conditions get player item counts the messages involved and removing the items upon successful creation as if they were in the base game like they were meant to be. The problem is the workbench has (Var) which add to the count for the craftable weapons. I went to the global section were the Vars are which indeed has the craftable weapons specific varcount the workbench script uses but I cannot edit delete or add a new var for the Trench Knife and Cryolator. This causes script errors when i attempted to replicate them using the original workbech script The geck would not compile or save the script due to missing Varcounts for those new weapons. I had to omit those and set the weapon condition to 100 always because i cannot use the varcount variables for the schematics upgrades.

    tldr How can i add new var count for those weapons? I am stumped there and I have not been able to figure it out... I cannot find help anywere on the geck wiki here on google or the new geck wiki by the community. Please help me on this one. I want to try and do things on my own and see how far I get but this one has been a solid adamantium wall to my face. I'll appreciate the help I can get.

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