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Everything posted by SomeDudeOnTheW3B

  1. I, My name is SomeDude. And I am currently in a holy war against overriding XML Files in the Sandbox and the SandboxCore module. I noticed that pretty much every single mod on the nexus that edits xml does it the wrong way! If you know exactly what I am talking about and are developing a mod, please go to my tutorial here: https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/61 If you don't know what I am talking about let me explains! Pretty much every single piece of data in MountAndBlade2 is put inside a xml file. Xmls are basically list of items (inventory items, troops, characters, factions, dialog lines ...) What mod authors do when they want to modify one item, say a hero npc called Svana is to edit the file inside Sandbox/ModuleData/lords.xml and modify the NPC "lord_2_12". What they do then is to upload the file to the nexus. The result is that EVERY SINGLE NPC in that file will be overriten instead of just Svana ! To deal with that in a mod compatibily fashion is not to override ANY xml files inside Sandbox or SandboxCore BUT to make a new XML Module that will only override the Svana Character! I made a tutorial that go quite in depth about how to make such mod, any mod authors that override a NativeMod XML should use my method to deal with 90% of mod compatibility issues! https://www.nexusmods.com/mountandblade2bannerlord/mods/61 Have a nice day! PS: I hope my post is appropriate and in a good section, first time ever in the nexus forum
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