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About AndyTheLegend

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  1. Bless your soul you've found it! I was searching with Riverwood as a keyword so that explains why I couldn't find anything. Interesting to see how my memory differed from reality, the light shafts coming from a skylight rather than a window. The "fishing dock" just being a modest back porch, among other things. At least I was half right about the basement. Thank you so much for this!
  2. So a few years back, I downloaded a great Riverwood housing mod that I fell in love with. I've scoured the nexus for it, but can't seem to find it, so I'll describe it here in case anyone might know it: Its a very small cabin across the street from the tavern. There was a quest attached to getting the key (if I recall correctly). I can't stress how small this cabin was, about the same size as the small inn rooms. Its got pretty high ceilings though, and there is a bookshelf or two and some weapon racks/display cases. I think there was a basement where you could engage in alchemy/enchanting.... I think, I'm not entirely sure on this. I also think there was very a small fishing dock jutting out into the river, again this is an I think, not sure at all. One random memorable thing was that the cabin had a pretty window design up high, which casted subtle shadows and light rays into the house. Ringing a bell for anybody? Honestly, if you can recall a small house placed across the street from the tavern, it might be the one.
  3. This is a pretty cool idea. To add to it, maybe the frost atronach could leave a trail of ice everywhere it floats. That would be a great visual effect.
  4. During the College of Winterhold quest line, you're asked to find Orthorn and retrieve stolen books from an old fortress filled with renegade students. Once you get there, you find that many parts of the interior is laid out like a school, with magical shooting ranges, coffins, crypts, and draugrs for experimentation, live prisoner test subjects (including vampires), ritual circles everywhere. You even meet the headmaster, known as The Caller. You start to get a good idea of how exactly this place operated as a possible mages school for... unpopular magic. From my first time visiting the fort back when the game first launched, I knew it had great potential for a mod that turned it into a fully fledged school that the player could attend. An "evil" alternative to the College of Winterhold. I scoured the Internet and to my surprise, couldn't find anyone mentioning this. Perhaps the scale of such a mod is just too high, it would require voice acting, redoing a lot of interiors, scripting, AI pathing, quest design, etc. But there is no doubt that the audience for such a mod is high, what with the popularity of the few necromancy overhaul mods and the variety of evil mage and spell mods. What do you guys think? Is there interest for an evil mage school like this? A place where necromancers can practice in peace, where students can practice destruction and illusion magic on live prisoners, where mages can research daedric magic and conduct unethical experiments. I'd like to hear from experienced modders about the scope and possibility of such a mod and if this is something the community is interested in in general.
  5. EDIT: Solved this. I retextured the world models and forgot to also update the biped models. Obvious mistake, d'oh ___________________________ So I've retextured the heavy variant of the Dawnguard boots and gloves black (They originally used the same textures as the light armors so I had to make a new texture set in the CK). It seemed to have worked fine, with the armor pieces displaying as black in my inventory: And yet, when I equip the items, they remain the same brown color: And no its not just the lighting. Any ideas on whats happening here?
  6. I'll see what I can do, check back with me tomorrow.
  7. Its a month later and I am still sackless, can anybody help a poor sackless soul.
  8. Sorry guys for the disappearance, these past weeks have been really stressful for me (my house was flooded, and some other things) but just wanted to let you guys know I didn't just up and abandon this project. I'm guessing you guys already took the reigns and are spearheading the project, I still have to deal with my housing situation but I will see what I can help with as my situation gets better. Thanks for your patience! *EDIT: just realized the last post was from 2 weeks ago lmao. I'll try and get organized and see what's going on.
  9. helllooo guys so, straight to the point, I am looking for a dingy armor set mod. Basically like really crappy looking armor, either heavy or light, no real preference. Its basically for someone who's never really done any adventuring before and is just starting out, kind of thing. It should look like common clothing but with crudely made pieces of metal strapped onto it, maybe a cooking pot for a helmet, if you get my gist. Kind of like a makeshift armor for a commoner who's looking to do a one-time fight like maybe all the townsfolk gathering to help clear out a bandit den or something.
  10. In case you haven't noticed the recurring theme in Skyrim is "everything used to be great, and now it all sucks" Its kind of a laziness tactic, basically "We were too lazy to make anything great so... it sucks but... it used to be great. trust me. it was. You're just gonna have to take my word for it" - Bethesda You can hear people grumbling about how awesome Riften used to be, how awesome thieves guild used to be, how awesome companions used to be, how awesome Dark brotherhood used to be, how awesome WINTERHOLD used to be, it kind of gets old after a while. But still I have thought about how, after becoming the new archmage, you decide to create a diplomatic truce between winterhold and the college and have the members of the college use magic (:O !!) to help rebuild the city. I've once completed the College questline with a really old school, barbarian Nord who just decided to join the college because he had a thing for dark elves (mm Brelyna) and through a series of amusing events, somehow became the Archmage without ever learning a hint of magic, it was pretty funny. But afterwards I got the idea that this hardy Nord should definitely be the diplomatic bridge between the College and the rest of Winterhold, but decided to screw it and start a new character :3 When I saw the platform jumping mechanic in Dragonborn (the thing that made you FLYYY up at Tel Mithryn) I kind of thought that it could be a cool mechanic for Winterhold to make the lower coastal edges beyond the cliff more accessible. It could show the mixture of magic into the rebuilding of Winterhold and how the Nords there began to accept magic and its practical uses. The lower coastal area could become more populated with a dock area and fishing houses and stuff, a slaughterhouse for horkers and the like. What would be REALLY cool and make winterhold stand out is if they had a sort of "Spirited Away" type of situation like this: http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvjfj9YERt1qdt45yo1_500.png And it would line the entire side of the cliff and it would be FREAKING AMAZING when you viewed it from the roof of the college and stuff.
  11. Ghosu was working on a samurai/akaviri style armor a while back, don't think he ever finished it though: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/623968-wip-samurai-armor/
  12. Uhmm I can't sticky since I switched accounts and had the moderators ban my first account, tehandyman, which is the OP of this thread lol. Also about the performance issue thing, its curious, I didn't have any problems until about 15 minutes in, I think, I started to get random moments of really really low fps, I'm talking <1 fps. The moments would last about 3 seconds each and happen quite often, like every 10 seconds or so. I run a pretty powerful ENB with Ultra High quality though so... idk if thats the problem. A large interior space sounds great actually. I was just thinking about implementing that. I'll leave it up to the interior modders where it should go and how it should look, like I said I'm pretty crap with level design. You could implement a ratway kind of feel, like an undercity thing, but considering its a town above water makes that a little problematic lol. It could be a network of caves inside the iceberg that its built onto, I guess, with one main room with a high ceiling, similar to the Ratway cistern. Having an undercity would be just the right fix for the mod if performance issue turns out to be a real problem. But this would increase the workload considerably to the point where I think I'm going to need to read up on level designing so I could help out. We've got a few people who've offered to do interiors already so maybe its a non-issue. I'll work out a solid, clear mod team as soon as I'm done with my last final tomorrow, then I'll really get serious about making this thing happen :smile:
  13. Yeah, I was thinking about that. If you're working on any interiors, I'd appreciate it if you post a screenshot of the house/door (from the outside) just so others can know :)
  14. Wow that's really an amazing story. I've always felt that it was weird for one character to do EVERYTHING in the game. That's why I've had sooo many characters. It was so hard for me to delete many of them, who've individually only accomplished a fraction of what your single character has. I can't even begin to understand how you must feel, trying to find closure for this character who's accomplished so much. I sort of admire you, as weird as that is for someone who dislikes single playthroughs of the ENTIRE game. Luckily, a mod like this might not be so hard to do. There is already a funeral in the game. It involves burning a pire and cremating the body (being vague for any one who's been living under a rock and doesn't know who dies). That script can be recycled for your funeral. The script that's used in weddings to invite all your close friends in skyrim could be used to gather all the people attending your funeral. I could imagine it. You activate the funeral pire, it'll ask you one last time if you're sure about dying. You click yes and it asks you to write your own eulogy (kind of weird, but hey its your request), and then you disappear into the pire. The screen fades to black and then fades back in. The camera is now a free-moving camera that lets you watch as the friends you've made in your travels gather to honor your life and mourn your death. Its dusk, and raining. Someone of closest importance (maybe the follower you've spent the most time with) lights the pire. It slowly burns and then your screen eventually fades to black. It fades back in to show a tombstone, buried at a location of your choosing, and then fades back out. And boom you're back at the title screen. Now someone just needs to script it :tongue: BONUS: YOU CAN VISIT YOUR TOMBSTONE IN FUTURE PLAYTHROUGHS.
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