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About Smannesman

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  1. Thank you for your opinion, unasked for and worthless though it may be.
  2. There is no ax to grind, nor allegations to be made. You've obviously moved a review to the bug report section twice, even after I politely pointed out that it wasn't a bug report the first time around. I'm not sure why an honest and not even negative review caused you to behave like you did. I even sent in a real bug report after being banned, but before I removed the mod. And I thank you for the amusing conversation this has been.
  3. Again, moving non-bug reports to the bug report section and immediately banning people when they post said non-bug report again after a week of no response to 'this is not a bug report' is not what I would consider to be appropriate behavior. Although I have to admit it is behavior that is to be expected from someone with your nick.
  4. Well whitewashing your comment section by moving reviews and comments you don't appreciate to the bug reports section is definitely clever. And then immediately banning those same people when they have the audacity to try to be heard is undeniably effective.
  5. I'm sorry, but you're just misrepresenting the situation. I made an entire reasonably well written post about the mod and at the end I asked one single question about an issue I had which I was curious to know if it was related to FCR and you moved the entire post over to the bug tracker and closed it saying it wasn't related to FCR. After a week I reposted my post minus the question at the end and was promptly banned. The whole experience reeks of whitewashing to me.
  6. Ah FCR, the mod that banned me for politely stating why I didn't like it. Good times.
  7. OK so this is a late reply, but I have noticed the same thing. After some testing I've come to the conclusion that you don't get achievements while using the 4GB loader with Steam in the offline mode. I guess this is because the Steam client doesn't really recognize your game when using the 4GB loader. Not entirely sure why they work when you're online and use the 4GB loader though, I'm guessing the ingame Steam API contacts the server directly when online and perhaps adds the achievements to some kind of queue when offline which doesn't work because the game isn't recognized. I've tested it multiple times with the NVSE 4GB loader and just with the NVSE loader and online/offline during two playthroughs of the game, so I'm pretty confident I'm correct about the 4GB loader and offline mode. @damian622 were you perhaps playing offline when you reached level 20?
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