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Everything posted by omega549

  1. Ive been having a lot of difficulty with FNVedit when I try to merge files using it. I am trying to merge a ESP into an ESM, I change all the ESP formIDs to the ESMs, but when I "Deep Copy Override into" the esp into the ESM it says "the required master "x.esp" can not be added to "x.esm" as it has a higher load order". WTF? This is how the Manual said to do it yet it wont let me, I followed the manual to the letter in this and still it doesnt work. any help? I am just try to copy one ESP into a ESM, the ESM is required by the ESP as is Dead money, but when I use FNVedit to remove both the masters it still doesnt work, any help?
  2. Cassidy could have awakened House, but I believe it is atleast implied he was awake for centuries (and just for gameplay sake decided to rebuilt vegas in 2081, logically he could have done it long before, this was poorly explained by obsidian), that would also mean he somehow infilitrated the Lucky 38. which I'm not sure if he could have. Here are two, atleast logical, ways it could be done: 1) House's Securitron's witnessed him being fatally wounded and rescued him, brought him back to the Lucky 38. or 2) the Vault is seperate from the Lucky 38, Cassidy stumbled into it (not likely since its sealed), was captured (could be, for whatever reason, but this creates a lot of gameplay problems cause I intended the vault as a player home), or house's securitrons brought him there. I like the being part of the Casino, but it could go as seperate. I'll start working on the levels for the military bunker if thats the way you want to go, there will have to be two: 1) A mainframe database to discover the (whatever it is) needed to save Cassidy, likely some sort of Military Supersoldier program (prob by the enclave) 2) an encalve/us military bunker that held the program (ive got some really twisted ideals for the expierements that were done here. Ill write a general script for the layout/purpose but ill leave the details (enemies, what the program is, etc) to your discretion. Anyway, we could have a A.I. program in either location, the bunker or Vault (someone has to give the quest), though having one in both is a better idea, obviously with different personalities. So thats three voice-actors 1) Cassidy 2) A.I. (1) 2) A.I. (2) ---edit, I would say house kept him because He thought to save him (he fought a lot of (whatever) so he impressed house, through the securitron) and to make him his personal "errand-boy" to do all his deeds such as find the platinum chip, but the discovered he was far to damaged (and he has a heart condition from Fallout 2) that he couldnt do anything without killing him. So he left him in stasis and decided to start the whole paying people to search for the platinum chip. The player then enters the Vault (havent decided when this will be, an issue with our actual mod at the moment) and the A.I. informs him that it has incomplete information on the U.S. Military projects that were done before the bombs fell (Mr. House was associated with, though not a member of, the enclave, hence the Vault under his casino), and that it could create a program to help the player (who is as of now not aware cassidy is in the vault) finish some of house's projects. And then the story goes to the military complexes: however those will be.
  3. Well that Vault is already made and has a story, its the area where he could be kept, ya know. Like house holds him, from the securitron finding him, cause Ive actaully already got the whole story of the place down. Its the military bunker that needs a stroy, and thats where the unique enemies can go (to find whatever it is that needs to be found to revive Cassidy), and the Unique Military A.I. I just think it removes a lot of, how can this be? type of questions if arguabely the most powerful pre-war person had something like the stasis and research center, because developing stasis type things works alongside the whole him making his preservation chamber. the difference between them is this: Stasis Chambers - cant be used to "connect" to the Lucky 38 mainframe. so its worthless to house, but can keep someone in the same shape they entered it in for a few decades. Preservation Chamber - can "Connect" to mainframe but requires that the patient lose considerable physical capability (such as House's state when his chamber is opened). So in short, if we include Cassidy in the mod, he will have been put in stasis by House, what I need then is what is the purpose of the military bunker, and what is it that needs to be done to save Cassidy, because I don't really want to go back and redo the entire Vault to fit the crazy A.I. Story, I think the House holding him is a unique story too. The crazy A.I can be the military Bunker, and I think we could get a voice-actor for it, a modulator allows anyone to do that.
  4. I was thinking about the enclave stasis pods, though how they could "preserve" people is in question, I was just hoping a player had made something before and I could use those ideals to start with. I'll try to create a combination of enclave tech and others to see how that would work. I would also like to use the DLC autodocs somehow, though not sure. maybe "old world blues" will have neat tech, if we are visiting the big empty. but it seems like we wont have another DLC for months.
  5. Certainly unique, the textures I mean, and I could easily find a place for them in the mod (very near cassidy but not on his person). view the above comments. I'm gonna write up a word document (with graphical representations) for my plans as to the layout (which is finished) and design of the vault, and I'm gonna start working on the military bunker. Ill attach the file here for your perusal, but would like to still talk about the direction of the project. The only difference is that Mr. House will be aware of the vault, and he is keeping the people (the vault was his personal scientific center where he developed his preservation chamber, and subsequently the stasis pods, which would explain why they are there, and I have the backstory on why he doesnt use them himself/why people arent in preservation chambers). as for the A.I. I dont know which direction you would like to go, it can either be in the Vault of military complex, and its purpose can be anything (but I love the ideal of crazy robots).
  6. The only Zeta DLC content included was the alien diner pan (an odd thing too) and some FXs (such as lights and smoke wisps). Anyway im trying for a vault/enclave/military idea, so even if the alien content was present it wouldn't fit the mod, I don't know, are there no mods that have things like this, I need ideals of where to start. I tired Protectron pods but they seem so out of place.
  7. PaladinRider is working on the functions of our casino, I told him about this and he was very open to it. As for the Vault, it wouldnt make much sense if Mr. House wasn't aware of its exsistence. Its huge, is under the casino (is accessed from it too), and is were he ran his personal projects. How I thought it up is like what Victor did with the player. a Securitron witnessed Cassidy battling some raiders (or whatever) but he was critically injured, so Mr. House decided if he could save him he might be able make Cassidy into his personal worker (more like soldier/assassin) to find the platinum chip, so he brought him back to the casino, to the vault, and locked him up in a cryogenetic chamber. But he couldn't develop a formulae that could save Cassidy, so he abandoned the project, and a few years (or decades) later the events of New Vegas transpired. The A.I. that runs the vault is just your average helper A.I, we can make it however you wish, though I wouldnt want it aggressive towards the player because the vault is in effect the players personal vault. However, I am going to make a derelict American Bunker that held information on a superhuman soldier project, and that can be used to save cassidy (and explain how he can be a companion and still be around, what 60-70 years old (not including the time in stasis) while still kicking ass. We could put the crazy A.I. in the Bunker. But I was gonna put several personalities in the Research wing with Cassidy, like House is keeping all the great minds of before the war in stasis. and it would be neat if Cassidy is the only one (at present) who could be revived. the area is already 95% done, I just need to develop a viable cryogenetic chamber, so if you have any ideas let me know. Then again, while I think this script is very reasonable and Fallout-esque it is completely open to alteration, but if you visit the locations you'll see it doesnt make sense if house doesnt know, and with what I'm planning Cassidy could be a great addition to the aspect of House's scientific projects. I could send you a version of the mod that has the areas, or i could send you a word document along with pictures that explain in detail the project as it stands.
  8. I'm trying to develop a cryogenetic chamber for a quest mod, what I need is a unique chamber itself. Does anyone know of any mods, modder resources, or combinations of generic statics that could look like a cyrogenetic chamber? excluding the fallout 3 zeta dlc content, for this has to be for new vegas.
  9. I like the ideal to, and I was planning on putting a A.I. in our vault, I could send you pictures of the vault through your email. I tried uploading them here but it wont let me as an attachment. Still you could download our mod, http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40531#fileanchor, and the vault is located through the room named "Studio Club" you have to clip through a few doors and unlock the elevator to it, since I didnt want it included with this version of the mod. I will try my best to help, I could always remove the vault from the casino, or make anything, though I like the ideal of Mr. House having one of the most advanced scientific centers under his casino, since it already has lasers on the roof and is really huge bomb shelter.
  10. you get the companion features (dialouge, textures) finished, I'll get him in the world. It will be a week before I can focus entirely on Cassidy, but the location is ready. Tell me your designs, I could write a script about why he's there and such, and this will fit in nicely with the mod we are making. Do you have experience scripting/quest designing. Mine is limited, and honestly I'll be pressed for time to learn in the next month and a half, but if you get the dialouge and textures, companion aspects finished I could have the mod ready by june, mid june most likely. Or it could be much faster depending on school and if another quest designer chooses to help. I would appreciate if you listed the things you and your cadre of modders could accomplish and what you expect me to do? Also I could give you the run-down on the location, if you dont like it I could make a military bunker instead (I was going to any sooner or later) and I could tell you what the process of my mod will be and what could be done.
  11. I messaged the origional author awhile ago and got no response, but I have a location if your interested, PaladinRider and myself made a mod called "Run the Lucky 38" and though it may sound odd to have cassidy there I have made a huge underground Vault under the Casino where Mr. House made his preservation chamber and ran expierements. I would happily suggest you download and check the levels in the Casino, we could easily add him in the Haven, locked in cryogenetic slumber, and say that Mr. House took him to brainwash him into being his "assassin". Though we could change that for however you wish. I currently have no use for the area as I havent decided its purpose, but if your interested let me know. If you gave me your email I could send you a folder including pictures of the areas, and a place where he could be kept. It is extremely well-designed, if I may boast alittle, though again, it serves no purpose currently.
  12. This may seem stupid, but ive been trying to figure out how to make a door operate on a switch, ie when the switch is activated the door opens. I cant figure it out, do i need to make a new door and switch and give it a script? or is there something in the edit window that allows me to do it in the render view?
  13. Glad ya added me
  14. Ive been trying to put audio in a custom cell, i would like my cell to play the music found on the strip and in the tops casino main floor, it radio new vegas i believe. Ive eused Audio marker's and changed the audio marker dialouge but nothing happens. Ive googled, searched the forums, checked the GECK Wiki but cant find any tutorial on how to do this, any help would be appreciated?
  15. Well im open to any possibilites. The thing is ive never made a quest mod. I make good levels but havent tried scripting and the other stuff. So this is more an invitation in case anyone is interested. If you are and can make the quests and scripts let me know, by the end of next week i could have all the levels ready and we could decide on the questline after. The satellite and military bunker is likely set in stone but the other stuf like mr house, etc isnt really.
  16. Haven't really decided what it will be, part of it will be the fact that im turning the Lucky 38 into one of the best house mods already anyway, so that would be a reward i guess. Right now i would love to do something, but it would depend on the people who would help me make it. I dont really know what you could do, make some unique military weapons and armor, something to do with satelittes, like a perk that gives Boones spotting ability all the time because the satelittes are attached to your pipboy, +2 perception, etc, all kinds of possiblities await, just have to actually get the quests before the rewards.
  17. Im kinda planning on the mod having to have been completed before ever meeting Mr. House face to face by locking the elevator on the quest beginning, therefore it would require a new save, or maybe if it was with yes man, an old one, it just breaks immersion if you get quests by notes then go met house in person and talk to him, i think this is like a precursor, to prove you can enter the lucky 38, that way the decisions wont matter. Its alittle hard scripting, but it would remove all the headaches with dealing with yes man and house actual scripts. cause this only makes sense if you did it with house, maybe yes man but he wouldnt have much ambition to i dont think. Well have to wait and see what people who do the questing think. I can only really make the levels.
  18. A Heaven Unto Stars I’m designing a mod, the basic outline is this: Upon beginning (preferably on a new save) the player receives a message on their pipboy: You have received a message; the contents are brief and simple, giving locations to an area north of Vegas, signed only with “Find the Key” Before continuing, it might be best to consider who could manipulate your pipboy and, more importantly, what their motives may be. When you travel to the location, it appears as though it is a depilated house, broken and in disrepair. Upon examining it, you discover hidden in the basement is the entrance to a bunker. The message: Good, you’ve found what has been hidden yet not what it holds. Do not judge lightly, for this path holds danger, drawing your destiny near. At the end, in a place you know, lies the answer to your quest. The bunker is small and indescript, holding little loot. However, at the end is a single room, finely furnished, with a picture of Mr. House on the back wall. Its then you receive this message: So you have found it. Good. By now I assume you know, this is House, Mr. House. I am communicating to you through your pipboy, an interface I designed myself. I know its capabilities and will give you directions from now on. Do not play coy; I expect prudence on this matter. You are free to choose not to obey, but you must know the 38’ is locked off till the task is complete. Do not disappoint me. This is the beginning of the mod. The quests are: 1) Lord Over Me 2) How Can’t it be 3) Silver and Gold 4) Seven of the Sum 5) No Guardian 6) To Burn the Sky 7) Heaven’s only Gaze The quests will follow this. With what was above mentioned, you leave the bunker and go to the north of vegas, by the lodge with the supermutants. Hidden in a building is a huge military complex, Everyn Bunker. It is devastated in delapitated. The player encounters a locked door which has no apparent key. Mr house informs you to return to the lucky 38 (the elevator is inoperable, so as this quest must be done before you can kill house) and enter a vault hidden below. After traveling through a relatively average industrial vault, you come to a door to some caves. In the caves are various storage rooms and a single advanced vault room, holding a figure in a stasis chamber, who is none other than Constantine Chase. Another chamber is close by, house tells the player to enter, and then you enter Chase’s memories. You search the now completely clean bunker, find his computer, and activate the terminal to get his keycode. Returning to the present, you enter the bunker and activate chase’s terminal. Its then House tells you what the bunker is. It’s a EMP control node, for the US built a EMP system throughout the Rockies in case the Chinese ever landed in the west and marched over them. The system is a small scale missile that is detonated ½ mile abouve the ground to create a 30 mile radius EMP shockwave. Mr house needs you to set off the shockwave in order to reset the west coast satellite relay system. Knowing the bases defenses need to be deactivated, house makes you detonate them to cripple it (the shielding was damaged when the bombs fell). The base goes into lockdown and it is necessary to restart the power systems and enter the mainframe uplink center to give control of what remains of the US satellite system to house. You then go to the lucky 38 and continue your game regularly. No voiceacting is required, all messages will be screen popups and pipboy notes. Now for the discussion, if you like the mod concept comment, but what I need is help. I have made a recent mod, http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40515, it expands the lucky 38. I intended for it just to be a house mod, but decided in history 380 class today that im making a quest mod. But I need alotta help making the quests and scripts. I will design every level in the mod if it needs be; in fact I’ve already started. I you are wondering over the quality of the levels, view my mod to determine if I’m a good modder. I believe I make good levels. If you want to collaborate let me know, I will give anyone full administrative access and we could make it, the quest wont be difficult, the hardest thing will be making a script for lighting changes (when the base goes into lockdown, and when the EMP turns them all off) and the quests will be average stuff not requiring a lot of attention. But if wan to be apart of something very, very good, likely to be the best quest mod for New Vegas released, please let me know. So let me know or comment please, I would love to see this mod made, I’ve already put about 40 hours into the layout of the Lucky 38 and can easily make the levels required by the middle of next week. If you can make quests PM me or comment.
  19. I recently uploaded a file to the nexus, http://newvegasnexus...le.php?id=40515, it modifies the lucky 38, adding levels, udpating the lighting, making it into a comfortable home. I would like to know how to modify the scripts of the elevator to add more floors, or if someone would like to help me do it. I am currently looking for collaborators to help finish the mod. I can easily make the levels and design them but i need help scripting. If you know how to alter the scripts, or would like to become involved with the mod let me know. It wont require much work outside of actually implementing the scripts, i can do all the rest (floor layouts, general stuff). If you have ideals for quests, want to test things, or just would like to develop features i would be happy to collaborate. anything or any ideal is welcome. so if you are interested just respond to this post, make inquires about what you can do. Anything at all is welcome. Im not picky about how it gets done, so you could do all this independent of my supervision if you like to work alone but still want to be involved. I have posted this in the troubleshooting section also. Wihile i am looking for people to help, if someone just wants to tell me how to modify the elevator scripts i would appreciate it.
  20. I recently uploaded a file to the nexus, http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40515, it modifies the lucky 38, adding levels, udpating the lighting, making it into a comfortable home. I would like to know how to modify the scripts of the elevator to add more floors, or if someone would like to help me do it. I am currently looking for collaborators to help finish the mod. I can easily make the levels and design them but i need help scripting. If you know how to alter the scripts, or would like to become involved with the mod let me know. It wont require much work outside of actually implementing the scripts, i can do all the rest (floor layouts, general stuff). If you have ideals for quests, want to test things, or just would like to develop features i would be happy to collaborate. anything or any ideal is welcome. so if you are interested just respond to this post, make inquires about what you can do. Anything at all is welcome. Im not picky about how it gets done, so you could do all this independent of my supervision if you like to work alone but still want to be involved.
  21. i recently uploaded a file to nexus labeled Lucky 38 Expanded, http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40515, and one of my commenters asked if my mod will conflict with yours. I'm not sure if it will but your ideal sounds great. If you like my layout of the casino and wish to collaborate only incorporating your assests into it please let me know. I have several versions avaliable, several of which don't change the layout of the casino floor so making it into a living casino is certainly possible. It adds a vault that can be used for your quests and I could add some areas that include robotic centers and such. let me know if your interested. actually just read the discussion, my mod is listed above ^^
  22. Im having alittle problems with the landscape of a Fallout mod i have made. when i remove areas from the world or lower the ground it remains on the world but has no collision, i.e. it can be walked through, cant be seen in the geck, and many trees that i deleted from the geck are still there with the same problems. in this picture the brown area coming from the building and the dark, strange looking trees dont appear in the geck but are in the game-world. Could someone help me with this problem. problems Problems02 Problems03 Problems04 Problems05
  23. Hello, I am trying to create a new player-home in the Adams Air Force Base of Broken Steel. I have placed a building made with DLC textures parrel to the Air Traffic Control tower, enclosed with a wall forming a box. But Broken steel creates artifical trees outside of all of the walls of the base that are completely fake-game wise. they can be walked through, dont show up in the GECK, can not be clicked on it the Console and appear only to add more vegetation around the walls without creating unneccessary textures to slow a computer down. But I cannot remove them. I have tried everything I know and cant figure it out, if anyone has any expierence with them please let me know how to fix this.
  24. have you downloaded the dlcs from GFWL live, if so then the ESMs and BSA files are installed in a directory other then the main Fallout 3 folder. As i have the hard-copies I dont know how to move those files to the main DATa directory in your Fallout 3 folder. there is however a guide to move them on the Fallout Wikia site, I believe. after they are moved to the Data folder from whatever folder they install in (likely a GFWL one) they will appear in the list. If not then they are not installed correctly, or its the strangest glitch ever.
  25. Is there an PC mod that allows multiple weapons to be equipped at any time? Not as in a pistol in each hand but, for instance, having a Sniper Rifle on your back while still having a Assault Rifle in your hands, and/or a pistol on your hip all at the same time, and, maybe switching them when different weapons are equipped such as Gears on of wars does in 3rd person? Its all for looks but it would be cool for Immersion, so I was wondering if this is possible? If there is a mod that does anything like this, or at the very least just adds a weapon texture as a part of your players body, such as the Road Warrior shotgun located on the right leg of the Tailor Made PC MOD? If not could some one help me figure out how to do it?
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