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  1. Really appreciate the approach and the suggestion, sopmac45. I wasn't really trying to make it harder or enemies more difficult to kill. I wanted to make the game more interesting and diverse, immersive. While I like the combat here and there I like the adventure, exploration part of the game best and challenges derived from that. I know Fallout has evolved over time to be much more of a shooter but it's really not my main focus. Again, thanks, you at least gave me something to think about.
  2. I just wanted to reply with a thank you, TSSC. I already had Wait Anywhere loaded but wasn't functioning properly. I added Loot Overhaul and the Get Dirty mod as well as CWSS and a few others like Campsite. I'm already enjoying the game so much more. Right now my character only has a tire iron and pipe rifle with a handful of bullets with nothing but a few caps on hand. So much more interesting. Going to try the needs mod soon too, trying them bit by bit to see how they all play together. Mandragorasprouts, I plan on checking out Horizons too, right now I only have the Vanilla game, forget if that one requires all the DLC's. Fallout 4 has gone from a game I was "meh" about to something much more interesting. Again, thanks to all who shared info.
  3. Wow, thanks for all the links, TSSC, that was much more than I was expecting. I know the beds and chairs are scattered throughout the game but there are many times when there are enough times when they are not available that a nice camp mod would be helpful. The waiting thing is just a sore point for me, on the occasions that I want to wait I don't want to have to think about finding a chair, or bed, or couch, just a pointless game feature in my opinion. Again, thanks for all the links and tips, it's really appreciated. Can't wait to try them out.
  4. Thanks for the thoughtful reply, zanity. Your last point, roleplaying, it's what I do during Skyrim, make choices that make sense for the character and use mods that enhance that experience. As I wrote, I did load an alternate start mod which gave me a bunch of choices to start a new character. Decided to be a scavenger, woke up in a bus just outside of Lexington with nothing but the clothes on my back. Spent most of my time so far running from just about everything except radroaches, which only need a few swift punches. I will see what else I can find and see if anything else will integrate into the game, I do like the idea of camping and waiting when I want. Based upon my initial play through and running True Storms and darker nights there are just times when it's good to wait till daylight. Don't want to have to run around to find a chair/couch/bed to do that. I also saw two needs mods but haven't tried either yet. In the end if figures, I really enjoy the Fallout worlds and it would be nice if it were as flexible as Skyrim but that's just not my luck. By the way, do you or anyone know of a mod that changes the player third person animation? I like playing in third person but get dizzy/motion sickness from the slight lag when changing direction. It also make moving through buildings and tight exteriors difficult. I'm not sure I'm describing it properly, I'll change direction and the camera moves but it takes second for the character to move, it's seems exaggerated when wearing power armor. It may seem like a small thing but it's very annoying. Skyrim, Fallout NV and Fallout 3 the character moves with the camera.
  5. Let me start by stating, I really don't know if this belongs in General F4 Discussion or F4 Mod Talk. I just finished Fallout 4 finally, took me forever because I just couldn't get into it and I usually love Fallout games. I played through with hardly any mods, mostly textures and armor changes but now would like to give the game another go using mods to help/enhance the playthrough. I already down loaded an alternative start mod as I do not want to play as Shaun's parent again. What I'm looking for are suggestions in immersion and game play mods. The thing I really hated in Fallout 4 was the inability to wait or sleep anywhere I wanted. What I would like is change the game play to focus on melee with guns and ammo being scarce, I would like some kind of needs mods and then some other mod that would make accumulation of caps and general wealth extremely difficult. Essentially make it more of a difficult place to survive. I've read about the Frost mod and while that sounds interesting I'm looking to keep the quests intact. Finally is there anything like Death Alternative from Skyrim? Appreciate any suggestions and thanks.
  6. For each new game I generally set my carryweight from anywhere between 90 to 120, depending on what type of character I'm playing. I've set it as low as 75 but that is pretty tough. I don't have a tough time leaving junk behind after looting. It's kind of challenging too, do I take the heavier mace or enchanted dagger. However, there is a great mod called, Stash Sacks, which allows portable sacks that can be set on the ground as permanent storage. I usually set them up at my campsite when I am just starting out. You can't carry stuff in them like the backpack mod but if you are looking for storage cache's across the map they are quite good.
  7. Going over any waterfall is pretty lame. It looks more like an escalator ride than anything else. I sometimes use the waterways and falls for quick escapes when I'm being beaten badly and there is one nearby. Thought it may be kinda challenging to have you lose some of your loot as you go over, maybe some gear like gauntlets, boots, etc. The portrait thing just sounds neat to me. There are so many great images posted up on the forum of player's characters I thought it would be neat to have one of your character over the fireplace in one of the homes. I'm not a modder either, hope somebody finds these ideas interesting enough to try.
  8. Before I built my pc and was just looking through different mods on Nexus I thought I read one that made every item in the game owned, and as I understood it, would require you to either steal the item, craft it, buy it, loot it or win it after combat. So that woodcutter's axe that is just laying around the beach of Solitude would be owned and if you take it that would be stealing. Is there a mod like this? I've tried searching using the words steal and owned in the download section but only came up with stealing crops. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  9. For me I can usually find a mod that addresses a need I perceive in the game but there are two that I have not been able to track down, if they even exist. The first is related to water and waterfalls. It has always bothered me that when my character goes over a waterfall that they do so while standing. It is one of the most immersive breaking visuals in the game to me. I was wondering if it were possible to have the character ragdoll over the falls or even start to ragdoll as they get close to the falls edge before going over. Aside from that maybe an custom animation would be better. It would also be helpful if the current were stronger near the falls so the chance to escape would be minimized. Maybe swimming in currents uses stamina and as that decreases your ability to swim is reduced. The other non-related thought is for the home. It would be fun to have an NPC you could hire who is an artist that paints portraits for a hefty sum. Take the NPC artist to your favorite location in Skyrim, pose your character and using a screenshot have the artist create a painting/portrait of your character for your home. I'm thinking a Hearthfire home or maybe make this an addition to a current home mod. Let me know what you think, if these are even possible. Thanks to anyone who reads and contributes to these ideas.
  10. Here you go, indoctrinated. This is where I got my start, just built mine two weeks ago. A first time builder myself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPIXAtNGGCw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_56kyib-Ls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxaVBsXEiok This will at least give you a base understanding on how difficult it is to build... and if I did it successfully, and I did, it's not that difficult. New Egg also has very good videos about components and how they work. I also got great feedback and information on components here on this forum. My build would have been really wonky if it weren't for the help I received here. A personal recommendation, try a Fractal Design case, they are well built, roomy and their customer service is top notch. In the end, if the idea of building your own pc still intimidates you try to find somebody local to build to your specs.
  11. One other point for you, indoctrinated. When I was looking at having my PC built for me I checked the usual resources that come up on a Google search but then I also checked locally. I live in the Boston area and there are quite a few shops that will build a machine for you that you personally spec out. This may cost you a bit more but you will have comfort knowing the quality of the components plus no worrying about the building part if you don't want to take it on. I used google maps and searched my area to find the shops. Then I looked for reviews on those shops. Just a thought.
  12. Thanks for the link, bben, there are some good options. One of the stands I like has a weight tolerance of 33lbs but a monitor max dim of 22", that seems a bit odd to me, at a 33lb tolerance you would think it could mount larger LED monitors, like my 27" Acer.
  13. A follow up to my follow up. I've been using my gaming PC for about two weeks now, I'm thrilled. So glad I was encouraged by all of you to build my own PC. There were some intimidating parts but the whole project was so much fun. The learning about components, the build process and finally having everything work for the first time. I went with a different motherboard than I listed, an Asus Z887-Pro and a different brand of RAM with a lower profile. Getting to learn Windows 8.1 was a bit maddening at first, being so used to MAC OS but it's coming along. Don't like it as much as OS X but I'm understanding it better and better. Been having so much fun modding Skyrim which was the primary mission of this build. My components have handled everything I have thrown at it so far. Again, thanks to everyone for all their help!
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