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Everything posted by Woodsboy10

  1. Well I haven't gotten everything I wanted but the core functionality is in place so I made a beta release for everyone if anyone wants to try it out :laugh:
  2. Gotcha for sure I'll make that change in the cleaning process! and I know you can do the "not WearingArmor()" but I haven't found a way to do something like "(not WearingMediumArmor() and not WearingHeavyArmor())". The "not HasShieldEquipped()" works for before me activating Bladesong but it won't cancel the Status when equipping a Shield. Also I don't know how to directly update a Concentration Saving Throw specifically so for now it's just an INT Mod Bonus to Constitution Saving Throws :sweat:.Thank you again for all the help!
  3. ...oof.... Well that's embarrassing :confused: lol Thank You So Much! Good News Everyone The Mod Is Working Now!!!! I'm in some early test phases right now and so far the I have everything implemented to an extent! There's some things I haven't been able to figure out specifically that make the Subclass true to 5e (Like the Cancelling Conditions for Bladesong such as Only Light Armor, No Shields, and One Handed Weapons Only) but I'm working on some clean up to see what I can implement better :laugh:
  4. Hey Everyone! I'm trying to write a 'Bladesinging SubClass Mod' for the Wizard in BG3 and I can't get my first build to run I keep crashing instantly when I go to level up to Level 2 on my Custom Wizard. Now I didn't level to level 2 each time I made a change I just saved before I leveled and have tried to start the Level Up process each time I open the game so idk if that causes problems. It looks like I have everything in place in order to make my mod work so if anyone has any recommendations on how to Make and Install a Sub Class Mod I'm all ears! I feel like I'm so close there's just like one thing missing. I attached the PAK file if anyone wants to take a look I know I still have A LOT left to implement but I was gonna clean after I could get something running in game. Thanks everyone I appreciate it! :-D
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