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About skil8

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  1. Thats how I learned scripting too mashing different scripts, studying vanilla scripts etc. This is perfect! Just what i needed. "set doOnce to 0 ;<-----Reset 'doOnce' to 0 to make it ready to open again on activate" This was what i didn't know. Now i can take it and use it in multiple scripts. Thanks!
  2. You are right i should try the official bethesda forums. No idea why i haven't thought of it before. Oh and i tried the Scripting for dummies. To give you a response though, i will show you what script i use for my door/Button currently: begin Seeblick_Button float timer short doOnce if ( doOnce == 2 ) return endif if ( MenuMode == 1 ) return endif if ( OnActivate == 1 ) if ( doOnce == 0 ) PlaySound "Thunder3" MessageBox "You hear mechanical movement far away, above you but from within the house. You suddenly feel frightened without apparent reason." set doOnce to 1 endif endif if ( doOnce == 1 ) set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed if ( timer <= 1 ) Move Z -10 endif "Seeblick Tapestry 2"->Move Z 200 if ( timer > 5 ) Set doOnce to 2 endif endif end Seeblick_Button I didn't really wrote much of it. Basically copy pasted and stole from other scripts and threw them together. Now all i want to know is how can i make a script like that to be executed more than once? I know it has something to do with the "doOnce" in the beginning but what is the command for "can be used/activated more than once"? Do you know what i mean by that? It's kinda hard to explain in english
  3. Hello everyone! I am working on a mod right now and i want to implement some simple scripted events. I'm a total newbie when it comes to scripting. I learned a bit over the past few weeks, i can do simple button pressing scripts or messageboxes and stuff. I don't want to do anything much bigger, just some simple scripts. But i can't for the life of me figure this stuff out. It's so much reading and writing and thinking! I might sound stupid but i was never really good at this technical stuff like scripting or programming. So i really need help here. I know there are some people in here that can write the scripts i need in max 10 minutes. It would be sooooo great if someone could just write 2 scripts for me and post them here. I can use them and work around them and add stuff to my liking. It's just the base that i'm missing. So here is what i actually need: -A script for a button press that can be done more than once. (I'm using a script called shishi_door" and adjust it to my liking. But it's a "doonce" script and i don't know the command for do more than once. I looked around but can't find it.) I don't need any actions, just the basic "Begin, activate, end". I want to use this script for a door that can be opened by a crank but can be closed again by the same crank. -A script for a button that plays a soundfile when pressed, and stops the soundfile when pressed again. I know it might be a lot to ask but i really could use some help here :)
  4. Thanks Leonardo! I uploaded one of them to MMH!
  5. Hey guys! I'm pretty sure it's not allowed to promote mods on this forum but i got to do it anyways. I created my 2 very first mods and put a lot of effort into it. To be honest they were never intended to be published. I just made them for me and then found out there's still an active modding community! I uploaded my mods here and already got a couple of downloads! This made me so excited and i love getting feedback. Creating things with the construction set is so much fun! I really want to create more mods! The problem with me is that i loose interest very very quickly... I know this is basically begging for attention (and yes it is!) but i just need some comments or feedback on these mods. When i got my first comment i immediately fired up the construction set and worked 18 hours straight on the next mod. Something about the interaction with the community and especially reading that people enjoy my work is so motivating to me! So i ask everyone who is reading this to at least look at the screenshots of my mods or maybe even try them out to let me know what they think! I would really really appreciate it! My mods are: Caldera Expansion and Seyda Neen Houseboat
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