I'm working on a new mod that will allow the player to own his/her own bandit clan(s) which will have its own storyline, notoriety system, upkeep for minions, etc. I already have just about all of it planned out(although I am willing to hear things out) and am looking for a partner to help me implement this stuff into the game. It will majorly save me time lol and I will be glad to share credit and let you put your own stuff into this mod Basically to provide more detail about what will be going on with this mod: I'm wanting to provide the player the option of being evil and ruling a bandit clan(s) The player will start out taking control of a really basic and weak clan(that is half dead) by slaying its chief. The clan will perform operations such as raids, muggings, ambushes, etc independantly from the player although the player can decide what the clan shall focus on. The player can also use loot to do any of the following: Train your bandits, arm them better, and outfit your camp. The rest the player can choose to take for themselves, or all of it if they really don't care about their clan. Loot is split two ways: What the clan gets and what you get. The player can choose the percentage of loot they want to receive but the more they claim for themselves the less bandits who will choose to work under him. Unfortunately since criminals have a tendency to waste what they make the bandits will not use their share of the loot to improve themselves in any way, the player must use the percentage they get to make any improvements to the clan. The player will also be offered special quests now and again to tag along with the bandits on an operation(if it is considered especially difficult as to bring the new chief) Now for the story: The ultimate goal of any ambitious chief is to expand his/her operations as such you will do quests to conquer/destroy several other bandit clans where you will receive a variety of choices: recruit the whole clan or recruit its champion Choose between two clans Obliterate the whole clan As your operations grow authorities will take notice, at first being simple holds sending guards, but eventually the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloaks will be competing for the right to kill you and your clan(s) and claim glory for it.(and some secret enemies) The thing about this part is that you can actually lose the game. Even if you survive the enemy CAN obliterate your clan and if so your bandit clan(s) operations are permamentally set-back and limitting what you can do with them, and if you win then you are elevated from bandit chief to bandit king. So looking for a partner to help me put this in the game, I already know how but this is a TON of work, and like I said I don't mind sharing credit and/or letting you put some of your own stuff into this