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Everything posted by DDProductions83

  1. They do, but if a mod author so much as mentions it he/she can be banned. Policy changed on that btw check the TOS :)
  2. Because DD doesn't give a damn about stealing other peoples IP... he's well known as an advocate for the theft of other peoples work for your own use any way you see fit. I think I got that right? What? I don't get the context. He's a trolling idiot :) I prefer using good music for my mod trailers and that one was because ti was a homage to the borderlands pre-sequal trailer :) I figured germany would get hit but by now ya all have got to be proxy nuts I assumed, Canada though also got hit rofl. There is actually nothing wrong with using copyright music in youtube videos, what happens is they monetize my video which is reasonable, and can impose country strikes like they tend to do with germany for w/e reason it is. But ya, it's something I knew would happen and oh well, proxy it up or just use a youtube downloader and download the video real fast :) The trailer is more epic because of the music so I deal with it. I don't think I've ever done a real proper trailer that germany could watch lol
  3. Ya I was expecting the usual germany lockout, but canada was a bit weird, proxy it son!
  4. See... I used to send everyone a thank you, but it got really tiresome. If you needed a thank you, then don't donate, plain and simple. Your 'thanks' is the MA continuing to crank out freebies and more work for you time and time again. I know I'm a asshat generally, but ya, it gets obnoxious to send emails to people then get one back then you feel obliged to send another one etc etc etc etc /killmyself, I would rather be modding, as I am sure a ton others would be, so take it as your thank you is the next mod they put out, and if you really needed something in return you should probably re-evaluate why you were doing it in the first place.
  5. Do you want very blunt honest feedback with copious amounts of language and a extra heaping of rage hate and 13 year old virgin tears? Then count on this guy!!!!!
  6. I hope robin voted leave or I may be in trouble!!!!!!!! Also only hosted on bethaidsda cause I'm pretty sure that while the music used is public domain, the singing would not be O.o And Bethaidsda protects content theft! ( I think it is anyway if I have time before breakdown I have the old oldschool just music version I plan to clip together and upload to nexus, just have a lot of moving to do, I think the music/lyrics are what's public domain and anyone singing though end up being their copyright, though actuall ynot 100% on this one at all, because if sung by a US military group it's public domain IIRC AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ) The flags are lore friendly as I called it the Euorpean Commonwealth flag So my first Betheftsda.aids exclusive mod! (Links to mod are on the video page description)
  7. It amuses me to read your posts while hearing them in Elmo's voice in my mind. =^[.]^= Lol, I think he should talk like Elmo in all his videos from now on. I can do JarJar not sure about elmo, they pretty close
  8. I refuse to link until I have too, that way we can see how long their grace period is, said grace period ONLY helping criminals btw, there is 0 upside for a grace period for legit MA's f*#@ing stupid s#*! c*%! bethesda
  9. You think I stopped modding? And I prefer to put my a-hole energy into modding but I prefer my work to not be stolen and the platform I use to not be 4chan
  10. They still havent made the link required, just uploaded another mod no link
  11. You need to make a new formlist, then plop a keyword in it for the image, then the next keyword for your menu, then run a script to 'inject' it instead of putting your keyword directly into the menu which will cause all sorts of compat issues. Create a quest, create a refalias, put a script on said ref alias formlist property menuformlist auto const formlist property mymenuformlist auto const event onaliasinit() menuformlist.addform(mymenuformlist) endevent That's all ya get form me cause you probably aren't going to understand it and ask for more help :P SOMEONE ELSE TAKE THE PLATE!
  12. So R U racist because you only want this on PC!!! Why U racist against consoles! Lol looks good man :) I look forward to it being stolen and placed on bethaidsda.cancer
  13. It's not too long of a quest, just some fun to throw my AIO and all the new s#*! together :)
  14. I want it to be noted that I am 100% in favor of overwatch porn. Anyone that can wank to it is a better man than I, I can't stop laughing at how surprised/excited tracer looks always, not to mention how they have to be loathing the tracer porn after that booty kerfuffle
  15. I know fading.... I have seen what bethesda hath wrought.... Ya were still f*#@ed. I shall continue to churn the active volcano.
  16. Or better known as, that quest I'm forcing you to play for my AIO suckaz She went so ham on this I was laughing so hard I had to share, the direction were just, sing offkey, this is called dedication people!
  17. Robin, you understand that even I look at zanity and shake my head and wish he wasn't on my side... You quoting him and responding gives him some measure of validity, like Hinesey winesey tweeting a response to me bricking xboxes and the punishment for doing so made it seem like it was real and panicked people. :P Literally.. worst person to ever be out in front of a company I swear to god.
  18. A gmail account can be created and activated in 5 minutes. A Steam account can be created and activated in 10 minutes. A Nexus account can be created and activated in 10 minutes. A Bethesda.net account can be created and activated in 10 minutes. In less than one hour, a thief can be stealing files with impunity. If they get caught and banned, they can be back on the air in less than an hour with a completely new set of credentials. Linking accounts is window dressing. It's supposedly requires a fo4 copy, so at the very least it would supposedly cost them money.
  19. It's not required yet, I've uploaded 3 mods since they put that up, they are giving the criminals a window to steal before they implement it...... seriously f'ing tossers over there
  20. Yep, I'm openly flame baiting the moderators there now, they are volunteers like here, and HAI Dante! I think it's disgusting they ban people for 'naming and shaming' if you call out a pirate who blatantly mocks the rules and mod authors etc, and yet those people have their mod up for SIX f*#@ING DAYS, with a blatant message that it was stolen on it.
  21. Since we can tech do it here :) The brave new world http://i.imgur.com/iE4Su2D.png
  22. He'll probably still be fine here though. I'll be fine on bethesda.aids as well, there are what 3 million xbox users, and at best a few thousand who even use the forums psh Way to call DDP autistic for no apparent reason... That reddit thread sure hates ya though DDP. You're just a big ol' A-hole. The reason is pretty apparent to me, sure sounds and acts like he is somewhere on the spectrum to me - but my bad if I hurt his feelings: I may have thrown that in there out of mischief rather than compassion. The only way you could actually affect me btw is if you meant something to me, as some random person I have never met nor interacted with till right now, your opinion and thoughts are about as meaningful to me as the next ant. And yes, i am def on the spectrum, which is phenomenal as it makes me a emotional brick wall which trolls and haters on the internet cannot hope to actually even Asian away at :smile: Figured as much, I've got some experience with people on the spectrum so it stood out to me on yr vids. I should have self censored before I threw it out there as snark in a forum post tho. Again, My bad. (You sure do pull the "oh no look whats happening to poor me it's a travesty!" thing a lot for someone who is an emotional brick wall. On the plus side it's made it super easy to work out who to take seriously and who to avoid on the forums so "thanks" for that I guess? ) The thing is, if it can happen to me on these sites, it can happen to others. Also, what better way to screw with people than to play their own victim card back at them.
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