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  1. Hey guys. I made a topic last year in regards to getting Kyoma's Journal Mod to work and thanks to Shadowfen and Tom I was able to get it to work, but now that I'm playing again I can't make it work (pressing J to bring up the journal.) Here's what I've done so far: - Downloaded OBSE, OBMM, plugins and the mod itself - 50/50 installed the mod correctly There's an omod conversion data folder in the folders and crap, but there's nothing I can use to add an archive with with the add archive function. But, I found out what I did last time to make the OMOD-Ready option work (add folder) and it compiled everything correctly *I think*, but now I'm prompted with a text box saying "Kyoma's Journal Mod requires Oblivion Script Extender v16 or higher" despite me havng v0019b. I think I had this issue last time as well. Any tips?
  2. Hey Tomlong. Okay so I used omod to install a texture mod and I downloaded the main file, but when I activate them, they don't show up on the left side box and the meshes has a brown status box.
  3. hey tom could i have your MSN? im having troubles with another mod again lol >:(
  4. When I downloaded the Illumination Within mod (http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3700), I installed it all properly with omod, but it's not working. It works in Cheydinhal but not Bruma. Is it only a few towns?
  5. I was exploring a dungeon and I think I may have pressed something by accident. Now, all I can do is run but if I hold down shift I walk, instead of it being the other way around. When Caps Lock is ON, I walk, but when it's off, I run; it's all backwards. Is it something I pressed? EDIT: Nevermind. I pressed ` and capslock and that turned it off. Odd. Close this thread please, sorry for wasting bandwidth.
  6. I'll give it a shot, but if it doesn't work that's fine. I've become more attatched to my new Assassin instead of my old one since now I can actually write. Thank you so much for your help Tom, I'm a noob when it comes to Oblivion Mods. :biggrin: If I ever have problems with Mods, I'll be sure to seek you out. Also, thank you to Shadowfen.
  7. Okay, everything works for the most part. I started a new game just to test in fresh, pressed J and my journal was made, but I am unable to make a journal on my original save when pressing J. What's the deal? What I mean by this is when I load my save, my journal isn't created. If that can't be helped, that's fine, I'll use the console to just set my skills.
  8. So, the one I originally extracted, the obse_v0018 that has the src folder in it with what seems to be vital files? Delete that folder and just keep the 3 key files that I moved? If so, now do I make a folder called OBSE and another one inside it called Plugins inside the Bethesda Softworks folder? EDIT: Saw Shadowfen's post. So after I delete the obse_v0018 folder, and making an OBSE\Plugins folder, do I then extract the Pluggy v125 stuff into that folder? And should I put the OBSE Plugins folder into Data\OBSE\Plugins or Bethesda Softworks\OBSE\Plugins?
  9. Okay, I found where the saves are. I'll reinstall Oblivion now to Games\Bethesda Softworks and install OBSE. I'll let you know if anything is fixed. EDIT: Okay, so I installed and extracted OBSE v0018 successfully to C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks Step four says to remove the folder, does that mean remove the folder called obse_0018? I already moved the 3 files from the obse_0018 into the Bethesda Softworks folder. I don't see a Data\OBSE\Plugins folder anywhere which is why I'm wondering.
  10. ...that is not an installation folder. You could've deleted the obse_v0018 folder. Did you even install OBSE? OBSE - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/index.php?page=obse <-- make sure you moved those DLL files and the obse_loader.exe (which you should be launching the game with) There are instructions for installing OBSE plugins on that page too. All OBSE plugins MUST be installed to Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins. That is where the primary DLLs must be. Yes I did install it before but it didn't work so I reinstalled it again now. I can save it to my Oblivion folder but whenever I try to extract it says Error cannot access C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_v0018.zip and I can't even find it in the folder when I navigate to it. You should reinstall the game out of the default folder. The UAC will interfere with mod management. Install the game to C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks instead. Okay, where can I access my save files so I can keep them? Or will I be prompted to keep them?
  11. ...that is not an installation folder. You could've deleted the obse_v0018 folder. Did you even install OBSE? OBSE - http://tesivpositive.animolious.com/index.php?page=obse <-- make sure you moved those DLL files and the obse_loader.exe (which you should be launching the game with) There are instructions for installing OBSE plugins on that page too. All OBSE plugins MUST be installed to Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins. That is where the primary DLLs must be. Yes I did install it before but it didn't work so I reinstalled it again now. I can save it to my Oblivion folder but whenever I try to extract it says Error cannot access C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_v0018.zip and I can't even find it in the folder when I navigate to it.
  12. I did what you said and got it to work for the most part, and by that I mean: I was able to click press "J" which brings up the journal but it said The Journal Mod needs Pluggy dev 122 or later and gave me the link to where to get it but I already have it installed so I'm not sure what I did, but I'm getting closer. It said to extract the files to Oblivion\Data and to extract the OBSE_Elys_Pluggy.dll and OBSE_ELys_Pluggy.dlx to Oblivion Install Directory\Data\OBSE\Plugins, but in this case I put it into the obse_v0018\Plugins folder because obse has all the data files associated with it already. I just need you to help me figure out why the Pluggy won't work properly.
  13. Hi Tom, I downloaded OBMM and to my knowledge I installed it correctly and ran the set-up. So, I followed the guide on how to install the mod (in this case Kyoma's) and it didn't work. As for what I did: I clicked create mod, put it all the info (Kyoma's Journal Mod 3.2.1). Then I clicked Add File and clicked on the Kyoma's Journal Mod.esp and that appeared on the little box where it says Relative Path and File Path. Apparently, the mod is OMOD-Ready because it has an OMOD Conversion Data folder. I tried to click on Add Folder because there's the info and script files inside that folder but nothing popped up on the Relative and File paths. What am I doing wrong? Is there any chance you can do an image-by-image walkthrough of what to do to get it to work, or at least help me out to fix this through text? Here's the link incase you're interested: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15294 I have used the mod (and had a little exchange with Kyoma about including support for my preferred UI mod, DarkBirdy's original DarkUI mod. ;)) I think I can help. My advise for creating OMODs here is that most of the time there is no reason to first extract an archive you download. In this case, and in the case of 99% of OMOD-Ready mods, you should just use the 'Add archive' method to add the download directly to the OMOD. That will properly load all of the files and fill-in the relevant data. The point of the OMOD-Ready package is to get rid of that work for the user. Add the archive first, and then add other information if necessary (or desired.) Create a new OMOD for Kyoma's mod, this time, adding the archive first. Most users probably do not have to do more than that. Modifying the XML's is optional. Okay, so I added the archive and created the omod, but I am getting a red box which means a data file conflict. I don't know which files belonged to the Journal Mod, so I'm not sure if I can uninstall it to wipe it all. Any tips? EDIT: Okay so I activated it and it was a green box now but it said it needed OBSE v16 or higher. So I had v18 on my desktop and extracted it to Oblivion\Data and that seems fine now. I also had the Pluggy plugins that it needed and so I put those into a folder I made called OBSE\Plugins but it still won't work in-game...what did I do wrong?
  14. Hi Tom, I downloaded OBMM and to my knowledge I installed it correctly and ran the set-up. So, I followed the guide on how to install the mod (in this case Kyoma's) and it didn't work. As for what I did: I clicked create mod, put it all the info (Kyoma's Journal Mod 3.2.1). Then I clicked Add File and clicked on the Kyoma's Journal Mod.esp and that appeared on the little box where it says Relative Path and File Path. Apparently, the mod is OMOD-Ready because it has an OMOD Conversion Data folder. I tried to click on Add Folder because there's the info and script files inside that folder but nothing popped up on the Relative and File paths. What am I doing wrong? Is there any chance you can do an image-by-image walkthrough of what to do to get it to work, or at least help me out to fix this through text? Here's the link incase you're interested: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15294
  15. The mod is not working properly at all, and what's OBMM? Sorry, I bolded it now.
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