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Everything posted by bientje

  1. Hi, Whenever I compile facegen in the Creation Kit, the ouput is much more pixelated than the vanilla facegen textures. For example, if I run an export with Better Vampire Fangs active and compare my output to that of another mod, the difference in quality is very noticable. I'm running creation kit through MO2 and taking the output from the overwrite folder. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
  2. Okay, somehow it works now... I tried doing the same in Creation Kit what I was doing and xEdit , and apparently that does work. Not sure why.
  3. Hi, Banging my head on the wall here. I have a .NIF that doesn't work properly in 1st person. Part of the mesh glitches out. What I want to do is assign a different 3rd and different 1st person mesh to the Armor Addon, so that I can remove the glitched out part of the armor for the 1st person model only. But no matter what I do, whenever I make changes to the 1st person mesh it also makes changes to 3rd person mesh. To start, I made sure that there are 4 armor NIFs, basically the 1stperson meshes are copies of the armor_o and armor_1 meshes. They are exactly the same NIFs. armor_0 armor_1 1stpersonarmor_0 1stpersonarmor_1 What I then do is assign in xEdit in the Armon Addon the above 1st person mesh (1stpersonarmor_1) to the first person model, using the correct path. Then I go into the mesh in Nifskope, delete a large chunk of the 1stperson mesh. I then load up the armor in the game, but whatever I do, I just cannot get the game to accept the fact that both the 3rd person armor and 1stperson armor meshes should be treated as different, standalone entities. Whenever I edit in nifskope 1stpersonarmor_0 or _01 it also affects my 3rd person armor model. I have to note I am equipping the armors on myself (player character). What am I doing wrong? Am I misunderstanding the how 3rd person and 1st person meshes are treated?? Starting to lose my mind, haha.
  4. Never mind, I'm stupid. Just had to generate the navmesh and voila.... my god :pinch:
  5. See screenhot: https://i.postimg.cc/qRPbPdqL/nav.png How can I have the connecting green bar show up like it is in the upper part of the screenshot? Exterior navmesh. Thanks!
  6. I don't because I'm a big noob! It's all abrakadabra. You see that the way OMB explained is better for noobs than your explanation, right? But now that I'm more familiar with the basics, I think your suggestion is better because I need to attach the Change Outfit script to multiple horses, so having it all in one script will save time and is more effective. And will I not use OnPackageChange instead of OnPackAgeEnd? It seems more logical.
  7. Found the answer. Maxarturo's way was too complicatd for me. I didn't understand a thing they said :p Here is the fastest way to do it, all the credits to OldMansBeard who explained is very well in this topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6591896-conditions-in-ai-packages "(1) in the OnBegin of your AI package, just type a semicolon, click 'compile' and close the package. This will cause a dummy papyrus script to be attached to the package. (2) Re-open the package and you will see it now has a script attached. It will probably have a name starting with PF. Right click and that and open its properties. (3) Add an armor or weapon property (as appropriate), give it name that makes sense to you and assign its value to be the item you want to be equipped. (4) Suppose you called your property 'ThingToEquip'. In the OnBegin space, where you had the semicolon, hit edit. Remove the semicolon and put in the line akActor.EquipItem(ThingToEquip) (5) Hit compile again and save the package." Poepkat says: Instead of using EquipItem(ThingToEquip) you can set your Outfit as a propery (step 3) and use SetOutfit(OutfitPropertyName) (step 4). Worked like a charm!
  8. YOOOO! Thank you SO MUCH for this explanation OldMansBeard. I had to do so much research before coming to this post. Works like a charm! And finally someone explaining a step-by-step in their reaction instead of talking mumbo jumbo. Because of this, you actually made me learn more. THANKS
  9. Can I not do it through Papyrus Begin and Change fragments so the OnPackageEnd and OnPackageStart events are automated? I'm really looking for some pointers on how to structure my script, because I have no idea and couldn't find any decent explanation.
  10. HI, I'm looking for a way to make my NPC, in this case a horse, unequip all their items when a new AI Package starts, and then when the AI Package ends/moves to the next package, I want to NPC/horse to re-equip their inventory. The horse will only be using 1 default outfit, and the items will always be the same. I tried setting 'Use Sleep Outfit' in the AI Package but it seems unfortunately that function doesn't work in the CK. Can anyone provide any help? I have done some verrry light scripting, but am very noob. Thank you.
  11. Here is the mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45516/ I don't even know why I made it, those fires have never bothered me.
  12. Thank you. I need some time to process the last two options (with the formlist) that you gave me. In the meantime, I reached my original goal. I attached a script to a Xmarker and it worked. This was the actual script I ended up using: Scriptname MOD_FireOffScript extends ObjectReference {Quest property MQ104 auto Int property 160 auto Event OnCellAttach() If MQ104.IsStageDone(160) Self.Disable() endif EndEvent} This script disables the fires at Western Watchtower that are there permanently after the Dragon Rising quest (the first dragon fight). Bethesda already used a xMarker for enabling the fire effects, so it was quite easy to disable them :) BTW, I love your mods, dylbill.
  13. Thank you very much! I had not idea about formlist. Why would I use a formlist over individual links?
  14. Thank you for the speedy reply! If I multiple objects I want enabled at a certain quest stage. - I create an xMarker and gives this xMarker the script you corrected for me. Then if I want all of these objects to dissappear again after a certain quest stage, could I just expand the script? Quest property TESTQUEST01 auto Quest property TESTQUEST02 auto Int property QuestStageProperty auto Event OnCellAttach() If TESTQUEST01.IsStageDone(QuestStageProperty) Self.Enable() endif Event OnCellAttach() If TESTQUEST02.IsStageDone(QuestStageProperty) Self.Disable() endif EndEvent And what would I do if I only wanted a select few objects disabled instead of all of them? Thank you!
  15. Hi, I'm looking for an easy way to have an object (Or XMarker with links to multiple objects) be disabled/enabled upon a certain condition, for example Quest Stages Done. Would this work: Quest property TESTQUEST01 auto Int property QuestStageProperty auto Event OnCellAttach() If TESTQUEST01.IsStageDone(PROPERTY) ObjectReference.Enable() endif EndEvent Any other suggestions to get the desired result would be very welcome!
  16. Hi all, I see all these crazy requests on here. My request is actually very basic and I think definitely do-able, even for someone without a lot of skill. Hopefully there is someone out there who wants to invest a small amount of time in my request. There is a mod I want to use called Scarecrows in Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39575/ It does what the name implies, placing scarecrows across Skyrim. The mod makes use of the following assets: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/38908 However, all three version of scarecrow feel out of place in the world of Skyrim. One has a cowboy hat, one has a steel helmet and one has a top-hat. Plus, the textures feel a bit too modern and not rustic enough. Is there anyone who is willing to go over the mesh and create a version without any headwear? I'd definitely be willing to try and improve the textures myself, but the mesh is too complicated for me. Thank you!
  17. Thank you for the reply. I followed the GIMP tutorial, alas no improvement. I did notice that the normal map.dds was misaligned in relation to the regular .dds so this might be the source of the problem. I also messed around with the mesh, changing the specular and glossiness strength, but this didn't make a difference. I'll keep trying! I appreciate your help.
  18. Hi all, So I downloaded the Photoshop .DDS plugin to try and fix some overly bright textures in my game. For example, one is from a mod that adds some ducks to Skyrim. When the sun hits the ducks they become blinding. Another example is a banner retexture that makes banners extremely bright in the sun. I know we can set Glosiness strength in the .nif file through Nifskope. However, for the banner retexture there are no meshes associated with the mod, so I assume that the problem can be partially fixed by editing the texture? And even if the problems is in the meshes, I'd really like to learn how to edit textures. I've been searching for hours for a decent tutorial that properly explains how .DDS normal maps work and how I can make changes to specularity and transparency through the Alpha Channel in Photoshop, but I couldn't find anything useful. The furthest I've come without breaking the entire Alpha Channel is opening the original normal map in Photoshop and then (without any adjustments) re-saving it as BC7 sRGB. But even then when I re-open the file the entire Alpha Channel is completely white. So I cannot even save the normal map properly without messing up the entire structure of the file... it's kind of sad. Another thing I did learn is that if I delete the entire Alpha Channel and then select the RGB channel and then create a new channel I can create a 'new' Alpha Channel. This new Alpha Channel is much more grey-ish than the original one. If I try to save the .dds with my new Alpha Channel is still shows up as a completely white Alpha Channel the next time I load up the file... I read somewhere that editing the Alpha Channel in the normal map could lead to less glossiness/shininess, so my goal is to change the Alpha Channel from almost completely black (original modded texture) to slightly more transparent. For the love of my sanity can someone please help me! And why are there no decent tutorials on this subject?
  19. Just an update that the condition works perfectly now and is neatly unlocking the Menu Button when I want it. Thank you for the motivation. Side-story: when I was testing my new condition (after discovering I accidentaly changed a 0 into 1 on for a condition I didn't mean to) I encountered another very stupid thing. Because the quest I was using for testing purposes is the BYOHHouseFalkreath quest, and queststage 100 gives the player the deed to the house, this queststage completion also removes all gold from the player (because the deed to the house costs 5000 gold). So, after using setstage 100 I didn't have any gold in my inventory (which I didn't notice!), but the object I'm interacting with needs gold for it to be able to open the menu. Because I was testing with a HUGE load order, everytime I COC-ed from the main menu it loaded a s#*! ton of mods, resulting in me not seeing the message in the top left of the screen that is related to the mod I'm testing. The message that says 'You don't have enough gold in your inventory'. Because I didn't notice this message, I actually thought the new condition still didn't work and broke the entire mod, not opening the menu at all.... It was only after my 5th test-try that I, by luck, let enough time pass for me to notice the message.... meaning basically I wasted another 40 minutes because of this unforeseen side effect of using setstage BYOHHouseFalkreath 100. There's a lesson in there somewhere, probably about testing with vanilla load order or something :p
  20. I just saw my own mistake! It was all a result of a typo. Apparently when I added the condition in CK I accidentally changed the value of the second condition to == 1. So stupid.... it should be == 0 like it was originally, a.k.a. NOT showing up in the location, instead of ONLY showing up. My god, wasted 2 hours of my life because of this. Wil get back with results and edit this post. Thanks for replying IsharaMeradin! I was testing on a new game every time (COC-ing from the Main Menu)
  21. Hi, Thanks for responding. Love your mods! Use many of them myself. I just cannot get it to work. I put the below conditions, and I use console to setstage BYOHFalkreath to 110, but the button just won't pop up. (I'm not in map location BYOHouse1Location of course) EDIT: I'm testing by immediately setting SetStage to 110 (I also tried first setting 100, then 110). Could it be I'm bugging myself out by not completeing the quest through gameplay?
  22. Hi, I'm trying to add a condition that needs to be checked before a specific Menu Button (option/choice) inside a Message object is being displayed. Until this condition is met, I don't want the option in the menu to be displayed. The entire menu is working as intended, except for the extra condition part. The specific condition I wanted to add was something in the lines of Subject GetStageDone Quest 100 >= 1.0 AND The AND is there to make the condition work in tandem with a condition that IS working, namely Player GetLocation xxx == 1 When I add my new condition to one of the buttons, the menu keeps working as intended, except if I test through console with setstage xxx 100 the option never shows up. What am I messing up?? Thanks in advance for your help, I'm just trying to learn some basic stuff :smile: If I'm being unclear please let me know, English is not my native tongue.
  23. Hello, This reply is hopeful. Do you think it is possible to create such a fix for PS4 and upload to Betheada.net? I have the same problem with the Khajiit sitting outside Whiterun, but withouts tents. They also never move. I would be very grateful.
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