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About wolfard88

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  1. Would anyone know of, or be willing to make, a small mod that adds all the Halloween decorations, or the Christmas decors for that matter? I'm a holiday kind of guy and really want to dress up my settlements for October and December... Thanks in advance for any responses!
  2. I have been following the modding community on Nexus very quietly for several years now, going all the way back to TES IV: Oblivion, and while I don't really post or say much, I will add this; 1. The only time I felt like modding was dead/might be dying was when I come across these threads on the forums. Otherwise, the thought never even crosses my mind. 2. As many others have said; it takes time. FO4 has put out way more far faster than I recall for FO3, NV, or Skyrim. The best stuff, if history is an accurate reference, won't be out for roughly 6 months to a year and a half from now I'd say. The best stuff for Skyrim didn't come out for years until after it's release. 3. Upon reading the responses and follow-up posts by the OP, there very much appears to be an agenda being pushed by Aeradom and definately a desire to argue/conflict, but I cannot imagine what that agenda is or why Aeradom would want to argue for the sake of arguing. TL;DR Modding is fine, best stuff takes times, not really sure what the OP is seeking. Validation?
  3. Thanks! It seems the problem is that EEO's tintmasks and facial textures are too large for the creation kit to handle. Ultimately, it seems the textures need to be resized temporarily to 256x256. I have no idea how to do that though...thoughts, anyone?
  4. Nah, it's not the old mismatch issue. The skin matches, the shape of the head matches, no neck gap....it's something to do with EEO and the tintmasks, like warpaint and eyeshadow, etc. Something's causing that stuff to come up as a grid of blacklines all over the head. I'm at my wits end
  5. Hi all, I've recently been following these tutorials http://hubpages.com/hub/Hot-to-Turn-Your-Skyrim-Character-into-a-Follower and http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25673/? to create a new follower, and I am getting some issues when using the exported facegen. All *seems* well except for these black lines on the head and face, and in the creation kit I get an error regarding missing facegen detail map. I do not know what I'm missing. The follower was created with Caliente's body and textures, ethereal elven overhaul, apachii sky hair, and RaceMenu by Expired6978. I have attached a screenshot of the face ingame for reference. It should be noted I am somewhat familiar with the Creation Kit, and not familiar at all with stuff like nifscope and blender, etc. Any takers?
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