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Everything posted by stationstu

  1. Here here, I think it's in agreement that we all want to kick those snobby "Exploitive-Deletive" high elves back to the Summerset Isle... Can i get a second?
  2. Another thing i just thought of that would probably greatly affect the above would be the return of the athletics and acrobatics skill trees, i loved building a character in Morrowind that could climb any mountain and take high falls without much damage. invisible walls and clumsy player characters have made that portion of the elder scrolls decline since TES:3 in my opinion.
  3. I like this idea regarding the Tsaesci snake men, it would tie in really well with skyrim given that the Nords are so nuts about Talos. Also the akaviri Dragons could intersect with that too, because if i remember correctly the Tsaesci tried to enslave the dragons but were not entirely successful. so i could see some kinda three way war between the snake men, dragons, and the Nords. Also i believe it to be the Tiger-Dragon king's goal to invade Tamriel, so that in and of its self could make a great DLC.
  4. As far as a invasion from underground, i could see that with the Falmer. But DagothdagonAlduin has a point in them coming from another plane, thats pretty much the main storyline of Oblivion. But a falmer surface invasion could be cool they need more facetime. They could go more into their history and past involvement with the dwemer and Nords. Finding out what actually happened to the Dwarves would make an excellent DLC as well, they have never really went into that.
  5. With the recent announcement of skyrims first DLC Dawnguard Elderscrolls fans are naturally exited, and with good reason. Bethesda rarely disappoint when it comes to their downloadable content. So the question at hand is what do you expect and what would you like to see? http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/524186_10150707423141404_131368351403_9478478_855304725_n.jpg Personally I suspect something to do with vampires from Dawnguard i mean "Dawnguard" just sounds like the name of a vampire hunting clan or something right? Which would be pretty decent, i like immersive storylines like that and it would make playing a vampire much more immersive or perhaps you could go the other way and become a hunter yourself. though its all speculation on my part and completely open to interpretation. There are also a few gates leading out of Skyrim blocked off by invisible walls, is this by chance a pre-planned decision by the developers at Bethesda, it may suggest that in latter DLC'S we will be leaving Skyrim. Perhaps to return to Morrowind or cyrodiil or maybe even a province we have yet to explore like Blackmarsh the home of our scaley reptilian friends the Argonains. I like this idea, id be interested to see what Morrowind is like now 200 years latter.
  6. I've logged probably a thousand hours on each elder scrolls since morrowind and when i heard there were gonna be werewolves in skyrim i about lost it lol, but sadly i was let down. Though the werewolves look cool their features are less than satisfying. i was expecting speed, power and the ability to leap like a madman. i understand not wanting an overpowered character but instead we were underwhelmed. however with certain mods our needs can be appeased and in my case they mostly have through the use of mods like tales of lycanthropy, beast run and some reskins if your looking for the more Artic style wolf one would expect to find in skyrim. However i'm still left wanting my bloodmoon beasty, and with mods like those already mentioned i don't imagine it would be very difficult for the very skilled modders of our community. So if someone is interested i think something of this caliber would greatly enhance the game. Id specifically like to see a mod that simply adds a better ability for jumping, i mean you remember those Morrowind wolfs right? they had mad hops lol. And different pelt options. Also maybe a option for first person view, i always liked to tear across solstiem at breakneck speeds in wolf mode. Any way those are just the thoughts off the top of my head i'm sure there are like minded people out there with thoughts of their own. so please guys and girls throw down if you miss the pack, i know i do! In regard to the better jumps i just found a video of a mod that would be perfect if implemented as a resource(With the original modders consent ofcourse) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpqfKXXOYcM
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