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Everything posted by Ovechi

  1. So, I've been thinking for a while now that it'd be so cool to have a mod that keeps the eyes of dead npc's open. I feel like it would be such a simple mod that would add a lot in terms of immersion. I personally have random encounter mods or mods like Warzones and I love coming across the aftermath of a battle and playing it out in my head. I mean, think about it... you shoot a bandit in the neck and instead of them looking like they kind of fell asleep with an arrow in their neck, they kind of just left their eyes open(?) What's funny is I've been reading around and apparently some people have had it happen as a bug in their games. I was going to make an effort to make the mod myself but seeing as I have no experience at all in making mods, I thought I'd maybe plant the idea in someone else's more capable hands. So yeah, what do you guys think? Is something like this even doable to begin with?
  2. So, I've had this issue for a good while now (probably since late January/early March-ish, idk for sure) where I absolutely CANNOT run Fallout 4 with ArchiveInvalidation enabled. Just can't do it. I've run multiple tests, done countless fresh installs, etc. all to no effect. The game always seems to crash at any point when I begin to leave the northern part of the map or in specific areas. Really vague, I know. Thing is I don't want to go as far as to say it's random though because I could sit here and give you a really good idea of where it'll crash. I just don't know why. None of the areas share anything in common save for the fact that there are many of these areas near open water. A few areas it likes to crash are the CIT Ruins, Robotics Disposal Grounds, or whatever that bridge (has a car smbol on the map) area is near Covenant. Things I've done to try to solve the issue: -Installed CTD fix mods -Checked out/tweaked/flat out manually reordered the load order -Dramatically reudced the number of mods used -Removed known "problem" mods (i.e. UI mods) -Removed F4SE -Booting from Steam -Booting from F4SE -Booting from app folder directly -Removed ALL mods -Multiple fresh installs -Started new games -MADE SURE I was doing ArchiveInvalidation correctly -MADE SURE I was doing ArchiveInvalidation incorrectly -Did multiple attempts at ArchiveInvalidation -Made sure antivirus software wasn't changing anything -Set .ini files to "read only" -Opted into and out of Beta versions of the game -Enabled mods (downloaded through NMM) using the mods menu at the game's startup menu -Disabling then reenabling mods (NMM) using the mods menu at the game's startup menu Things that worked in solving the issue: -Returning .ini files to their original state (aka completely undoing ArchiveInvalidation) Now, I'm no detective, but all fingers are pointing at ArchiveInvalidation as the primary culprit in this situation. Literally everything on that list I've done at least ten times each and many of those times in different combinations so I could say that I was POSITIVE that AI was the issue, or at least part of the issue. Unfortunately there's no "ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated" for Fallout 4 anywhere out there, and I have no real idea how to make it myself of if it'd even work. I have no idea what the hell could be the issue anymore. If I wanted to play Fallout on vanilla I would've bought it on console. Based on what I know, however, there should be NO difference in the way my game was installed and how yours or whoever else's was installed. I also did ArchiveInvalidation just like everyone else. Again there should be no real reason that my game decides to crash the way it does. If any of you all have any ideas or suggestions, I'd really appreciate it! TL;DR My game's not working because of ArchiveInvalidation. I tried all of the stuff listed above to fix it, none of it worked. Send help.
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