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About naomis8329

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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Fable 3, Dragon Age 2 and Skyrim depending on funny bone
  • Favourite Game
    Dragon Age Series, Tes Series and Witcher Series (more than one game but I'm a woman what do you expect)

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  1. This mod was once on the BioWare Social network, which as we know has now closed. It is required for a number of mods that I have and I have fun a google search but there is nothing coming up. Can anyone help me. Maybe you have a copy that you can send to me, or you may know where it may be hosted now. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Naomi
  2. Oh No... well I'll have to live without I guess. It was a sweet way for the mage line to continue with especially if you play through all 3 games and see how he changes towards mages (especially if he's romancing one).
  3. Thanks for the reply. I had hoped that maybe Tumbler would be of help but I've no idea if they had an account there... if I have any success I'll let you know.
  4. Hi All, I'm remodding DAO and see that the above mod has been deleted. Does anyone know why or where I may find a downloadable copy of this mod. My original hard drives died before I had a chance to back up my mods so I have lost the original download. Thanks guys
  5. I've been playing for quite a while now and love the game without reservation. However, I can't jump for toffee. I became an elf thinking that they're nimble and quick and Dalish, only to find that... I can't jump for toffee. I'm beginning to hate having to get things from "up there" and I feel like such a nugget for not being able to jump. Anyone else hate this about the game???
  6. I have a workaround that I found purely out of frustration... keep hitting the skip button and all of a sudden I'm leading my group up the mountain and finding Skyhold. I've managed to play 3 characters now with no problem. Hope this helps you all.
  7. I find it somewhat sad that after 13 months since I started this post, the issue is still there. One would think that Bioware or Dice would at least look into this and come up with a solution. Considering how the series has been received since its initial release (when a tool kit was released and some amazing mods were created) one would have thought that they would have cultivated this phenomenon. Considering also how gaming was devised on the PC (I remember my father's BBC computer and playing Cricket and Football Manager using 'X's and writing/problem solving in a book and having to also use a tape recorder we also played an amazing tennis game) one would have hoped that PC user's would be treated with some respect. I can't play on a console any more due to the controllers. I play games entirely on the computer and have done since discovering Morrowind way back when :) Who knows maybe the Maker will intervene and the powers that be will come up with something to enable us to create and play mods to the fullest.
  8. The mod should be in you content/patch folder of the game. You just need to delete all those files and reinstall the original bundle (you should have taken a back up of this before installing any mods). If not then you can always delete the patch folder and ask steam or whomever you are running the game with, to verify the files and it will automatically reinstall any missing files Hope that helps
  9. Ever since update 1.07, certain mods have stopped working and even if I delete the Metadata.store files, the mods won't work. Specifically Enhanced Runes, Relic Rune Slots etc. I'm now at a loss. I have bought the game through GOG and this update actually deleted the game from them. I reinstalled etc and then followed the Readme's for each mod etc. Only two seem to be working and I'm at a loss as to why. Anyone else having these kind of problems.
  10. It keeps telling me that my save was created with an earlier patch. Considering v1.6 is the latest patch I can't understand what is going on. If I try merging my mods and patch and transferring the merged file into the Patch file, the load gets to 112000kb then stops and nothing happens. I'm totally stymied now and feel that perhaps I should just wait until a stable version of the game is released and start again.
  11. Provide a picture and we may be able to assist you
  12. Take a look at this, it may help you: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/331/? http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/169/?
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