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About naomis8329

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  • Country
    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Fable 3, Dragon Age 2 and Skyrim depending on funny bone
  • Favourite Game
    Dragon Age Series, Tes Series and Witcher Series (more than one game but I'm a woman what do you expect)

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  1. My son Mark, did exceptionally well in his GCSE's this year despite his breakdown last November. He is still in recovery and is going from strength to strength. Never give up on yourself or your children... life is definitely worth the effort. My love to you all as usual. Naomi xxxx
    1. Deleted54170User


      Glad to see a read which reminds me life is a struggle. Mine is like a rollercoaster ride and it seems there is always some addition to it so it does not seem to be a ride just for the thrill of going fast. Best wishes for you and yours. :- )
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