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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. I am fine if not a little tired (must be my age catching up with me lol). Good to hear from you, sorry for the late reply :D
  2. I'm trying to keep up moral here. We know how many members there are but, unless we get Dark0ne to put up a notice and get people on here, we've just gotta keep plodding on. Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey = keep on going and we will get there :D :D
  3. Brilliant, we've hit the target, next one is 18k, we're doing well need to post to all our friends methinks and get them on board also :D :D :D
  4. Goodnight all, am shattered and need to get kids up in the morning for school and college. Have fun and take care xxx :D :D
  5. I always tell my kids that we'll always find what we need ourselves or find a man/woman who can :thumbsup: :whistling:
  6. I watched up, a good film and amusing in parts, tho more sad than funny. Loved the Ice Age movies tho, they were really funny :D
  7. don't like rain, or cold. I hurt when it rains or its cold :(
  8. lol, love pixar films, Monsters Inc is my all time favourite "Boo?" "Kitty?" "Boo!" "Kitty!!!!" closing credits, wow where's the tissues :D :D :D :D
  9. Well we are all gregarious today aren't we, telling stories and the like. Is it me or has the thread slowed down again? Come on guys we need to keep up the momentum :D :D :D
  10. Lol, well that's certainly not something I would want made by Disney or Pixar :D
  11. Me I'm reading, trying to play a game and still watching this topic. Talk about multi-tasking, I'm really getting good at it :D
  12. And I ping pong back in to take the win and run :D
  13. Good Morning to you too :laugh:
  14. I raise my glass and give you a toast :thumbsup:
  15. Never be jealous honey, I'm more than happy to share :D
  16. Good morning, good morning to you :D
  17. Well I shall say goodnight, at this rate we will definitely reach 18k by tomorrow. Have fun and take care all xxx
  18. whilst all those around you are losing theirs yes :D
  19. @ Tetradite: So long at the rock was aniseed flavoured I could go for that. @ Pagafyr: Bolts of cloth are cool too, I love making things, just don't have the time :D @ BlackRampage: Nukes are so not honourable that I wouldn't use those if my life depended upon it, swords, bows and arrows, magic now there is proper fighting :)
  20. A stick or rock to the head would work for me most definitely :confused:
  21. I have a few extra bolts with washers if you need something to give you some balance and harmony with that nut collection. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif now that's a thought, what colours do you have???
  22. I have to say it but you new guys are definitely strange to say the least :D
  23. Opinion noted but imho I think KoA is an amazing game, the story full and holds you from beginning to end, each area and place you go to full of life and colour, no problems with textures or meshes everything is vibrant from Webwood to the Desserts, the caverns and dungeons wonderfully dark yet shimmering with wonderous light from crystals and other light sources. The side quests and characters are great fun and your choices affect all around you. I love the game and know quite a few others that do too and we all hope that it is taken up and serialised by another company. If you've never seen it look at my screenshots on my steam pages... :D
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