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Everything posted by naomis8329

  1. Are we all practising this in our spare time, doing the laundry, at the mall??? This shall be our victory dance when we achieve our goals???
  2. You would have to let us know what, if any mods you had loaded. If you have none then I would suggest running a repair. Let me know what you have and I'll see what we can do to assist. :D
  3. Guests should step up and play, good fun to be had here.
  4. That is just so cute. I love it http://www.laymark.com/l/c/c07.gif
  5. Always check with the staff before doing something a little off the wall. Wouldn't want to see you get banned :thumbsup:
  6. I know I don't understand why they don't join in it would make it so much easier for us to do this.
  7. you trying to give me nightmares :biggrin: I have 5 cats ranging from 12wks x 2, 1 x 14wks, 1 x 18mths and 1 x 11yrs. :ohdear:
  8. :biggrin: I will honey promise I read the article interesting
  9. http://www.laymark.com/l/c/c48.gif my ninja kitty took a chunk outta me yesterday and although it bled like blazes and hurt like hell I sprayed a load of antiseptic on it and the accompanying scratches and it seems ok. Leg not fallen off or anything at any rate :D
  10. http://www.laymark.com/l/c/c54.gif
  11. http://www.smileyvault.com/albums/emoticons/mood/mood-emoticon-0020.gif
  12. http://365sketches.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/20100425dinosaur.png
  13. http://www.emofaces.com/en/emoticons/l/lighthouse-emoticon.gif
  14. http://th235.photobucket.com/albums/ee205/herrickbaby12/th_emoticons.jpg http://th204.photobucket.com/albums/bb129/KDSarge/emoticons/th_lollipop-48x48.png
  15. http://assets3.sparkpeople.com/assets/diet/emoticons/e473.gif
  16. http://th288.photobucket.com/albums/ll180/KareninSoCali/Birthday%20emoticons/th_HappyBirthdaywithkitty.gif
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