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  1. Hello. Please, note that I do have plans of making such tool, but I have no idea how long it will take. For example, Fallout 4 was released in November 2015. I released a version for FO4 in Febrary 2016. Skyrim SE savegame format differs both from Fallout 4 and Skyrim, so I have to reverse the format first.
  2. The latest version is located here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10261 PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -remove Save.ess -filter "WorkshopTutorialScript ( [script_name] )" Btw, do you able to load the save content or not? What do you see in scriptrelatedcontent ? There seems to be issues with reading after the latest patch.
  3. Updated to version 1.8 https://www.dropbox.com/s/dfwq1tvr60evige/PapyrusDataTransfer_1_8.rar?dl=0 Some savegames were failed to load in 1.7 because of the new rare unknown flags in FO4. I made the tool a bit more adaptive to structure.
  4. I think http://fallout.wikia.com/ is the right place.
  5. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50244/?
  6. The format is pretty similar to Skyrim. These are the only changes in header: Signature:FO4_SAVEGAME // Everything is the same as with Skyrim, but there are changes in Screenshot// Screenshot is using 4 bytes per pixel instead of 3 bytes as it was in Skyrim // After the screenshot goes new string:VersionInformationString <- Since Fallout 4 I have no experience in using ACHR records, but the information above should help you to start. All the available information about the Skyrim savegame format is deciphered manually.No pain - no gain. PSJust followed the link, I assume you already passed the header, sorry )
  7. Working on the GUI. Will release the first version to nexus soon.
  8. Ok. So, I tested it with several savegames from this category and found no issues so far.
  9. Huge thanks to AlexanderBlade for the opcode reference for Fallout 4
  10. Hello. As you know, the Fallout 4 is using the same scripting engine as Skyrim (Papyrus). Actually, there are some changes in the language (like you can now define structures - custom types), but the foundation is the same. I've updated the savegame script editor to match the Fallout 4 savegames and I need some extensive testing. This is still work in progress. I do not have to tell you that you SHOULD NOT continue your walkthrough from the edited savegame at this point, do I ? :/ Download version 1_7a (or check the attachment): https://www.dropbox.com/s/uyiogrhb4joiszc/PapyrusDataTransfer_1_7a.rar?dl=0 Viruttotal results for this file: https://www.virustotal.com/ru/file/72f9b5abf73a956e946fab05db55c183789e8825396b27abda0106aeef5cfa26/analysis/1448273074/ [How to use?] Copy the Fallout4 savegame (*.fos) to the program folder. Every editing operation WILL write changes to the savegame you provided. So, make a backup of this savegame. Open the Command Line (Program folder -> CTRL+ Right click -> Open command window here) 1) How to get the savegame content: PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -show Save.fos > ScriptRelatedContent.txt 2) How to change script variable, Example: PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -setvariable Save.fos 1 -filter "[and], ::MeleeEnabled_var ([variable_name]), ( FireFightStall_MasterScript ( [script_name] ), [and], 198a1a ( [ref_id] ) " After you load and save the game, this variable value should persist in all later saves (until changed by the script itself or any other script). You can check the variable value by getting the content using the show command. 3) How to remove a script from the savegame, Example: PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -remove Save.fos -filter "( FireFightStall_MasterScript ( [script_name] ), [and], 198a1a ( [ref_id] )" After your load the new save, if the related object (to which script was attached) still exist in the world, the game should recreate the script with default values (same engine behavior as with Skyrim). 3) How to remove so-called "orphaned" instances from the savegame (if they ever exist in the new Bethesda game). PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -remove Save.fos -filter "0 ( [int] [ref_id] )" 4) How to terminate threads (active running functions). PapyrusDataTransfer.exe -terminate Save.fos -filter "Default2StateActivator ( [script_name] )" If the function was running at the moment of making a savegame, it's bytecode is written into the savegame itself (as it was with Skyrim). The tool allows to replace this bytecode with Nop values (NoOperation), therefore it can unstuck neverending loops or calls. The Fallout4 savegame structure differs from Skyrim (few changes in the overall structure, new tables in the Papyrus section, new object attributes, etc), but the tool is backward compatible with the Skyrim savegames. What kind of feedback is required? - Do you able to load/view the content of the savegame? - Do you able to perform the editing operations without issues? - Make sure you can load the edited savegame in Fallout4 - Make sure you can make a new save and load it after restarting the game. If you have any issues, please, share your savegame. You can PM me with link or send it to [email protected]
  11. The rule of thumb - if you don't have crashes or delays in processing, don't touch anything. I don't know anything about TweakPlayerMonitor Maybe it's from AmalzingFollowerTweaks, ask the author
  12. Could you please quote the analysis? > In a few days it went from about 1270 to 1800. MineOreScript / mineorefurniturescript scripts are responsible for the Ore veins. Every time you encounter an Ore Vein (Iron, Ebony, Moonstone, etc) a new instance of the script is written to the savegame. You should expect raising the number if you are traveling.
  13. Hello. MineOreScript and mineorefurniturescript , These are usually presented as heavy classes. To be clear: heavy classes is NOT the same thing as Active Scripts. You DO NOT want to remove them. Use the "Terminate Active Threads" feature instead.
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