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Everything posted by DracoRazgriz

  1. Uh.. Hi I'm Raz, the New Recruit, it's an honor to meet you ma'am.
  2. Alright I did say PIRACY didn't I. OK Too be more precise steal from our primary enemy's....you know make what's theirs OURS. Deprive them of their supplies. AND Kill lots of them while where there OK. No reason why we couldn't do BOTH
  3. Or more correctly you said STEALING I just chose to translate that as Piracy.
  4. You know I kinda liked the Idea you put forth earlier about some piracy jntk.
  5. You know it, it's time I tested my new gear!!!
  6. OK it's your name Saravok. * walks away for five minutes then comes back fully armored and weapons fitted into their proper places * So what I miss?
  7. Hmm...I can see why you would prefer that over josh.
  8. * raises right eyebrow* ------ Is it always like this here? I'm starting to wonder what I've gotten myself into.
  9. *looks around shakes head and sighs* * Sheaths katana* sorry lost my temper there
  10. * draws a katana from it's scabbard snarling as he does so, for the briefest of moment's there's the flash of fangs and slitted eyes* I'm game if you are jacka**, bring it!!!
  11. *looking over New Gear at moment of entry and looks up* I'm the one with no memory except my Name. what's it to ya?
  12. Hmm....armor made out of darkness sounds good to me. I'm curious to know how long will it will take for my gear to be forged?
  13. Thanks jntk, I see theres no love lost between you two. By the way Alex I'm the New recruit. However I can't tell you more than that as thats all i can remember of my past. So whats this about some Armor?
  14. Thanks sounds good. Hmm.... as for weapons I suppose I'll need lots of throwing knives, maybe duel long katanas and maybe a crossbow for long and stealthy attacks? < off-topic, wow thats a long name I can understand why you use your initials.... My real name is Ryan by the way >
  15. Oh.. okay just thinking out loud here and putting forth an idea. as for gear I honestly haven't a clue, what would you recommend for me?,Jntk... huh.. how do you pronounce that any way?
  16. Base..... thats a little bland for my tastes.....huh.... wait a minute...hey I have tastes!!! how about the Ragnarok I think that it means the Chaos at the end of the world?
  17. *looks around* huh.. looks like were on a ship......whats it called?
  18. sounds like good on the job training to me boss who knows I might learn where some of my limits lie.
  19. hmm.... I don't think that would be a good idea any way I mean think about it I can't seem to remember anything about myself shouldn't we wait until we know more about who I am?
  20. [ first I want to say sorry for the break my netbrowsr kicked me off ( I have the dreaded Dial-up ) I wound up having to restart the freaking PC :wallbash: again sorry just venting ] look you two are the only people I know that said it seems your stuck with me.
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