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About hellhowl

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  1. Okay I managed to make a deer skull work on a helmet as a test and fits seemlessly ingame, It appears as though my problem lies elsewhere.
  2. thanks for the reply. that's what I did, I did the blender script to bone weight copy the skull to the armor piece and I had assumed it would work but it keeps messing up no matter what I try
  3. bump, I'm assuming there's an issue with the weights or skin partitions but I'm not sure how to check. I have all the skin parts set to 45 because its what the original armor base I used had if that helps
  4. Does anybody know the correct way to do it? I combined two armor meshes into a single custom armor mesh without issue but both times I tried adding a clutter object (such as a troll skull, werewolf skull, hagraven head etc.) it produced unsavory results such as this; http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/6514/6xeu.png (I also had another armor mesh using tsun's cuirass and a troll skull but it now crashes my game when I try to load it.) I used this guide to combine the different meshes: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/5639-creating-skyrim-armor-in-blender-tutorial-series/ Anybody have an idea as to why I'm getting this issue? Whether the object its self is causing the problem or not, I have only had this problem when trying to create armor using these clutter objects. As I said I can combine armor meshes and have it work perfectly fine, but every time I tried adding a clutter object such as bones I get these errors.
  5. Hello, thanks for stopping by. I'm a fairly new modder, got skyrim recently for the computer and have been trying my hand at creating modes. I started off with custom re-textures and the like but have tried to move on to making custom meshes/altering vanilla ones. I got blender and all the tools and the likes and I constructed my armor, followed a few guides and got it from skyrim to nifskope to blender back to nifskope and into the creation kit where it all worked out just fine. The problem occured when I loaded in the armor I made into the game and tried putting it on, only to have my character's body turned into a floating head with floating hands and dismembered feet. I tried for atleast a week now searching through posts and other such things on google to try and solve my problem before resorting to making a post about it, I can't seem to find anyone with a problem similar to mine so I'm hoping its something small and stupid that I just overlooked. Like I said, the armor appears fine in nifskope and fine in creation kit, but it's invisible in game. I assumed there were probably problems in the nifskope string, but here was the kicker; I decided to test a vanilla piece, I made a copy of the blades armor and put it in another folder called NewBlades in data\meshes\armor and copied the vanilla blades_0 into it and turned it into a _0 and a _1, I also copied the textures from the armor and made a new folder in data\textures\armor. I didn't change a single thing in nifskope, copied the ck armor and armoraddon exactly, but it showed up the same as my custom mesh; completely invisible. Also, all the pathing is right to the textures and models, the _0 and _1 are exactly the same, and the skin partitions are all correctly pointed to 32 body, 38 calves and 34 forearms. tl;dr: armor mesh appears in nifskope and ck but not in game, searched all over the interwebs for a solution but found nothing, looking for someone smarter/more experienced with mesh modding than me to help me out. Thanks.
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