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About madpaddy

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  1. If I go to the login page Nexus says I'm logged in, but if I go to any game mod page it says I'm logged out. Have cleared cache reset browser turned off AV still the same...
  2. Well its obvious ONE of your mods alters Dragons even if it doesnt mention it, its an impossability for them to appear early unless something tells them too. I dont know about xbox but you should be able to check your mods using Xedit, if you install the mod better console then when the dragon appears bring up the console slect it and it will tell you the lastmod that alters the dragon, it will also give you the dragons form id, make a note of it then load up xedit with all your mods active pate that form id in the form id box at the top left, it will then show you which mod is causing the dragons to appear. Hope that helps...
  3. SO I have a number of invisible weapons, I remember once having a mod that would tell you the form ID and the name of the .esp that any item you had in your hand was. Does anyone know the mod in question or any other way to identify which mod the invisible weapons come from, cheers...
  4. In response to post #92336933. #92338988, #92347013, #92358953, #92390873 are all replies on the same post. I will but will will i dont think he will he doesn't have the will for it, but will he prove me wrong ?, maybe he will...
  5. In response to post #92365288. #92404383 is also a reply to the same post. Who ??
  6. In response to post #73623143. #73623308, #73624263, #73624448, #73627308, #73627418 are all replies on the same post. Yep thats the fix nice catch...
  7. In response to post #67475806. #67518391, #67535151 are all replies on the same post. They have to be very careful with using assets from beth id guess, one of the reasons so many of the remake mods fail is Beth jumping on them for some small reason and shutting them down. As long as Beth just see it as another mod that's ok but if they think it's going to steal their thunder or infringe on there IP they will shut it down in a flash.
  8. Fantastic ive no idea why but when i search for them it only shows an xb version. Thanks again for the links.
  9. I was literally just going to post the same thing, will give these mods a look cheers.
  10. Sounds great to me, hope you can get a team together, shame Beth dont seem to have any interest in it.
  11. Well I've said my views i don't intend to spend hours arguing with people who are not willing to take on others perspective, I've uninstalled Vortex (at least for now ) so if its possible that you can reallocate my beta allocation to someone else please feel free, thanks for the opportunity to give it a try but its not what I personally was looking for thanks again.
  12. In response to post #57227931. #57228261, #57231896, #57231991, #57232121, #57237146, #57239481, #57239706, #57240016, #57242146, #57242636, #57245161, #57255431, #57268611, #57269431, #57269851, #57270086, #57273501 are all replies on the same post. @Brabbit Keep the personal insults to yourself pal ( you are being ridiculous and stubborn. ) nothing ridiculous or stubborn in what I said, there maybe convoluted ways of doing manual sorting but you try and do a 300 mod list using the current system and ill be on holiday and back before you've finished. Ps the name is PADDY not PATTY...
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