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Everything posted by acky1

  1. You brought up a good point banjo, I still play Rome Total War because of this mod: Roma Surrectum II Why can't they just sell advertisements at start up and loading screens instead of charging for DLC and locking down modding?
  2. By the way, Gearbox made Borderlands 2, not Firaxis. I think Firaxis made Civilization 5, which is a really good game. Civ V is a great game with tons of DLC!!! Fortunately they didn't cook the textures and models of that game to limit modding.
  3. "It's something that we'd like to resolve going forward, but we still have quite a few things on our plate that have been planned for a while." Translation... WE WANT TO MAKE SOME $$$$$ OFF OF YOU WITH DLC, I'm so sick of the gaming industry leaving out content and selling it off as DLC.
  4. Thanks guys, sorry that the sound isn't that great, I was in kind of a hurry and didn't test it out before I recorded. Anyway I'm glad you found it useful.
  5. I noticed a lot of questions on how to do this so here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrwBgS32D6s I'm sorry the sound is such crap, was kind of in a hurry, didn't have time to tweak the mic or rerecord it, anyway I hope this helps some of you.
  6. I had read that, I just wasn't sure if we had any luck cooking them, I think we are going to need the tools for it sadly. It would be nice if someone could post how to unpack them, I haven't been able to do it, mostly to lack of time.
  7. Has anyone had any luck opening up .UPK files with Unreal Editor plugin? I skipped level design class that used that program when I was in college or I'd try. :facepalm: Or are we at a standstill until some tools are released? Thanks in advance.
  8. For me this game is really fast, before you know it you'll you'll never see them again, and I actually prefer firearms over plasma's.
  9. Yeah I was fooling around with civilian health and made it +10, it's all fun and games until one of them turns into a zombie and starts coming after you!
  10. Only certain values will change in a current game since the data is saved in the saved game file. For example if you edit a soldiers health, all new soldiers recruited will have the health change, not the current ones. If you open up an additional item slot on a soldier via their armor, that however will take effect when you launch the save. You'll just have to start a new game, no biggie.
  11. Could be that different alien species cost different numbers of points, and that's the maximum number the alien side is allowed to field in a mission? (So raising it might make missions tougher) Or it might be related to multiplayer, in a similar way. I didn't see any difference with this, tested it on 10 missions.
  12. I couldn't get this to work with 3, it works fine with 2..
  13. This sounds great (no pun intended), I can't wait to see this finished :biggrin:
  14. Could be that different alien species cost different numbers of points, and that's the maximum number the alien side is allowed to field in a mission? (So raising it might make missions tougher) Or it might be related to multiplayer, in a similar way. I just doubled it, fingers crossed, I'll let you know.
  15. Does anyone have any idea what "SPECIES_POINT_LIMIT=500" is?
  16. I tend to disagree, if we can get a map editor you could make a base and then add in a script that is similar to the abduction ones but this one spawns a mission to defend an XCOM installation on such and such continent. I'm still holding out hope.
  17. I really like your idea, I've actually modded my own for personal use that does a couple things you've listed here (I also doubled my XP required for promotion). I know a lot of what you listed could be changed now very easily, or I've seen people talk about it. Having played it through twice now I almost think some of the game transitions are dependent upon research and the others are upon those three important missions; ending up to the temple ship. I like to play a nice slow paced game, I think the beginning is the best part of the game, developing your infantry, discovering lasers, etc... In "XCOMEU" I feel that the game is way too fast. I blink my eyes and I have plasma's.
  18. I want to say that someone posted a tool that allows you to unpack them but it wasn't confirmed yet. That was how I was going to get this model out. I read it in the now infamous "finding the first steps" post. I'll let you know if I find anything. I'd really like to take the "Modern Warfare" player models and import them into this game.
  19. I ran across this in my game, hadn't seen this model yet. Perhaps we could make all our operatives start out with this model(armor) and then require research to the XCOM starter "Body Armor"? I'll dig around and see if I can make this happen.
  20. Yeah, same directory as far as I know.
  21. Purchased once from "Game Stop" online (virtual item) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\Binaries\ I'm no modding expert, I hope this info helps.
  22. If you read the "Finding the first step" post you'll see how to do this. Essentially I just opened up the .exe file. RCData>1020>1033 have fun, good luck! =) Really, I dunno I literally just finished a game off of that exe this morning. I could send the saved game file if anyone wants to see it? Anything to help the modding community. I'm very excited to see and help with what mods come of it.
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