Daggerfall Mod:Daggerfall Unity/Console
It says I have to set EnableQuestDebugger to true, which I did.
Then press,
ctrl + shift + d, to open the quest debugger,
ctrl + shift + left arrow, and, ctrl + shift + right arrow, to move between quests,
but this doesn't work.
endquest <questUID>
Quest UID can be found through the quest debugger UI. To open the quest debugger UI, ensure EnableQuestDebugger = True in C:\Users\<Your Windows Username>\AppData\LocalLow\Daggerfall Workshop\Daggerfall Unity\settings.ini. Then, while in-game, press ctrl + shift + d to activate the debugger. Select different quests by pressing ctrl + shift + left arrow key and ctrl + shift + right arrow key.
https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall_Mod:Daggerfall_Unity/Console#:~:text=Then%2C while in-game%2C,%2B shift %2B right arrow key .
There is another that says,
Activate the debugger with Shift+Tab. There are various layers to it, but the only one you need for an active quest is the left side.
Switch between active quests with [ and ].
But that doesn't seem to work either.