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About g3n3r41dur4nd41

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  1. No, and it's because I was using a mod that makes it so the speech skills can enable you to recruit enemies of the various language types. I think I made a targeted AoE healing spell, but it also healed my enemies. I stopped playing a while ago though. Thank you for taking the time to reply. Sorry for replying so late.
  2. Daggerfall Mod:Daggerfall Unity/Console ~ It says I have to set EnableQuestDebugger to true, which I did. Then press, ctrl + shift + d, to open the quest debugger, ctrl + shift + left arrow, and, ctrl + shift + right arrow, to move between quests, but this doesn't work. ~ endquest <questUID> Quest UID can be found through the quest debugger UI. To open the quest debugger UI, ensure EnableQuestDebugger = True in C:\Users\<Your Windows Username>\AppData\LocalLow\Daggerfall Workshop\Daggerfall Unity\settings.ini. Then, while in-game, press ctrl + shift + d to activate the debugger. Select different quests by pressing ctrl + shift + left arrow key and ctrl + shift + right arrow key. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall_Mod:Daggerfall_Unity/Console#:~:text=Then%2C while in-game%2C,%2B shift %2B right arrow key . ~ There is another that says, ~ Activate the debugger with Shift+Tab. There are various layers to it, but the only one you need for an active quest is the left side. Switch between active quests with [ and ]. ~ But that doesn't seem to work either. ~
  3. ~ To cast a spall on a target other then yourself, you have to ready the spell, then press the "cast spell button" which is just the activate button. This make it impossible to heal allies. As when I press activate to cast the heal spell on them, I just talk to them instead. There has to be a mod that fixes this. ~
  4. I'm working on a BloodBorne Hunter class mod. I'm trying to make custom passives, ~ Hunter's Training: The Hunters of Yharnam wield a menagerie of armaments, as well as a firearm in their offhand. Combining: Dual Wield and Equip All Beasthood: The Hunters of Yharnam so often devolve into the very beasts they hunt. Combining: Evasion Up, and Bloodlust ~ I hear there is a way to combine two passives into one, and was wondering if anyone here knows how? Or knows of any mods that do, so I can look at them for help.
  5. There is not a list of dialog topic IDs in the given link though. Where is the list of the "dialog topic ID"s? I'm trying to make it so I can make someone a follower who normally can't be a follower. EDIT - The NPC i'm trying to make a follower is Vigilant Tyranus.
  6. I just hope everyone is safe in these dangerous times.
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