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Everything posted by g3n3r41dur4nd41

  1. I'm working on a BloodBorne Hunter class mod. I'm trying to make custom passives, ~ Hunter's Training: The Hunters of Yharnam wield a menagerie of armaments, as well as a firearm in their offhand. Combining: Dual Wield and Equip All Beasthood: The Hunters of Yharnam so often devolve into the very beasts they hunt. Combining: Evasion Up, and Bloodlust ~ I hear there is a way to combine two passives into one, and was wondering if anyone here knows how? Or knows of any mods that do, so I can look at them for help.
  2. There is not a list of dialog topic IDs in the given link though. Where is the list of the "dialog topic ID"s? I'm trying to make it so I can make someone a follower who normally can't be a follower. EDIT - The NPC i'm trying to make a follower is Vigilant Tyranus.
  3. I just hope everyone is safe in these dangerous times.
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