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About sharplittleclaws

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  1. Having some difficulty getting a few specific mods to play nice with each other. I realize that, specifically, iNeed Continued and CACO aren't really meant to play nice together, per se - but I've seen numerous patches that are meant to address that. That's... kind of the problem, actually. If I'm reading the notes in the Description of iNeed - Food Water and Sleep - Continued correctly... there's no longer a need for any of the available patches between Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul and iNeed 1.93? Just shut off any value alteration within iNeed (weight, etc) completely, as quoted: "It is also recommended that you disable iNeed's option to alter the weight of food, as this can conflict with the changes made by CACO and result in some odd weight values"? On a related note, between iNeed, CACO, and Frostfall, I've only found one patch that addresses all three - but it seems to also require Be a Milk Drinker, as seen in the patch requirements. I suppose I'm a little confused about all the patches running around by this point, and unfortunately I'm not quite skilled enough with xEdit to sort them all out. I suppose I'm asking which ones still apply to the latest versions. For reference, of the mods mentioned in the various patches and places, I'm using the latest versions of these (currently in this overwrite order, in MO2): Campfire & Frostfall (with the Campfire and Frostfall - Unofficial SSE Update) iNeed - Food Water and Sleep - Continued (this mod right here) Hunterborn SE (with the Hunterborn SE MCM right below it) Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul iNeed Universal Water Patch (needed for Realistic Water Two SE) I also have kryptopyr's Automated Patches, but from what I'm reading here, I don't need the one included for making iNeed and CACO play nice? Full mod list (left pane of Mod Organizer 2):
  2. UPDATE: I've removed Valdacil's Item Sorting and all associated mods, before rebuilding my LOOT/FNIS/Bodyslide/Merged/Bashed from scratch. Was simply having too many problems with the renaming of items - iNeed wouldn't recognize food, some things were getting sorted but not others, etc. We'll see how it goes; will post updates when I play around with a fresh game tonight. Still doesn't explain the giant fiery death wolf, though. :ermm: Updated mod list: And plugin list:
  3. So - my mod setup seems relatively stable; I haven't had any hard CTDs, although it's frozen once when attempting to eat someone as a werewolf. Think I have that one pinned down, though. In general, though, there are some odd Valdacil's Item Sorting compatibility glitches - certain things not being recognized by VIS, some spells recognized but not others from within the same mod, that kind of thing. The weird one, though - and the one that prompted this post - was a moment when I was running around in Falkreath... I'd just killed a few wolves, an elk, and a rando Thief wandering the countryside. Monch, monch, rampage, levelling my Werewolf form. All of a sudden, this towering wolf the size of a mammoth, made entirely of fire, comes out of nowhere and one-shots me. One moment I'm harvesting a wolf carcass with Hunterborn, the next, torn to pieces, Defeat bypassed, reload time. And I have no idea which mod it came from; none of them mention sudden random giant wolf spirit maulings. Ideally, I'd like to post my mod list and have you fine folks look at it, for two reasons: - to tell me if there are any obvious or glaring compatibility issues or load order problems that I'm missing; - and to ask if anyone knows which particular mod was responsible for my sudden flaming lupine demise. For reference, I'm using a Merged Patch with the Leveled lists removed, and a Bashed Patch because Wrye Bash handles leveled stuff better from what I understand. LOOT, FNIS, Bodyslide batch build, all that happy stuff is done. There are a few adult mods in there, but those all seem to be working perfectly (with the exception of Defeat failing inexplicably when I got mauled by the giant fire wolf). Mod list, sorted by priority order, exported from the left pane of Mod Organizer 2: And my plugin list, as displayed by LOOT: EDIT: to add plugin list.
  4. I'm running Skyrim SE through Mod Organizer 2, utilizing a Bashed Patch and an SSEEdit Merged Patch; mod list posted below. The mod that's giving me difficulty is The Husk, a rather massive (and quite enjoyable) quest mod. Spoilered for anyone that hasn't played through it and wishes to preserve the mystery. At this point, I'm at a bit of a loss; although there are a few missing mesh issues, and I think I've pinned those down, I'm stumped on what might be causing the lock-ups upon entering the area mentioned above. I'm not showing any file conflicts in the mod's information, but I'm not sure what vanilla assets it might be borrowing from as well. I'm worried that disabling potentially difficult mods will either bork the Bashed/Merged patches, and not tell me anything, or will require me to rebuild those patches every time I disable something to test. If there's any insight to be provided, or if anyone's seen and solved this issue before, I'd duly appreciate it... otherwise, I'm looking at a very arduous process of disabling mods, rebuilding my patches, and testing ad nauseum. Mod List, including Nexus ID numbers where applicable:
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