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Everything posted by x82nd77

  1. I'm not sure if this request is possible but I was hoping to see a mod that allows you to select any vocation without needing to do the required quests. Thanks!
  2. Look at Skyrim at launch and look at it now. The visuals are almost unrecognizable and there are mods like Dragonborn Legacy, which is huge and something no one predicted at launch. The folks who take the time to mod Bethesda games are the absolute pinnacle of modders so I have no doubt that in a few years Starfield will be as unrecognizable as you want it to be.
  3. So I have an odd request. I need to find and remove or alter the sound that plays when you are given credits in a quest. For some reason it triggers my dog into thinking Nazis are attacking the house or something and he gets very anxious. Does anyone know where that file would be or if there is a mod to change it yet? Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the replies. I tried out both yesterday for a while (uninstalling and reinstalling is just too fun) and yikes... Vortex didn't do much well. MO2 took me a good hour to understand why my mods weren't showing up as installed when it wasn't running but did better but still messed up most of the CCR files for some reason. Manual is still king I guess.
  5. I was wondering how well Vortex does with installing mods for Starfield. Should I use it at all or manually install mods as I go? Thanks!
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