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  1. Ok I was able to replace the texture however I am not able to find the landscape object to add the grass to it. i changed the texture however it is just a green surface without the 3d grass on it. In the landscape editor each landscape option available begins with an "L" and then the name of the option. the "DEFAULT_LAND" option is not available and so I am having trouble finding that to add the grass objects to it's surface. So my new question is this: What is the name of the L(landscapeOption) for "DEFAULT_LAND"? I am certain it would be inside of the world data tab as this is where the landscape textures and objects are all located. Any help would be greatly appreciated Billie
  2. Hi there I'm trying to figure out how to replace LAND_DEFAULT texture with LPreWarWildGrass01. If you open the creation kit and enter landscape editing while in a newly generated worldspace you will see the ground is an awful brown dirt color. When pressing "i" with the render window selected while in landscape editor mode you will see all the quads are "LAND_DEFAULT". I tried to search through the creation kit landscape textures but cannot find that specific texture to replace it. I also looked in fo4edit. I am sure I am just not experienced enough to find the texture properly. Has anyone successfully replaced the default land texture that appears when you make a new world? I am building a worldspace that only uses the prewar grass texture and am thinking a simple esp that replaces what the creation kit sees as default would speed up the work considerably. To sum up: How do I find the texture associated with default land so I can replace it with LPreWarWildGrass01? Thank you Billie
  3. Hello I'm wanting to do one of two things Either 1. have some terminal or switch that will activate the player's pip boy to a certain tab or 2. force the player to be able to use their pipboy even without going through entire vault 111 area. I am making an alternative start mod. Another mod author has given me the ok to use his skip intro mod in my mod but the source script file is not included so I can not see how he did what he did. It gets me as far as the moment the player wakes up from cryo stasis. (it skips that part very well the player jumps right from the player bathroom right to the place in the first cryo chamber after waking up from stasis.) all the controlls work at this point except the pip boy I've tried moving the skeleton hand with the pipboy on it to an area inside my alternative intro scene directly from it's origin at the exit of vault 111 (*the interior story I made is actually in a separate area of vault 111cryo interior cell for simplicity sake. the player is able to pick up the pip boy, activate it and use it but not actually use it again after closing the pip boy that first time. It will not re-open using the controller after exiting for some strange reason. so my guess is there are some quest stages in the player's travels out of v111 to the surface that are what allows the pip boy to be re-opened. I am looking for a script that will either allow me to access the pip boy via some toggle button that the player can use whenever they need to use the pip boy or ideally some script that will force allow the players use of the pip boy even without fulfulling the original bethesda fo4 quest requirements. Any help wold be appreciated Billie
  4. Hello I'm trying to replace FO4's loadscreen objects with my own in the game's loadscreens. I sent it into the render window and I right clicked on it and selected create loadscreen from that menu. The object appeared in the dropdown in the loadscreen creation window. I selected it and set the transform to none. this did not load the 3d image. This 3d object has a custom texture in it that does load in game and in the render window. I am not certain how to make the objects I create load in the loadscreen. Does anyone know how to do this? thank you very much. Billie
  5. Thank you I did not see the spoiler. I thought you meant just changing the npc's actor stats in the ai tab of their menu. this is extremely helpful. thank you.
  6. characters that bethesda made can be recruited as followers and those followers ai packs may cause issues with bethesda quests if their aggression is set to non aggressive. If this mod edits the regular bethesda built parts too much folks might not want to use it and it could break their game.
  7. Hello I'm making a worldspace that needs to have all combat disabled somewhow. In the command prompt in game there is tcai but I do not know how to replicate that as a built in feature tied to the worldspace I'm building. I had originally had a script given to me that would disable the player's ability to use combat controls. However after I've navmeshed I'm realizing that the player now that he can have a follower accompany him from the worldspaces bethesda made the player would be able to command the following npc to attack an npc in the worldspace I built. So I need a way to either disable the option in the command menu when the player interacts with the follower while in the worldspace I made and re-enables it once they decide to leave Or a script that would completely disable all combat ai in the worldspace. Or a way to disable all npc's ability to even initiate battles. I noticed when I used to use tcai in the command prompt that the characters would prepare to fight but not be able to actually do so. Which is also not what I want. The goal is for the npc's to be unable to even a fight at all. Perhaps by disabling the player's ability to access the command menu during dialogue with the follower only when in the worldspace. Any ideas at all would be wonderful. Thank you very much. Billie
  8. Hello I'm trying to replace FO4's loadscreen objects with my own in the game's loadscreens. I sent it into the render window and I right clicked on it and selected create loadscreen from that menu. The object appeared in the dropdown in the loadscreen creation window. I selected it and set the transform to none. this did not load the 3d image. This 3d object has a custom texture in it that does load in game and in the render window. I am not certain how to make the objects I create load in the loadscreen. Does anyone know how to do this? thank you very much. Billie
  9. This is the code I entered I changed the properties and some variables to match what I'm working on I commented out things I saw appear when I entered the edit source menu I made comments detailing lines where the errors were appearing. I want to thank you for any help you wish or do not wish to give me. You are very generous with you time to be helping me. Thank you either way. ///////// Scriptname Radios:EdenGitaRadioStereoProperty extends ObjectReference ;Sound Property pEdenRadioGitaSungInSanskrit Auto Mandatory ;Scriptname PlaySoundOnActivateAndLoop extends Objectreference ; Original script by Reneer. License: LGPL 3.0; Version code: 1.1.0; URL to license: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html Sound Property EdenRadioGitaSungInSanskrit AutoInt Property CurrentSoundInstance = -1 AutoBool Property SoundPlaying = false Auto Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Float Property PlayerDistance = 3000.0 Auto bool Property ObjUnloadedBool = false Auto Event OnInit() if (PlayerRef == none)PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()endifSelf.RegisterForRemoteEvent("OnPlayerLoadGame", PlayerRef) endEvent Event OnUnload() ObjUnloadedBool = true endEvent Event OnLoad() if (ObjUnloadedBool == true && (SoundPlaying == true || Self.IsRadioOn() == true)); assume the sound is not playing; because the object unloaded previouslyObjUnloadedBool = falseCurrentSoundInstance = -1ChangeSongState(true, true) endif endEvent Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(Actor akSender) if (SoundPlaying == true)CurrentSoundInstance = -1ChangeSongState(true, true)endif EndEvent Function ChangeSongState(bool state, bool force = false);line57if (PlayerRef == none)PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()Self.RegisterForRemoteEvent("OnPlayerLoadGame", PlayerRef) endif if ((SoundPlaying == false && state == true) || force == true);line64 no sound is playing, so start playing the sound because; we are turning on.Self.SetRadioOn(true)if (CurrentSoundInstance == -1 || force == true)CurrentSoundInstance = EdenRadioGitaSungInSanskrit.Play(Self) SoundPlaying = true else; assume the CurrentSoundInstance is playing. ; TODO: Figure out how to see if audio is still playing.SoundPlaying = true endifSound.SetInstanceVolume(CurrentSoundInstance, 1.0) else if (SoundPlaying == true && state == false); line77sound is playing, so QUIET the current sound, but don't stop playing it.; Volume change since we don't want the music to actually stop; playing when the radio itself is turned off.Self.SetRadioOn(false)SoundPlaying = falseif (CurrentSoundInstance != -1)Sound.SetInstanceVolume(CurrentSoundInstance, 0.0)endifendif endFunction;line88Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) if (SoundPlaying == true)ChangeSongState(false)elseChangeSongState(true)endif endEventThis is the error I received Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4Copyright © ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...Compiling "Radios:EdenGitaRadioStereoProperty"...C:\Users\billi\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Radios\EdenGitaRadioStereoProperty.psc(57,30): no viable alternative at input 'state'C:\Users\billi\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Radios\EdenGitaRadioStereoProperty.psc(64,31): no viable alternative at input 'state'C:\Users\billi\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Radios\EdenGitaRadioStereoProperty.psc(77,6): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'if'C:\Users\billi\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Radios\EdenGitaRadioStereoProperty.psc(77,34): no viable alternative at input 'state'C:\Users\billi\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Radios\EdenGitaRadioStereoProperty.psc(88,0): mismatched input 'endFunction' expecting ENDIFNo output generated for Radios:EdenGitaRadioStereoProperty, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.Failed on Radios:EdenGitaRadioStereoProperty
  10. You are so lovely. thank you so much I will try it out
  11. Hello I am trying to add a radio to a room that plays an audio file on loop that the player can toggle on and off. Here is what I'm hoping will happen Player activates radio Radio plays an audio file that is about an hour long Radio plays the file even while the player walks away the file will continue looping and looping until the player returns to shut the radio off again. I know there are radio stations however I do not want the radio station to play in the pip boy and I want it to just play one audio file over and over. Any ideas on how to either script this in or use the pre built mechanics of the creation kit to allow this to happen? Thank you Billie
  12. I've been trying to attach a script to a door that the player enters that will only disable the player's ability to use weapons. This is the script I have assembled so far. Scriptname DisableViolentPlayerControls Extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property DoorToGardenHills Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference AkActionRef) Game.DisablePlayerControls(false, true, false, false, false, false, false) endEvent /////// I receive the following error ///// C:\Users\billi\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\DisableViolentPlayerControls.psc(6,6): cannot call the member function DisablePlayerControls alone or on a type, must call it on a variable No output generated for DisableViolentPlayerControls, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on DisableViolentPlayerControls //// the goal is after this door is activated player combat will be disabled I'm wondering if it is a syntax issue? I attached the script to a door in the world and not a base object. Thank you for any help you can provide Billie Lyn
  13. I'm trying to pay you money but the site keeps giving an error I only have usdollars... is that why?
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