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Posts posted by Gerheardt

  1. It's actually a modified part of Tamriel's landscape near Ivarstead. I touched a lot of the landscape and deleted the vanilla Navmesh of the modified area. I created new triangles to match the modified landscape and match it with the surrounding untouched landscape navmesh. I don't know exactly what you mean by the "usual reinstate and drag under ground navmesh trick". Could you explain it to me? The only navmesh triangles i have are touching the usual visible landscape, not the low definition one that is way lower.


    Nice pun by the way :tongue:

  2. Hello! It's my first topic here. I'm the kind of guy who discovers by itself or uses tutorials on Youtube but now i can't continue without the help of modders.


    I'm facing a problem in my mod. I'm creating an entire city with various kind of merchants, a player house (Multi adoption mod compatible), its own criminality system (Jail, guards, etc.) and more. I would say that i understand 95% of the tools needed to make an entire city to work correctly. I know how to Navmesh, set lock lists, use ownerships, set AI Packages, creating merchants, factions and all that stuff. So when i faced this problem and verified numerous times what could cause it, i never found the cause of my problem.


    In my city, there is a farm with 4 NPCs: Benni the food vendor, Bjornd the leek farmer, Anjetta the wheat farmer and finally Annfrid the potato farmer. (You may see an easter egg in the name of my NPCs...lol). The Farm is in the middle of the exterior cell 5. The land where the plants are is 66% contained in the cell 5 and 33% in the cell 6. I verified the navmesh, no problem found, apple green lines at the junction of the cells, triangles follows the landscape smoothly. The 3 farmers are "Ai Packaged" to use their own farming idle markers in Sandbox mode from 5am to 20pm. The sandbox package for each farmer is set to work with an XMarker at the middle of the plants, near the jucntion of cell 5 and 6. They sandbox in a 1500 wide area which covers the entire garden. Each potato marker have Annfrid as owner and each type of plant have their farming idle marker ownership set.


    My 3 farmers go to sleep inside as programmed, eat inside when they wake up as programmed and go out to farm as programmed. They even lock and unlock the doors as intended. Benni does all he is supposed to do (Sell stuff inside the farm, eat and sleep). The problem arrives during the package where the 3 farmers are supposed to farm. They farm at the beginning of their package or when i wait but otherwise, they stand here doing nothing or just disappear to reappear walking from i don't know where. Sometimes they float in air, walk into the farm exterior walls...anything a bad Navmesh would do but the Navmesh is ok.


    I faced many problems of that type in many mods i never finished. I always thought the CK just bugged out that part in the saving of the mod. I modified many things afterwards and the additions/corrections work as intended in the game but the god damn well known swedish band don't farm as intended.


    I worked around 200hours on that mod and it's almost finished but i can't get rid of this problem. I think i saw somewhere that too many NPCS in a small place could be a bad thing. Could it be my problem? In fact i have a guard, 3 farmers, 3 goats and 2 kids almost in the same cell. They are in 4 different cells but still close one to another. Is it my game who doesn't "understand" the mod file? Is it the CK who saved an error in the file and don't correct it even if i change some details?


    Any help would be heavily appreciated. Je parle Français comme langue maternelle alors si c'est votre langue aussi, gênez vous pas pour m'aider en Français si c'est plus simple pour vous.

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