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  1. Hi, I hope someone may help me with upgrading my pc specifically for Skyrim LE. My current build CPU: i5 4690k OC to 4.5 RAM: 32G GPU: GTX1080 8G Monitor: 27 not even 2K Skyrim: 200+ mods So you might have seen the issue here, GPU is more than enough. But my CPU is struggling, half of the time is fully loaded, and the game stutters when it does. So I'm thinking of getting a current CPU, of course all my MB and RAM will have to be changed. But since Skyrim is very old, I understand that best CPUs might be not fully utilised by oldrim. So if I go for a 12 core CPU and it makes no different from i7 6700k, I would definately go for the latter. So my 1st question is I'm not sure how many cores that skyrim can actually use? 2nd question is that my CPU is OC to 4.5 stable, if I got a 12 core but the speed is 4.0, will it acutally be worse? Any suggestions are welcome, Thank you in advance, but I will not switch to SSE for a very long time, so not that suggestion please.
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