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Posts posted by The6thMessenger

  1. Hey guys, can i ask assistance here?


    I have this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4227/?, which it heavily modifies the minigun to be able to change ammo used, have damage mods, change paint, as well as change motors -- essentially an overall overhaul of the weapon.


    Now the motors, one of them is the "'Chaingun" motor, in which it changes how the Minigun acts drastically.


    The chaingun now has an abhorrent "spin-up" time but increased in damage, but the caveat is that it shoots as it winds up. You know, like the D-12 Chaingun in Doom-2016 which is my inspiration.


    Rather it fires initially 9% of the maximum fire rate, and adds +3.25% for each subsequent shot, winding up to 100% of maximum rate of fire with prolonged fire, maxes out at 28 shots or longer if you have the Tri-Barrel, and the speed bonus decays in two seconds of not firing.


    Now the problem is that, the change in rate-of-fire isn't detected, so using vanilla looping firing sound isn't optimal to use as it does not actively change in respect of the shots, so i rely on Single-Shot sounds.


    On my request, i would like to ask for help to any sound-modders out there, to contribute better firing sound (because i can only compile).


    Essentially, what i need is single-shot sounds that aren't too loud or quiet, that works with very very high speeds, and it has a winding-down sound for two seconds. For the Tri-barrel it can be rather louder and more intimidating as it has lower rate of fire. Enough variations, presumably 4 to 6 different shooting sounds.

  2. Hey, i modified the script a little to add limiting factors, can anyone check this for errors?


    SPELL Property myWeaponFireSpell Auto Const
    String Property myAnimEvent Auto Const
    Float Limit == GetActorValue(MyLimit)
    Float Speed == GetActorValue(MySpeed)
    Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    DEBUG.TRACE("Effect applied to "+akCaster+" by "+akTarget)
    registerForAnimationEvent(akTarget, myAnimEvent)
    Event OnAnimationEvent(ObjectReference akSource, string asEventName)
    debug.trace("Received anim event: "+asEventName)
    if asEventName == myAnimEvent
    Float MySpeed = GetValue()
    if Limit > Speed
    ; get some other anim event? re-register.
    registerForAnimationEvent(akSource, myAnimEvent)
    Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
    UnregisterForAnimationEvent(akCaster, myAnimEvent)
  3. I have this mod that adds 2.5% extra firespeed to a limit of 75% with each attack that each stack lasts 1s, but to do so i need the script of that Salvaged Assaultron Head. Can i just upload "DLC01WeapOnFireEffect"?


    Just that one .pex file.


    Yes or no?

  4. Is it illegal to distribute Scripts exclusive from DLCs?


    You see, i was planning to have a mod that will give effects on attack, like that Salvaged Assaultron Head on Automatron DLC. But i need the script of that DLC to work, yet i want mod to work even without Automatron.

  5. Can't you just open up FO4Edit and make your own? If you want 10mm SMGs, instead of specifically the Assault Rifle, why not my mod:




    It's a complete overhaul of the Pipe Guns, with the Pipe-Gun that can be modded to 7 different ammunition use, including the ability to use 10mm Round. Just slap an automatic receiver, and thus it would have been a 10mm SMG.

  6. Hi, so i have this mod: Pipe Weapons Overhaul, but opengts is no longer making the models.


    Can anyone help me? I just need a few customized models, modded from the original models.


    - Flashlight (dim): A small-scale version of the Raider Power-Armor Helmet flashlight as underbarrel attachment with dim light.

    - Flashlight (Bright): A small-scale version of the Raider Power-Armor Helmet flashlight as underbarrel attachment with bright-light.

    - Revolver: Longer Cylinder recievers, .308 Rounds. Basically longer frame and cylinder, and different shells.
    - Revolver: Longer and thicker Cylinder recievers, Shotgun Shells. Basically larger frame and cylinder, and different shells. Only has 5 shells.
    - Pipe Bolt action: Version with shotgun shells being inserted.
    - Pipe Bolt action: Version with rifle shells being inserted.
    - Pipe Bolt Action: Version with .50 Cal shells being inserted, only a single shell.
    - "Very Long Barrels" Normal, Light, Ported, and Finned . Uses the same Long barrels, but only added with a wooden extension, like it was cut from the reciever. The combination of which doubles the length. Think about it this way, the added length is twice of that of the normal long-barrels, but this is because of the "Extension" of the receiver, the barrel and the wood + normal Long-Barrels.
    The top fins of the Finned version extends to the "receiver extension" as well, but just the entire length of the exposed barrel. This is for both Pipe-Gun, Pipe-Revolver, and Pipe-Bolt-Action.
    The Light Barrels would just be elongated, no furniture added.


  7. How do you change the part where if a laser weapon critical kill turns enemies to ash, it would turn into goo instead.


    What is the field that changes it, like "CriticalDamageMult"

  8. So i finished the game, with lots of settlements built, and good items found.


    Is it possible to make a mod that allows you to start at the beginning again, but you don't have to rebuild settlements? And you just have to re upgrade your equipments?


    Can models be imported into the game? I thought the nifskope plugin hadn't been updated.


    We can write a scipt and some manual steps to do this.


    My mods that use meshes from FNV and skyrim respectively.






    Any chance you can help me with this mod? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4711/?


    Basically just proper Sniper Barrel for the Laser Musket, the one with and without extension, and with and without brackets. Currently it borrows from the Laser Gun sniper barrel, and there is no extension as well as the sights are misaligned and obstructive instead. xD

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