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Everything posted by VoiceOfAutism

  1. Once again thanks for the reply and for retyping the reply lol hate it when that happens to me. After considering the suggestions here is my updated list yet again planning on going out and buying the rest of the parts I need and probably sending back my original ram and my original mobo given suggestions reviews both user based and professional. Here is my hopefully finalized build. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Voice_Of_Autism/saved/3FQ9 2. Gotcha fixed that considering what you and other's have told me. 3. Fixed that finally. 4. Decided on Win's 8 Pro. 5. Fixed decided on Asus seen a friends monitor similar to mine, he's happy with it, looks great and it will do what I need. 6. The reviews on new egg have been saying either it's blue screening a lot, the computer isn't booting up at all, problems with BIOS not fully fixed with update, bad help from tech support ect... Gonna just go with a z87 Asus no really bad reviews and it's stable from what I've heard from buyers in the chat on here. From what I have seen needs wise the SSD will cover my important stuff and the HD will cover everything else. I've got some friends into lets plays so when summer rolls around and hopefully I've found a part time job I'll start that off but right now I'm gonna be busy working on some education stuff and trying to get used to windows. By the way is there any kind of guide for new pc users about maintenance like defragging, problems I'll likely encounter with pcs, or anything any of you reading feels important please share? I read on an early post not to defrag my ssd or it would ruin everything on it or even the SSD itself or something?
  2. So recently I've done more research ordered a few parts and am working toward getting all the parts I need so I can finally build this incredibly frustrating project. This is my current parts list http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2P82w , and these are the parts I own out of said parts list; the motherboard, the ram, the cpu, the case, the SSD, and the wifi adapter. To answer your questions Obobski... 1. Fixed that it was because I figured I need 12 gigs of ram and was originally gonna go with a triple channel motherboard... 2. Planning on using this thing for a while assuming that's something I can use to run games at the top settings possible for the next 2-3 years, if anyone has suggestions I'm open to them. 3. Yeah I need to fix that again open to suggestions otherwise I am gonna be looking. 4. Fixed that I knew nothing about windows and just figured that would have some features I'd want to use. 5. Gonna look into some better monitors. 6. To address the rest of what you said and some current problems I am facing. The mobo I purchased has gotten a lot of bad reviews, I am a computer idiot so I am trying to figure out what all these bad reviews mean and how they effect me if at all. I bumped up the SSD and added an hard drive as well. I plan on figuring out recording eventually and either doing tutorials with games or let's plays or something along those lines down the line so hopefully I've picked the right parts for those and thanks again to everyone who's looked at this and helped me get this far, I look forward to posting my working build.
  3. Been a little while, did a little research and hopefully I am not building anything really stupid here, if you guys have any suggestions they're definitely appreciated and if you see anything stupid I did that you could explain I'd appreciate that too. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2zBnh And if I forgot anything this is pretty much my max budget so please point that out as well, thanks.
  4. Well thanks for the help guys, I'll keep you updated when I start picking out the parts I plan to buy and upload a few shots once I've built it. Merry Christmas all. :laugh:
  5. So come my birthday in January third I'll have enough money to build a gaming pc, I'm writing this because I know almost nothing about computers and have only used macs prior to what I am building. If there's anyone who can link me to any tutorials about building computers that will make sure I don't break anything, and could give me advice about the important of what parts I'll need to buy on the higher and lower end I'd appreciate it, I'm expecting I'll have a budget of about 1,100 USD and about 100 for taxes. Finally I would like to eventually make realistic models and retextures for games like Fallout or TES and possibly get into animation so I'm assuming that affects what parts I'll need?
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