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Everything posted by jepuliz

  1. Thinking about buying Bioshock 2. Lots of sequels coming out this year.
  2. Don't do it. O.o? Oh yes I'm totally going suicidal because everything worked itself out...I'll write the note tomorrow...xD But no me and Angi (Angelica...the love of my life >.> duh) were having some problems, they solved themselves for the most part though. Everyone goes suicidal! Having a loong trip tomorrow know any good podcasts or iPod apps for the road? :P
  3. Random sutff=always awesome. Trying to stay awake for Nordic-laund for ME2! Only 11h to go! CAN'T WAIT
  4. Well finally you can preload ME2 in Europe! 24h late! Late Valve time. Well I'll be playing like mad tomorrow. 2mb/s 0% loaded... Huge game. Takes 2 DVDs.
  5. If random crap wouldn't rock there would be no Sam&Max, Seinfeld, Curb Your Entusiasm, anything fun and awesome!
  6. That's not bad. He's a man. He understands. That's f*#@ety normal :D Edit: Hey it accepted f*#@ety! how bout f*#@etry?
  7. If someone just came to this thread, they will be shocked.
  8. Just bought ME2 Digital Deluxe female dog!
  9. It was just amazing to watch. Had couple of epic quotes: "It's Russian." "Look! Itsaa neew Bentley!"
  10. WHA!!! You're actually talking about the mod and NOT GAMES!! Is it 2012 already? But yeah, hurry up Vic.. 2012 was amazing movie.
  11. EvilChickenSWE posted ME2 intro and gameplay his gamestore started selling copies early o.0
  12. Bioshock 2 Special Edition is one of the best SE:s evar.
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