Did you try: AbSpriggan: 9AA38 AbSprigganSwarm: 9AA46 I did. I even went so far as to track down the "Spriggan's Resilience" perk in the creation kit and try to add/remove that, with no luck. Same with the "Spriggan Shield" item, and all the spells I could find. Nothing is showing up in my active magic effects, either. Seems to be a mystery. EDIT: I gave up and used Director's Tools (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10431//?) to get rid of it. The "Reset All Visual Effects" option within that mod worked, so the effect must actually exist (as opposed to being a weird visual artifact), but I couldn't narrow it down to an actual effect in the mod's list. Really strange, but it's gone now, lol. Thanks a bunch for posting that you used Director's Tools. Worked like a pro. I had no idea a mod like this existed. I had the exact same unknown spriggan effect spinning around the feet of my character for a while now. Thanks again!