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  1. I apologise, but I am very curious. What mods you are using to create the werewolf pack?
  2. Try this: Float lastmagickavalue Actor Victim Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) lastmagickavalue ..................... Victim = akTarget RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() Victim.DamageAV .............................. Victim.DamageAV ............................. RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) EndEvent
  3. @rift31 You will propably need several profiles since my mod improves many types of gameplay. I use my mod with Mod Organizer as well on 6 different profiles. Have good fun!
  4. You may want to take a look at minion system in my mod Advanced Skyrim Overhaul on Skyrim Nexus. It is compatible with follower mods. It will allow you to order minions forward, attack selected target and much, much more ..... You will find the vanilla command system pathetic.
  5. Try Advanced Skyrim Overhaul. Look for the minion system. It allows you to order followers to do almost everything. Especially you can order them to wait a pinpointed place or the reverse - order them to attack a far away target. If you want a stealthy follower - try the green bane from the above mod. It has unique AI that allows it to stealthly execute attack command. Its not strictly a follower though. Rather a monstrous pet but you may like it.
  6. I think you should try my mod Advanced Skyrim Overhaul (check out undead pack). It allows you to have an army of raised decaying undead and command it. There is no mass reanimate spell though. You must raise each corpse individually.
  7. AFT+Advanced Skyrim Overhaul (check out Minion system) You can also add some horse mod if you want the follower to have mounted combat
  8. If you want to play as necromancer then I can see only one mod that allows you to do so. Its my mod - Advanced Skyrim Overhaul. I do realise that the last sentance sounds like a crude brag but for me playing as necromancer means commanding undead. And to my knowledge no other mod allows you to command them, especially the reanimated ones.
  9. Why dont you try my mod Advanced Skyrim Overhaul? It will allow you to meet green bane (stealthy and venomous predator) and dwemer terminator (eqipped with explosive bolts or automatic rifle or even mines). The mod also gives smell to animals.
  10. If you are interested in flying race please check out dragorian in my mod Advanced Skyrim Overhaul.
  11. If you are looking for something truely beasty check out my mod Advanced Skyrim Overhaul
  12. Nature of the beast 2 / advanced skyrim overhaul ?
  13. I had the same problem with Requiem and decided to make telekinesis barrier spell. A concantration spell that blocks everything in front of me. Problem solved.
  14. These are very interesting ideas. I like the idea with concentration spell turning fire and forget. There should be some king of mental struggle at the beginning and its time and outcome should depend on illusion skill and magicka of you and the target. I like the idea about wisper. I also like the idea about phantoms but I think they should be vidible only to victim. However for me the biggest issue is how you cast spells. You shoot them from hand when you should apply them undetected even without eye contact.
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