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  1. Iluviel doesn't understand how to speak to human beings or how to provide customer service, apparently. I've worked alongside and purchased from fast food workers, Starbucks baristas, Walmart employees, etc that can run circles around Iluviel's laughable customer punishment oops I mean customer service. The response I copied and pasted from this Nexus team member is REPULSIVE--coming from a years long paying customer. Anyone on Earth could have done an infinitely better job interacting with the consumer with both eyes closed and two earplugs in.
  2. Yeah, I saw your interaction and was so disgusted with the response from Nexus that I copied and pasted it here for everyone to see (with usernames removed for privacy). That is a SHAMEFUL way to respond to genuine critical commentary from a user of one's website. You had VALID complaints and Nexus decided to dunk on you instead of actually bothering to improve their poor decisionmaking.
  3. A user (NOT MYSELF) submitted this understandable feedback and had their comment removed. I'm posting this here to shine light on Nexus' immense hypocrisy and disrespect for its users. "This new layout is pretty terrible. Aside from now having to reliably wait for content to actually load when I scroll down a page, I'm getting far less useful content in any given frame of view. The cutoffs between the 'game/mod' relevant content and the pointless 'news' section ..." Declined· User:****** THIS IS THE PITIFUL RESPONSE BY NEXUS: "Thanks for the feedback. We disagree and aren't at this time looking for further input from UX professionals. If you have objective feedback, please submit it here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/13507498-mod-browsing-overhaul-discussion" "WE DISAGREE!" Lol, do you now? The dictator agrees with his own propaganda, no surprise there. Go ahead Nexus, delete this comment too, since free speech is so against your ideals! The poll YOU RAN (and later chose to HIDE) would suggest that the site UI update is OBJECTIVELY AWFUL. You gathered the stats for us on that one, so THANKS! By the way---I WOULD RECOMMEND YOU START LOOKING FOR THAT FURTHER INPUT FROM UX PROFESSIONALS YA KNOW CAUSE 99.98% OF USERS THINK YOUR NEW UPDATE STINKS! Or you can be the thought police and delete every comment your team dislikes as you have been doing, if you prefer! TLDR: Just posting this to laugh out loud at Nexus' hypocrisy. A user's GENUINE CRITICISM which contained NO PROFANITY was "declined." Here's a tip for free--You guys should START LOOKING FOR THAT FURTHER INPUT FROM UX PROFESSIONALS, CAUSE YOU STINK AT DESIGNING WEBSITES! Keep standing ten toes on this horrible update Nexus, I'm sure that will get users like myself who cancelled their subscriptions to return to tithe to your loathsome website.
  4. Been a user of Nexus Mods since Winter of 2013, when I didn't even have a computer of my own and borrowed one to play games. Finally, after 12 years I give up. This new update is awful in every way. No time range searches, GINORMOUS mod tiles that take up the entire page, broken search functions, blatant feature removal, horrible feature layout etc etc... Why would we suddenly want only 15 mods to take up our entire screen? I used to be able to seamlessly view and download from EIGHTY mods at once, and now it's a major chore to see beyond about TEN of them. I love so many mods on this site, and I love modding a dozen or so different games. I've been a premium site user for probably 4 years or so. However, this is my final straw. I'm not paying monthly to HATE EVERY SECOND OF THE EXPERIENCE ON THIS SITE. REST IN PEACE NEXUSMODS SEPTEMBER 2007-MARCH 2025!! And goodbye to that wonderful site I used from childhood to adulthood! Now all we have left is a pile of VIRTUAL DUNG dressed up like our beloved old comrade. Truly this site has become unusable. Incredibly disappointed in the NexusMods dev group. First we were all forced to move to Vortex which added absolutely nothing for people who don't want to utilize the "Collections" feature. Now, the very site we loved does not even exist. If you want THIS ABOMINATION OF A SITE to be paid for using your dollars, that's your decision. I'm DONE. Sorry to all my fellow mod users and the many great mod authors who now are stuck using this GARBAGE UI, or leaving it behind for good! WHY NEXUS DEVS? WHY???!!!! Site is ruined, cooked, dead, gone, burnt, toasted, and disintegrated. Sorry fellas, looks like we'll have to start making our own mods now.
  5. I don't have a problem with heads sticking through hairs, but i have a problem where it is most visible in the "Clean Cut" hairdo, where entire parts like the sideburn on one side and the bottom of the back are kinda transparent. Any help is appreciated. (And please don't say "use another haircut, I don't want to have to do that)
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