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Status Updates posted by Trandoshan

  1. It sure is a shame. I'm certainly going to try and bring Burmecians to TESV, but I'll work it from scratch since Burm wont let anyone repost his mods.
  2. Had good laughs with the gun control thread. Thanks bro.
  3. Merry Christmas, and thanks for dropping bye.

    Since Surenas was whisked away by moderation, I don't find much courage to post anything on the debate forums. All it takes are a few hidden pokes. New mods are cracking down hard on people as of late. probably some sort of new moderator ban quota. I don't think I will have any problem though... I rarely post, and I never update my profile!

  4. Merry Christmas...

    Sorry I haven't replied in ages, I'm preturbed at this site ever since a favored member of the community was banned recently. It makes me feel my time here is fleeting if I continue posting on the nexus.

  5. Thank you for telling me about that person who was looking for my mod at http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/231288-find-a-lost-mod/page__p__2047272#en...

    I've already explained to him in a PM that I no longer have the mod, and despite the fact I have others like it... Let's say I'm ashamed that the only mods I've made are dirty. I appreciate you keeping me informed.

  6. Hey man... I haven't seen you on in ages... I haven't seen you on since march. I miss you man, and hope that your affairs work themselves out.
  7. Good to see someone visit me every once in a while despite my inactivity. Many thanks.
  8. Replying to your comment on my page.

    I'll be on more often. I just need to finish a few modding projects, and I'll be much more active. Thank you for caring.

  9. Haven't replied to your comments on my page, so I'm taking that opportunity now. My reasons for being inactive as late are a culmination of things. 1. Developement project I'm volunteering with is eating up my time. 2. All of the topics are not within my immediate knowledge, so I don't post in them in fear of looking foolish.

    Everyone needs a break sometimes. This fo...

  10. Apologies, I've been gone awhile due to shifting interest. you'll still see me on.
  11. wants change he can believe in.
    1. Netwit2008


      Amen and an honorable wish I wouldn't even think of corrupting! :o)
    2. Trandoshan


      I'm still waiting... Waiting for the world to change... -John Mayer



    3. Trandoshan


      Shaved my beard yesterday. Realized that beards had a slimming effect. Now realizing I look fat :(
  12. Thanks for the vote in the Favorite Members thread, although you can change it at anytime, I feel honored. Didn't know you liked me so much, I had the feeling we were slightly at odds on some things. Kudos if I could give you any more.
  13. Dropping in for a visit. No reason, just decided to.
  14. I have seen the crazy, and cannot un-see it.

    BTW, your avatar matches your personality. It's a traint I can say few have.

  15. I have had many opportunities to say this on the debates board, but it would be best to say it on your comments page. Thank you for breathing life into the debates board, you have a very large amount of ideas when it comes to topics. I only have one thing to say about it, thank you and continue doing what you are doing!
  16. I'm interested in what anime/manga/e.t.c. your sig/avatar came from. It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't seem to remember!
  17. Just a question... what is the gif in the sig from? I can't help but stare at it for minutes on end. Very addicting
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