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About Somnazul

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    United States
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    Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim

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  1. No, but I think that is because no one had access to the old file once it was taken down from Nexus. This is it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/egcc3an2oraf2zo/MixwaterMill2hd-22592-2hd.zip?dl=0 Those that download it and want to use it do so at your own risk since it has not been fixed. But hopefully someone will get this and fix it finally. Since there is nothing on the Nexus there are no pics of it up anymore. I'll post screenshots of the mod as it appears in game tomorrow.
  2. Oh woah! I was searching around for something like this and found this thread. This is wonderful! I've been wanting a Satyr or Faun type race for a long time. You're making it to be an add on as a custom race with one compatible armor for those legs, right? I'm happy regardless of the implementation. Thank you so much WalkingMassofComplexes for making something like this. Once it is finished could you PM me the download as well? I promise not to upload it anywhere should that be the requirement.
  3. I have Organized Bandits of Skyrim and it does what you are looking for. ScottC12 might only get CTDs if he doesn't have Dragonborn DLC and checked the obisdb.esp in that mod since it adds in Dragonborn content. You should go with OBIS though. Great mod and it does have "deserter" types who wear imperial or stormcloak armors. Best part is, the author, Indigoblade, still takes ideas and requests for their mod.
  4. Those are some really cool ideas, Jebzilla. If I was a modder I would definitely look into making a headbutt animation. Alright, well thanks for looking at least.
  5. Since you are good with scripting and quest design could you look into my request. I think it would be wonderful to have a quest-like structure to some of the current options. I don't know what you'd think of trying to do a collab all the sudden, but it might be a possible learning experience for you.
  6. I know of it, yes. The request is to alter and improve the original options in the latest main Alternate Start mod not make new options.
  7. Maybe you already have seen the mods out for Uruk Hai, but I just wanted to say that Destro's followers are cool and you can at least have those and some of the armors. As for changing the facial expressions... I want to say you can do that in the Construction Kit for individual NPCs. There might even be console commands to do that on a target in-game. But I have not tried to do that so I'm not sure. As for changing the entire race for all to look tougher and angrier, I assume that would be more complicated.
  8. I humbly request a talented modder to collaborate with Arthmoor on his Alternate Start - Live Another Life mod. The request is straightforward enough: Develop the "Outlaw" and "Warlock's Thrall" options further, as well as any others you might think need more depth. The requests to Arthmoor are quoted below. It it a little lackluster to start out in a bandit camp but none of the bandits really do anything, have any scripted dialogue, names, or any sense of personality. If you are the type of modder good at adding in new NPCs that could be possible followers and giving an area a sense of depth then you'd be perfect to take the Outlaw option to the next level. As for the Thrall option, if there was some sort of quest or quest-like structure to it to where you feel you are truly trying to escape a deadly situation, that'd be awesome! Even if it just a combat-based start with some Vigilants or others bursting in to slay the warlock and you happen to have broke the warlock's hold on you around the same time... possibly waiting for your chance to kill the warlock before they realized you were not under their thrall anymore. PLEASE contact Arthmoor first before developing anything. He said he would definitely want to add any outside developments to the main mod so that they can be updated instead of having patches floating around.
  9. Nothing? I'm not one to bump, but this was passed over without even a single reply. Is there no one willing to fix this great mod for the sake of a diverse argonian community in Skyrim?
  10. Argonian Settlement - Mixwater Mill This mod is great. I'd like to keep it, but it it has two missing NavMeshes and it causes CTDs due to them. This error has been brought to the attention of the mod creator many times, but he has not bothered to try to fix it. So is there anyone capable of using TES5edit and the Creation Kit to fix it and then put up the fixed .esp? There's a tutorial for fixing such things here - Empire of the Iguanadons I tried to go about it myself, but I have not used the CK before and am brand new to TES5edit so more than halfway through it I realized I had no idea if I was doing it right, even following the steps. Mainly there were no obvious deletions as were shown in the tutorial's example. I'm even attaching my EditorWarnings.txt to show that I put forth the effort. I just really don't want to screw up the plugin even more.
  11. Oh, and just to note, if by some crazy chance this RP goes well there will be an additional plot which takes place in the Shivering Isles.
  12. Hi, I only recently scrolled down on the forum page to even notice there was a RP section here. I'm Somnazul, nice ta meet'cha! I'd love ta make a role play with all'v ya. I have 9 years of RP experience so don'tcha worry, you're in good hands. Down to the real deal here. I would like to make an Oblivion-style RP in that it is set mostly in Cyrodiil and the time is relative to the Oblivion Crisis. I'm just not sure of the time frame so I need some votes. Also, any suggestions as to what you would want to see in such a RP are more than welcome... THEY ARE MANDATORY. Nah, jus' kiddin'. Anyway, here are some things I already have in mind. These guidelines to give you all an idea of what to expect. Zombie-Skin, my protagonist, will be very important to the story. Will he dominate the story and run the plot? No, but he is the reason why I want to do a RP set in Cyrodiil with TES IV: Oblivion mechanics. So as long as he gets his story arc in everyone else is free to do as they please in this setting even while I'm trying to make progress with his arc. Side stories are not only allowed but much appreciated as they will add to Zombie-Skin's experiences. All Elder Scrolls races are allowed. That includes Limothiit, Sload, Imga, and so on. Limothiit supposedly died out, but I don't think it impossible for a few to show up randomly. Exceptions: Dwemer, Chimer, Falmer, and other races that do not technically exist anymore, were changed, or disappeared like the Dwemer. You can be a Falmer if you want to be a twisted little monster though! If you want to be a Chimer, they are called Dunmer now, so get with the program. Even the mod races are allowed! Yes, you want to be a wolven anthro (Skyrim mod), an aquamer, Yam's spriggan, or a chocolate elf? Sure, by all means, you will just be considered strange and rare. I would prefer the more lore-based races, but I also think that modders should get some credit for adding in the new races we all enjoy. Exceptions: Races from movies or other games that were added in by mods like the Mithra, Vierra, Burmecians, Aliens (Xenomorphs), Predators, Na'vi, and such. Exception to the exception! Desire Demons. Why? Because they seem to fit in so well with the daedra. Warning: Anyone who plays a vampire or undead be sure your character will meet heavy hostility and be treated as a villain even if he/she is not. Just getting that out of the way now. It is not impossible for your character to join the group, but you will face a lot of hardship and heartache. This is how it is. If this is set just before and/or during the Oblivion Crisis there can be interaction between canon characters of the game. We just won't be going with the "hero" to save Kvatch or anything. However, there can be some interlacing story aspects. That's fine. For example, if set during the Oblivion Crisis, Zombie-Skin will be in the Imperial City Prison just down a cell from the "hero" as he/she is let loose and follows after the King. Zombie-Skin was the "hero" once, so his story will start in prison too. We also will be playing out a few game quests, specifically the Benirus Manor quest. Finally, this will follow basic lore. People can add in new things, I've added in a new town already, but they must be possible within the TES world of Nirn. This includes mentalities too so if you are a werecreature or vampire expect to be attacked. Necromancy is illegal and necromancers are hunted in Cyrodiil. Etc.
  13. Just to report to those involved with this, I did talk to FennecFyre and she is willing to start this at some point given enough interest. She is still doing a similar RP on another forum, but she said as soon as she is free, and those who applied and made characters for this are still around (or enough of them) she will start it. That being said, others need to join too! Anyone wanting to be part of a Skyrim RP? FennecFyre said the premise might change but it will still be set in Skyrim. So anyone willing to put forth suggestions on a plot angle can PM her. I've already given some food-for-thought. I hope this can get started up soon! Let's all work together.
  14. Username: Somnazul Character Name: Ca'tter [kyah-tear] He just says "catt'r" most of the time.
  15. Name: Zombie-Skin Also called: Bone-Gnawer, Cursed-One, Sraga ("sickness" in Jel) Real Name (In Jel): [secret for now, you have to get to know him to learn it.] Race: Argonian Sex: Male Age: 22 Birthsign: The Ritual Appearance: As his name implies, Zombie-Skin's scales and color are unnatural. His scales are finer and mottle easily when irritated. His overall color is purplish and a pale gray with subtle red and green hues. His face has a little bit of pale blue-green on the cheeks. His veins are visible in his skin and if one is very close they can actually see his organs through his flesh. He has a crown of brown horns. The sclera (outer rim) of his eyes is black, while his irises are pale giving him a hollow, unsettling stare. Here is what he looked like in TES: Oblivion: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37107901/RP/zombie-skin_profile.jpghttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/37107901/RP/zombie-skin_body.jpg Personality: Soft-spoken, almost subservient in his demeanor. He forms sentences strangely but has a very good vocabulary and seems well-learned. Despite his harsh upbringing he has a kind heart and feels rewarded by helping others. He also adheres to laws of the land due to his unwavering conscience to do right. He can seem like a coward by his humility and his sometimes nervous mannerisms, but make no mistake, he is among the bravest of men. Class: Purger (to be explained in RP) Innate Skill: Mysticism (has unique spells) Major Skills: Blade, Blunt, Light Armor, Restoration, Alteration, Acrobatics, Athletics Other Skills: He was taught basic Alchemy, how to hunt, and cook (sort of.) He can read and write. Weapons/Armor: Wears leather armor and wields a mace or a short sword. Hometown: A small village composed mostly of Argonians in the Blackwood of South East Cyrodiil. It was called Sokusyru ("[the] sap [is] sour" in Jel) by the Argonians. But the other races living there renamed it Sable Crossing. It is not on any maps and most people don't know it exists. Which is fine for the inhabitants who are very suspicious of outsiders, and they see bad signs in many things since they are overly superstitious. Brief History: Practically abandoned and shunned from an early age, Zombie-Skin has been through more hardships than most. However, he has never hated anyone and always tried to be kind no matter how badly he was treated. His brother and sister did enough to help him survive, but they had to avoid being associated with him for fear of the other townspeople running them out too. A fateful encounter while still a youth scarred him but it also revealed a power within him which gave him purpose when before he had none. He traveled out into Cyrodiil to look for a place where his skills could be put to use and to find answers as to where his power came from. Right now he is in the Imperial City Prison. Why? Because he was too naive to be in such a big city on his own.
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