This one is for all the supports and group players who like to play with a follower party.
A paladin/healer like spellpack.
Stendarrs Aura rework
-Toggle that costs no magicka to cast, gives debuff for -50% max magicka while active
-Damages undead and vampires
-Aoe widened to 20m, beginning with X/10 dps
-Deals X damage/s on melee range
-Heals allies by 25% of the same amount, again based on distance
Cleansing Sphere
-Modified Magelight with lower brightness
-Can have up to 3 spheres simultaneously
-Works like reworked stendarrs aura attached to the lights (lesser effect: 20%dmg 50% aoe)
Purifying Shockwave
-Center: self
-Long cast time, high magicka cost
-Large aoe nuke/heal spell
-Staggers all but the largest enemies
-Heals allies and self for X points
-Damages all types of enemies for X/2
-Damages undead/vampires for X points
-Removes poison/disease effects from allies and self
Bound Tools of Light
-Creates a magic 1h mace and heavy shield for 120s
-Blocking with given shield greatly reduces damage dealt by undead/vampire
-Mace has Dawnbreaker-like effect
Holy Persuation
-Center: target location
-Creates a magic circle
-Amplify damage taken by enemies
-Ampify healing recieved by allies and self
-Slows enemy movement by 50%
Quick prayer
-Center: self
-Aoe buff for self and allies
-Allies and self immune to physical damage for 10 seconds
-Affected actors regenerate 20 health/s while the buff lasts
-Places debuff on affected actors that prevents them from recieving the buff again for 30m
Chain Heal
-Target: Ally
-Works like a healing chain lightning, hits up to 3 allies
Divine shackles
-Target: Enemy
-Cripples Movement and attackspeed
All of those spells should be aligned to restoration, bound tools of light may also recieve bonuses from perks that affect bound weapons
Thanks in advance and for reading - cheers! (: