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Everything posted by Laerithryn

  1. Ok it official, I'm an idiot. Through all my frustration and re-reading all of your replies Max, as well as your suggestions on reading up on the Destructible Object info in the CK Tutorial, I discovered I had totally misunderstood the part of manually setting the properties to the correct stages and clicking the render window object to create the link ref. So it's working now finally after a week of aggravation I could have saved myself by slowing down and reading thoroughly step-by-step on the Destructible Object info in the CK Tutorial. What's even worse, you told me the very same thing in one of your previous posts. Lesson learned, don't rely on CK's autofill button and read slowly. Many thanks Max for pointing me in the right direction, I couldn't have done it without you man! So now I'm on to the next issue of trying to get this the way I would prefer. Is there a way to replace the last stage model of the activator with one that is interactive for the player to pickup and place in inventory. I'm know I could bypass the process automatically by adding a replica miscellaneous object to the player's inventory through a script, but that would feel cheap and I would greatly prefer the more immersive approach of having the player pick it up like a trophy. This might be tricky as I have included the don't settle havok checkbox on the activator as well as adding the vanilla defaultDisableHavokOnLoad script to keep the object from moving around while being attacked. Like I said, it all works great now except that the object just sits there in it's disabled state non-interactive.
  2. Ok, I've sorta got it working one way, but not really the desirable end result I'm looking for. This is my current script: This successfully disables the damage trigger box when the object is destroyed*. But something odd is going on that I do not understand. When editing my object's Destructible Object Data, on Damage Stage 4 when the object is dropped to 0 hit points being defeated I have a replacement model to reflect it's disabled state, so I ticked the box to "Disable" as I want the object to remain as a miscellaneous object trophy for the player to pickup. But in game it's actually being destroyed (as in disappears completely) regardless of this setting, which I believe the script is doing though I'm not sure. But the trigger is disabled this way. So for a test I simply changed the tick box to "Destroyed" from previously being set to "Disable", and in game when the object is reduced to 0 hit points defeated it is instead disabled now as I want it to be showing the replacement model, but the damage trigger box is "still active" and why I don't know? Weird to me, like the check boxes are working in reverse for those two options. Third test, I ticked both "Disable & Destroyed" and the results were the same as just ticking the Destroyed box. Fourth test, uncheck all options and the results are the same as the last two tests. Last, and least of my worries I don't know how to get the activator to be replaced by a retrievable miscellaneous object to be placed into the player's inventory? I know I could bypass the process by simply adding the miscellaneous object to the player's inventory automatically but would prefer the more immersive approach of having the player pick it up.
  3. Thanks for the quick response Max, I've been using a small esp I made with the test cell in that, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt to put it into my mod as it would save having to recreate it again later. You've been extremely helpful Max! Again, appreciate the feedback man. Cheers!!!
  4. No offense taken my friend, at 58 I've learned by now that constructive criticism is a welcome thing. And your right this is my first Skyrim mod and first time with CK, despite working on this mod on and off for the past 6 months or so. Started off as a plain Race Mod, turned into that plus followers. Now I'm trying to put together a quest to go along with the theme. Lots of learning curves for teaching an old dog like me some new tricks. The only modding experience I have other than this was back in 2006 with "Neverwinter Nights 2" cutting my teeth on Python scripting language and than prior to that was back in 1995 modding the hell out of the original "Doom" FPS by id Software. I'll eventually get this mod the way I want it even if it takes another 6 months (hoping not). I'll give CK a good gander this weekend to search for an example like you mentioned when I'm not pressed for time. Again, my sincere gratitude Maxarturo!!! If your curious what I'm making: Ok, this is an older generation thing perhaps so here's a couple more hints.
  5. Thank you Maxarturo, thank you very much indeed. Ok, your script would not compile at in CK at first until I removed both "int DamageID" and "int DestroyedID" after that it compiled ok. I did a quick run through and it didn't work even after adding your additions to the old script and still nothing. It is more than likely me doing something wrong, so I'll try again prolly tomorrow as I have real word issues I have to tend to first. I'm including the Object's script though in case you see the problem. Scriptname StockadeBarricade01ActivatorScript extends ObjectReference import debug ObjectReference Property MyDmgTrigger Auto Int Property OldStage = 3 Auto Int Property NewStage = 4 Auto Sound Property OBJCWBarricadeDamage Auto Sound Property OBJCWBarricadeDestroyed Auto ObjectReference CollisionLink Event OnLoad() if GetCurrentDestructionStage() < NewStage CollisionLink = GetLinkedRef() CollisionLink.Enable() EndIf EndEvent Event OnUnload() if (CollisionLink != None) CollisionLink.Disable() CollisionLink = None EndIf EndEvent Event OnDestructionStageChanged(int aiOldStage, int aiCurrentStage) int DamageID = OBJCWBarricadeDamage.Play(self) if (aiOldStage == OldStage) && (aiCurrentStage == NewStage) int DestroyedID = OBJCWBarricadeDestroyed.Play(self) CollisionLink.Disable() MyDmgTrigger.Disable() endif EndEvent
  6. Really appreciate the responses both Dylbill & Maxarturo, the thing is, I'm batting zero for scripting and have no clue how to add that event "OnDestructionStageChanged". On my object ActivatorScript I looked and found the following entry: Event OnDestructionStageChanged(int aiOldStage, int aiCurrentStage) int DamageID = OBJCWBarricadeDamage.Play(self) if (aiOldStage == OldStage) && (aiCurrentStage == NewStage);Trace("DARYL - " + self + " destroyed, disabling navmesh cut.")int DestroyedID = OBJCWBarricadeDestroyed.Play(self)CollisionLink.Disable()endifEndEvent But my Trigger Box is using a separate script to provide damage upon entering the box. So do I add the OnDestructionStageChange to that script or somehow link the Trigger Box to the Object's script? Any help will greatly appreciated.
  7. Does anyone know of a way to either disable or remove a trigger box on the destruction of a specific object?
  8. Also, new problem, how to remove the trigger box once the object has been destroyed?
  9. I cant figure it out Antstubell, so in the mean time I fall back on Cumbrianlad's suggestion of simply using the BWClightDamageScript which works fine. Again, thank you for your effort and time just the same. Now I just need to figure out how to make my object destructible. Then figure out how to replace the nif it uses for appearance with an alternate one showing the deactivated or destroyed state once it is destroyed. Is it possible to give an object health points like a character? I wonder if an actor can use an object for its image or appearance, that would solve that issue?
  10. Ok... I tried to input your script Antstubell on a trigger box, unfortunately it CTD every time I try it. Any ideas?
  11. Truly awesome of you Antstubell. Very much appreciated! Now to figure out how to implement your script.
  12. Ok again, very much appreciated. I'll have to settle for the collision cubes in your suggestion. As you stated, not ideal, but will work in a pinch which is where I'm at currently. Just want to get it all done so I can upload the mod finally and take a break from it. I'm at the point where I'm starting not to care as this has been a huge learning curve for me.
  13. Greatly appreciate the response, and I'll have to give that a try. At the moment my object is a simple one you can pickup and place in your inventory and drop as any normal object. But I would like for it to have the player take damage the closer they get. As you mentioned above, proximity damage. Eventually, when the player actually closes the gap of distance (by having the right key or item in their inventory) to reach the object, I would like to make the object destructible in order to destroy it. For now I'll have to try your suggestions, thanks again!
  14. I have an object in creation kit that I want to assign an area of damage to. To be clear, I want either the object itself or the area it resides in give damage to the player character. Anyone know how to achieve this?
  15. Hey "Thumbincubation", very much appreciated. That will indeed work. Already changed the color to what I need, but don't know how to make, or give it a big glowing effect. Any ideas?
  16. Looking for help. Trying to find a sphere, globe or an orb mesh very much like the one on the enchanters table but larger the size of a basketball. I've tried using Nifscope to Remove the Branch on everything but the sphere itself to use that. But when I attempt to load into CK it always CTD every time. Does anyone know of or perhaps have a mesh I can use? Or maybe tell me what I'm doing wrong when stripping the enchanters table? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  17. Yes, as Anjenthegdog replied, think out side the slider boundaries, be comfortable using negative values manually typing them in the value boxes. You'll be surprised as some of the results.
  18. This is in regards to Skyrim SE, Creation Kit and RaceMenu (v.0.4.16) I'm requesting the help of any modders out there (probably) with above average experience in Creation Kit, or possibly just another modder whose created their own Race before in SKSE, whom may have experienced this problem. The problem I'm focused on, as I see it, is a limitation hard-coded into CK that I haven't figured a fix, nor a work around for as of yet. I've taken CharGen exports from RaceMenu and imported them into CK to use as Custom Racial Presets and used Ctrl+F4, then used the same CharGen exports with corrected data paths using NifOptimizer, NifMerge and NifScope to overwrite the presets trying to get the results I'm looking for. But for some reason the game doesn't recognize the RaceMenu geometry I'm overwriting in MyCustomRace.esp. So this isn't working, in-game the presets are still the distorted versions and not the correct ones. I've used this process successfully many times before with my Custom Followers, but for some reason, I'm unable to with the Presets? And for anyone wondering, yes, I've also added RaceMenu.bsa to the end of CreationKit.ini [Archive] still with no success. As I see it, when I import a RaceMenu character into CK for a Custom Race Preset, then hit Ctrl+F4. Creation Kit does not retain all the of the RaceMenu slider settings. Specifically, the width of a mouth and the thickness or height of lips as a whole. More to the point, if I want to make a female actor with a smaller nose and mouth or lips in both height and width, CK will not retain that info; like it doesn't even look at it. Crucial character details created in RaceMenu are lost when imported into CK. How do I get my RaceMenu geometry in-game as Presets then? To clarify, this is in reference to making Racial Presets in Creation Kit and (NOT RaceMenu Presets), which works fine. I've successfully made my own Custom Race including followers; and in-game my custom racial presets DO SHOW UP, ...(BUT) they show up with facial distortions from my imports in CK. And in Creation Kit, when I view the actor's face it is similar yes, but badly morphed or misshapen to down right ugly due to all the slider options and details of RaceMenu not being retained. My goal here is to provide both male and female racial presets in-game (for the player to use as a base template); just like Bethesda does with all the vanilla races. But my RaceMenu exports are not being imported correctly by Creation Kit. Is there something I'm missing in my research? Any feedback or help will be greatly appreciated.
  19. I'm trying to figure out how horses are tagged or assigned in Creation Kit to actors or npcs, more specifically followers. In short my goal is to assign specific types of horses to individual followers. Why am I trying to do this for anyone curious. Immersion I guess at the base of it all. Ok horses are expensive, well understood, I get that. Upkeep alone could turn some folks into beggars. Especially in a feudal medieval setting where the poor would be actually contemplating a horse for many a good meal. Only adventurers and the well-to-do, nobles, aristocrats and the such would have them. Case in point - adventurers and nobles. That points toward the dragonborn and his Housecarls whom are in fact among either the elite or in some cases nobles of society. They come with their own accoutrements, cloths, armor, weapons... and HORSE! So why not in Skyrim? Followers are essentially consisting of highly skilled people with backgrounds in warfare or in the least combat of some form. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
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