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    Company of Heroes and TES:V Skyrim mainly
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  1. Do you only want to remove enemie's abillity to preform killmoves or all killmoves? There are two mods you might want to look into: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13446 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10906
  2. For Oblivion this mod was made back in the days. It took several lines of dialogue from the game Baldur's Gate and various voice actors. This made it so that the main character from time to time would use them as previewed in the videos. I did a quick search here and on the mod site as well of course before starting this topic and could not find anything similiar. Being optimistic as I am and of course for the fun of it, I tried copy-pasting all the files as they were in their correct folders from Oblivion to Skyrim unsuccessfuly, Is it possibile to make this for Skyrim, making the main character use lines of dialogue in certain situations? It would be nice hearing something one can relate more to other than shouts and grunts, because after all, the first complete sentence the draonborn use is commonly Fus Ro Dah. A similar mod for Skyrim would make him/her a little bit more civilized.
  3. Going to play my last hours of Oblivion heading north with my character to the border of Skyrim, gonna hang out with a few bears and then fire up Skyrim. When I've recovered from my heartattack due to the epic intro, I'll create a old Nord character (continuing the epic tale of my fith/fourth Oblivion character). He will mainly use dual axes and the dragon tounge. Then I will be herding some giants riding on dragons listning to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y05TDInaeU
  4. Rule 16: There are NO girls on the internet
  5. Pushactoraway does this. To do this onto player I think you type: player.pushactoraway 1-infinitine, force aboce 10 000 will cause your limbs to fly all over the place like the common bug when you kill a creature/human and they fly all over. But apart from them you will become normal again afterwads. If player.pushactoraway don't work, click on your character and type, this or getself then you get a few number, for me 000014 or something equall. Replace player with the numbres.
  6. Hehe it's possibile to do that onto one self. I came across this for my push people mod, I haven't had time for the final fixes but I hope to release it soon. There are two ways. 1: Player.pushactoraway 1-eternity, I think 10 000 -> is enough to cause equal effect. If less than 10 000 you will simply ragdoll up to the sky and hit the roof of the world. 2: (other reference).pushactoraway 1-eternity. Quite much same effect but you will fly away from the reference of your choice. EDIT: You will become "normal" again after the ragdoll effect, maybe 2-4 seconds.
  7. Then I would look around, If I saw it happen.
  8. I save my game once every 5 min + - on avreage, often even more frequint. This habbit was gained in Oblivion. Well as Fallout 3 / Oblivion "Occasionaly" crash I occasionaly reload my game. In other games, I rarely reload. I feel safe and I hate starting all over.
  9. There are an additional 12 kinds of mirelurks that haven't the script attached to them if you only attached it to crMirelurk1. I would suggest you open the GECK ---> Actors ---> Creature then use the filter so only mirelurks are listed and attach the script to the remaining mirelurks.
  10. 1: when the behemoth is spawned click it and write setscale (number from 0.1 ---> 10) 2: In the wiki we trust, use it. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Liberty_Prime His ID is 5FD26, it may require that you write 2 extra numbres before his baseID depending on your load order, check in FOMM. You can find out base object ID's on vanilla creatures/items/NPC's with THIS or use GetSelf in console.
  11. I don't know but you could perhaps use setstage to set all quests to 0. Example of setstage: Setstage (QuestID) to 0 The questid's can be found on the wiki: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_3_quests
  12. Static ---> MapMarker Place the mapmarker at your vault and open its Map marker data. Give it a name Set which type it is Set if you can see it from start or have to travel there
  13. Oblivion Company of heroes: Tales of Valor Call of duty 4 Fallout 3 Left 4 dead In that specifik order
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