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  1. Glad I managed to get a copy before the removal. It was a great compilation. Just wish I had the latest version
  2. Does anyone know what happened to the mod "Small Texture Compilation"? https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/79108
  3. Just noticed there is a TTW instance in MO2. Do you have to install TTW through the TTW instance or is it possible to install TTW through the New Vegas instance instead? I'm planning to play two playthroughs. One TTW and one non-TTW. Both playthroughs will mostly use the same mods. If I'm forced to install them in separate instances it means I have to install the same mods twice.
  4. What I meant was that BOSS will sort in a fixed order every time. For example, in this order: Mod A, D, K, M, B. Every time you sort it will sort in this order. LOOT on the other hand throws around mods and sorts differently every time. First time you sort you might get this order: A, D, K, M, B, the next time you sort you might get this order: D, A, M, K, B, the third time you sort might get this order: A, D, M, K, B and so on. Is this really safe?
  5. Unlike BOSS which has a fixed Load Order, LOOT seems to sort differently every time. Is it really safe to change Load Order in the middle of a game?
  6. It would be nice if you could exclude translation mods from search results. Right now there are so many translation mods than you can't find anything else.
  7. Warning: "BSA redirection" in Wrye Bash doesn't work properly in New Vegas. If you use BSA redirection only some of your loose textures will be loaded by the game, not all. Maybe 75% or something like that will be loaded. The rest is ignored. In order to load 100% of your loose textures you need to use "Archive Invalidation" in FOMM. To do that you need to start FOMM, disable Archive Invalidation and then enable it again. You need to repeat this every time you have installed new loose texture files. Furthermore you need to permanently disable BSA redirection in Wrye Bash because otherwise it will override Archive Invalidation in FOMM and ruin it.
  8. Are mods that has been created for New Vegas generally compatible with TTW? If not, what is the reason they are incompatible?
  9. There are some weapon modifications in the game that add a scope to the weapon. For example the 9mm pistol scope, the Hunting rifle scope and the Plasma Def. scope. If I modify my companion's weapon by adding a scope to it, will he have any use of it? In other words, do companions use scope and is it useful for them?
  10. When I shoot with a machine gun, or any weapon in the game, I need to do 1 click on the attack button for every shot. Aren't you supposed to be able to shoot continuously by holding down the attack button? Is it just for me holding down the button doesn't work or is it for everyone? How do I fix this? A setting that needs to be changed? A mod that needs to be downloaded? update: After some further testing I noticed it was possible to hold down the attack button for some weapons. But there are also some weapons with very fast attack rate where you can't hold it down, any way to fix these weapons?
  11. Should I uninstall the old version of Wrye Bash first before I install the latest version?
  12. Why are you forced to read 8 walls of text just to upload a file on nexus? And why are you forced to upload an image?
  13. 1) sort with boss 2) build the bashed patch 3) if you have time to improve things, go to step 4), otherwise play the game as it is 4) open the bashed patch in tes4edit. Do you like the result? If not, rebuild it again with different bash tags until you get it right. Bash tags sometime act a bit unpredictable and to get it right might require some trial and error. Changing the load order can help as well but I always try to avoid that. Some conflicts though are best fixed manually by editing the bashed patch directly with tes4edit and fixing it there. Of course you will lose the fix the next time you rebuild the patched patch and that's why I recommend having another esp loaded after the bashed patch which you copy all your fixes to so that they are saved there and loaded each time you play. Over time this esp might grow very big with 20 masters or so since it has fixed so many conflicts from various mods. In most cases this solution is much faster than tweaking with bash tags. Only if you have like 30 errors of the same type it's faster to fix them with a bash tag since you can fix them all by once by adding one single bash tag.
  14. The best thing about it is that it rebalances some formulas in the game that are badly designed. Yes, I recommend it even to people who don't want to uncap their skills and attributes.
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