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  1. Is there any console command that can be used to edit health? When I say health I don't refer to Maximum Health. Instead I refer to current health. If my health is 100/200 I want to be able to change 100 to something else. What is the console command to do this?
  2. It works with Oblivion, you can select Oblivion when you start the program. So far I have only created a Smashed Patch for New Vegas. Didn't study it deeply so I can't say yet whether it's better or worse than a Bashed Patch for New Vegas.
  3. Has anyone tried using Mator Smash in Oblivion to create a Smashed Patch? How does it compare to a Bashed Patch? Better or worse result?
  4. No other mod put it back and I loaded the correct save file (I saved after the esm had removed the bar).
  5. Disable all mods and see if it still crashes. Then you can start enabling them again until you find the one that causes the crash.
  6. Hmm ok. Good to know. Update: I just tested this in game and you are wrong. The bar did come back when I disabled the ESM file that had previously removed it.
  7. You just need to add an ESM flag in xEdit in order to ESMify it. That's very easy and won't affect scripts. It is another thing to create a new empty ESM file and then copy over all the records to it from the ESP which could affect scripts since all records will get new FormIDs. My question is if the first method is enough in order to get rid of the memory issue? If only the second method works then I understand why so few have taken the time to convert their ESPs into ESMs.
  8. According to this thread ESP files are bad because "All temporary references from regular plugins are loaded into the game before the main menu" and therefore will always be loaded into memory at all times. Mods should instead be ESM in order to save memory. So my question is if this problem can be fixed by simply ESMifying the plugin in xEdit? If this is the case, if it's this easy to fix the problem - why doesn't all mod authors update their mods with an ESMified version?
  9. Both ways are possible I just learned after some testing.
  10. I have multiple profiles in Skyrim. I want all profiles to use the same Installation Order. Is it possible to somehow sync the Installation Order between profiles? I don't want to sort 1000 mods manually for each profile, which would take hours or days, instead I want to sync the Installation Order between profiles automatically. One possible solution is to copy modlist.txt between profiles. This will sync the Installation Order. However if I do so I will lose the information which determines whether a mod should be Activated or Deactivated. I want to be able to sync the Installation Order without losing this information. All my profiles wants to use the same Installation Order, but whether a mod should be Activated or Deactivated is completely different between my profiles.
  11. Glad I managed to get a copy before the removal. It was a great compilation. Just wish I had the latest version
  12. Does anyone know what happened to the mod "Small Texture Compilation"? https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/79108
  13. Just noticed there is a TTW instance in MO2. Do you have to install TTW through the TTW instance or is it possible to install TTW through the New Vegas instance instead? I'm planning to play two playthroughs. One TTW and one non-TTW. Both playthroughs will mostly use the same mods. If I'm forced to install them in separate instances it means I have to install the same mods twice.
  14. What I meant was that BOSS will sort in a fixed order every time. For example, in this order: Mod A, D, K, M, B. Every time you sort it will sort in this order. LOOT on the other hand throws around mods and sorts differently every time. First time you sort you might get this order: A, D, K, M, B, the next time you sort you might get this order: D, A, M, K, B, the third time you sort might get this order: A, D, M, K, B and so on. Is this really safe?
  15. Unlike BOSS which has a fixed Load Order, LOOT seems to sort differently every time. Is it really safe to change Load Order in the middle of a game?
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